1950 — Oct 13 Northwest Air Martin 2-0-2 captain check flight crash, Almelund, MN– all 6

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard, 8-25-2023, for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–6 Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1950. Northwest Orient Air.
–6 Civil Aeronautics Board, AIR. “Northwest Airlines, Inc., – Almelund, [MN] Oct. 13, 1950.”
–6 National Fire Protection Assoc. “Large Loss Fires of 1950.” Quarterly, 44/3, Jan 1951, p250.

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1950:
“Date: Friday 13 October 1950
“Time: 10:49
“Type: Martin 2-0-2
“Operator: Northwest Orient Airlines
“Registration: NC93037
“MSN: 9158
“First flight: 1947
“Total: Fatalities: 6 / Occupants: 6
“Location: Almelund, MN
“Nature: Training
“Departure airport: Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, MN
“Destination airport: Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, MN

“A Northwest Airlines Martin 2-0-2 departed from Minneapolis at 09:46 on a local flight. The purpose of the flight was a six-month instrument competency check of the captain. The weather was clear and visibility was unlimited. Following takeoff two simulated ILS approaches were made to the airport and at 10:25 the crew radioed the control tower that this phase of the check flight was completed. After departing the Minneapolis area, the aircraft was first seen near Center City, 43 miles northwest of Minneapolis. At this time it was making a steep left turn at an altitude estimated to he between 4,000 and 5,000 feet, and landing gear was down. At the completion of this turn a shallow climb was started. The crew then rolled to a partially inverted position and started a steep dive. After losing approximately 2,500 feet in the dive, an apparently normal recovery was made to a level flight attitude and the aircraft proceeded in a northeasterly direction. Shortly thereafter it was seen to make two or three pitching oscillations about its lateral axis. During each oscillation approximately 400 feet in altitude was lost and a noise was heard such as is usually associated with a surge of engine power. The aircraft continued on a northeast heading. Two miles south of Almelund, the aircraft was seen to make a shallow right turn of approximately 270 degrees and once more to return to a level attitude heading in a northwesterly direction. The aircraft had been gradually losing altitude, and the right propeller was observed to be turning slowly during the latter part of the flight. Nearing Almelund and at an altitude of approximately 500 or 600 feet above the ground, a steep right turn was begun. Altitude was lost rapidly and after turning approximately 90 degrees, the aircraft’s right wing struck the ground and the plane crashed.”

Civil Aeronautics Board, Accident Investigation Report:
“The Accident

“At approximately 1049, October 13, 1950, a Martin 202 aircraft NC93037, owned and operated by Northwest Airline, Inc., crashed at Almelund, Minnesota. All of the six occupants received fatal injuries. The aircraft was demolished.

“History of the Flight

“Northwest Airlines’ NC93037 departed from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport at 0946, October 13, 1950, on a local flight. The purpose of the flight was a six-month instrument competency check of Captain John R. Galt under the supervision of Captain Ray Render, a company check pilot. Also on board and listed as official observers were William H. Solomon, CAA air carrier agent, who was sitting on the jump seat between and immediately behind the pilots; seats, and CAA personnel from the Minneapolis Control Tower, E. Bergstrom, R. Olsen and B. Erickson, who were sitting in the main cabin….


“It is reasonable to assume that the aircraft inadvertently entered the dive since such a maneuver is not included in the instrument check. Also it can be assumed that when this occurred Captain Galt was flying the aircraft while under the hood because the character of the check flight was such that most maneuvers are normally performed in this manner. Although it was established that prior to impact the right propeller was in the reverse thrust position, it is not known how or at what point in the flight this occurred. For example, it could have occurred before the dive and have been partially, if not wholly, responsible for the dive, or it may have happened at any time after recovery from the dive was accomplished. Further, the crew may not have realized that the right propeller had reversed in flight. In any event it is apparent that from this point on the crew was unable to maintain control of the aircraft.

“What caused the propeller to reverse could not definitely be determined….

“Since ground witness stated that the right propeller was windmilling slowly throughout the latter portion of the flight, and since it is known that this engine could have malfunctioned because of fuel starvation, it is reasonable to conclude that the fuel feed valve may have malfunctioned during flight. If this occurred, the normal piloting procedure would be to feather this engine’s propeller. If, while attempting to feather the propeller, an intermittent short occurred in the propeller, an intermittent short occurred in the propeller system, as previously described, the propeller would have moved into the reverse thrust position. If an actual engine failure did not occur as described, the character of the flight was such that an attempt to feather may have been made as part of the pilot’s check on single-engine procedure.


“On the basis of all available evidence, the Board finds that

1. The carrier, the crew, and the aircraft were properly certificated.
2. The fuel feed valve of the right engine malfunctioned when tested.
3. The right propeller was found in 7⁰ to 10⁰ of reverse thrust.
4. A review of the evidence of a similar occurrence indicated that with a propeller in the reverse thrust position the aircraft would assume dangerous flight characteristics.
5. The fact that the aircraft’s wing flaps were retracted may have contributed to the uncontrollability of the aircraft at speeds below 140 mils per hour.

“Probable Cause

“The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the unwanted reversal of the right propeller during flight, as a result of which the crew was unable to maintain control of the aircraft.”

National Fire Protection Association: “Oct. 13, near Almelund, Minn. Northwest Airlines, 2-0-2. $300,000. 6 killed. Emergency landing followed by crash and fire. All aboard were killed.”


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1950. Northwest Orient Airlines training crash, Almelund, MN, 13 October 1950. Accessed 8-25-2023 at:

Civil Aeronautics Board, Accident Investigation Report. “Northwest Airlines, Inc., – Almelund, [MN] Oct. 13, 1950.” Accessed 8-25-2023 at: file:///C:/Users/Wayne/Downloads/dot_33403_DS1-1.pdf

National Fire Protection Association. “Large Loss Fires of 1950.” Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 3, Jan 1951, p. 250.