1953 — Jan 7, Associated Air Transport (mil. charter) crash/turbulence, W of Fish Haven, ID–all 40

–40 AirDisaster.com. Accident Database. “Accident Synopsis 01071953.”
–40 ASN. Associated Air Transport, 07 Jan 1953, Curtis C-46F-CU Commando N1648M.
–40 Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-70255 to 44-83885). 11-6-2011 rev.
–40 Billings Gazette (MT). “Searchers Reach Wrecked Plane,” Jan 14, 1953, p. 1
–40 CAB. AIR. Associated Air Transport, Inc., Near Fish Haven, Idaho, January 7, 1953.
–40 Eckert. “Fatal commercial air transport crashes, 1924-1981.” AJFM&P. 3/1, Mar 1982, Table 1.

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network: “The Curtiss was chartered to fly military personnel from Seattle to Fort Jackson, SC. A scheduled stop was planned in Cheyenne. The flight departed Boeing Field at 00:50 and made the required position reports along the route, with no mention of any irregularities, reporting over Malad City at 13,000 feet, time 03:58, and estimating Rock Springs at 04:45. There were no further radio contacts with the aircraft. The C-46 started picking up some ice. It is likely that an involuntary descent was made into an area of increasing ice and turbulence which extended two or three thousand feet above the mountains. The mountains between Malad City and Bear Lake range from 8.000 feet to in excess of 9,000 feet. The westerly winds were lifting the moist unstable air over those mountains, producing zero ceilings, moderate to seven turbulence, moderate to heavy icing and snow, with updrafts on the windward side of the slopes and downdrafts on the leeward sides. The aircraft was unable to regain altitude until it struck a small pine tree at an altitude of approximately 8,545 feet. It struck several other pine trees and began to disintegrate as it continued down the slope at an approximate 50-degree angle shearing numerous trees. Contact with the ground was made at the base of the hill at the north end of a 93-foot ravine where the aircraft gouged three large holes in the ground. The aircraft then continued up a 32-degree rise approximately 200 feet where the tail section came to rest. Five days later, on January 12, 1953, at 1320 hours, the wreckage was sighted from the air by a Civil Air Patrol pilot.” (Aviation Safety Network. Associated Air Transport, 07 Jan 1953.)

Baugher: “Curtiss C-46F-1-CU Commando….78572 (c/n 22395) to N1648M with Associated Air Transport. Crashed Jan 7, 1953 nr Fish Haven, ID. Entered an area of turbulence and icing, and being unable to climb to a safe altitude, the aircraft struck trees on a mountain near Fish Haven and crashed. All 40 on board killed.” (Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-70255 to 44-83885). 11-6-2011 rev.)

Civil Aeronautics Board: “At approximately 0412 MST, January 7, 1953, an Associated Air Transport. Curtiss C-46F aircraft, N16148M, being operated as Trip 1-6-6A, CAM, No. 4355J, between Seattle, Washington, and Fort Jackson, South Carolina, crashed approximately eight miles west of Fish Haven, Idaho. All 40 persons aboard, consisting of 37 passengers, all military personnel, and a crew of three lost their lives, and the aircraft was completely demolished….

“The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the inadvertent descent into an area of turbulence and icing which resulted in the flight’s inability to regain a safe altitude.” (CAB. AIR. Associated Air Transport, Inc., Near Fish Haven, Idaho, January 7, 1953.)


Jan 14, AP: “Fish Haven, Idaho (AP) – The first search party to reach the desolate mountain ridge where a C-46 ‘Korean troop transport’ with 40 aboard crashed, found only parts of bodies and bits of clothing in the shredded wreckage Tuesday. Deep snow covered the icy tombs of the 37 Korean War veterans and three crew members. ‘There are bodies all over,’ said Air Force Capt. E. W. Morris who directed the grim operation.” (Billings Gazette (MT). “Searchers Reach Wrecked Plane,” Jan 14, 1953, p. 1.)


AirDisaster.com. Accident Database. Accident Synopsis 01071953. Accessed at: http://www.airdisaster.com/cgi-bin/view_details.cgi?date=01071953&reg=N1648M&airline=Associated+Air+Transport

Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation. Accident Description. Associated Air Transport, 07 Jan 1953. Accessed 2-19-2009 at:

Baugher, Joseph F. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-70255 to 44-83885). Nov 6, 2011 revision. Accessed 12-29-2011 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1944_5.html

Billings Gazette, MT. “Searchers Reach Wrecked Plane,” Jan 14, 1953, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=77605002

Civil Aeronautics Board. Accident Investigation Report. Associated Air Transport, Inc., Near Fish Haven, Idaho, January 7, 1953. Washington, DC: CAB, December 31, 1953, 7 pages. At: http://dotlibrary1.specialcollection.net/scripts/ws.dll?file&fn=8&name=*P%3A%5CDOT%5Cairplane%20accidents%5Cwebsearch%5C010753A.pdf

Eckert, William G. “Fatal commercial air transport crashes, 1924-1981.” American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1982, Table 1.