1952 — Aug 7, USN plane crash, mts., returning to base, one engine/bad weather, so. of Bataan, Philippines–all 12

–12 Aviation Safety Network. USN PBM-5 Mariner crash 20km S of Bagac, Bataan, Philippines.

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network:
“Date: 07-Aug-1952
“Type: Martin PBM-5 Mariner
“Owner/Operator: United States Navy (USN)
“Registration: 84774
“Fatalities: Fatalities: 12 / Occupants: 12
“Other fatalities: 0
“Location: 20 km S of Bagac, Bataan – Philippines
“Nature: Military
“Departure airport: [not noted]
“Destination airport: Sangley-Point
“Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
“Narrative: Crashed into Luzon Mariveles mountains while returning to base on one
engine in bad weather. Found 11.08.1952.”


Aug 7, UP: “Manila, Philippines, Aug 7 – (UP) – A Navy PBM Mariner plane with 13 persons aboard was reported overdue tonight on a flight from the U.S. Naval station at Sangley Point, south of Manila. Search operations were begun. The Navy Public Information Office at Sangley Point said the plane was listed as overdue since 7 p.m. (7 a.m. EDT). No other information was released.” (United Press. “Extra!” The Daily Banner, Greencastle, IN. 8-7-1952, p. 1.)


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database. USN PBM-5 Mariner crash 20km S of Bagac, Bataan, Philippines, 7 Aug 1952. Accessed 6-28-2023 at:

United Press. “Extra!” The Daily Banner, Greencastle, IN. 8-7-1952, p. 1. Accessed 6-29-2023 at: https://newspapers.library.in.gov/cgi-bin/imageserver.pl?oid=TDB19520807-01&getpdf=true