1945 — May 9, Utah Fuel Sunnyside No. 1 coal mine methane explosion, Sunnyside, UT–23

Last edit Dec 5, 2023 by Wayne Blanchard for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–23  Bureau of Mines. US Dept. of Interior. Report of Mine Explosion, Sunnyside No. 1 Mine

–23  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC.  Mine Disasters.

–23  United States Mine Rescue Association. “Utah Fuel Company Sunnyside No. 1 Mine Explosion.”

Narrative Information


Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior report on Sunnyside No. 1 Explosion:


“An explosion occurred at 3:12 p.m., May 9, 1945, in the Sunnyside No. 1 mine of the Utah Fuel Company, Sunnyside, Carbon County, Utah.


“Eighty-five men were employed in the mine at the time of the explosion. Twenty-three were killed by violence, burns, and afterdamp, and seven were hospitalized; fifty-five escaped unassisted. The seriously injured employees were sent to the hospital at Dragerton and six of them recovered within a few days from the effects of the explosion.


“As no damage was done to the ventilating fan or to the ventilating system outby the 2 dip section of the mine, the ventilation was soon restored in the affected area by men wearing oxygen breathing apparatus. Most of the bodies of the victims were recovered by noon of May 10, and the last body was recovered at 9:15 a.m. Friday, May 11.


“The most likely cause of the explosion was the ignition of an accumulation of methane near the face of the 3 left back entry, a return air course, off 2 left, 2 dip, by some means which exhaustive investigation did not definitely reveal. A defective or a mishandled flame safety lamp may have been the cause of the ignition; however, matches and smoking material were found on two of the deceased employees, and a nonpermissible pump, equipped with an open switch, was installed near the origin of the explosion….Smoking is forbidden underground….




“Bureau of Mines tests and experiments have shown that coal dust having a volatile matter to total combustible matter ratio in excess of 0.12 is explosive when in a dust cloud in the air, and that the explosibility of the coal dust increases as this ratio increases. The volatile ratio of the coal dust at this mine is 0.42.




“The mine is rated gassy by the Safety Division of the Industrial Commission of Utah….”





List of Deceased Miners


Name                           Occupation                              Age        Dependents


Marium H. Bradak      Ventilation and safety             56                    1

James Jardine              Face boss                                 43                    2

James Wyoherly          Shovel operator                       37                    4

Warren Hotchkiss       Pipeman                                  52                    0

Lawrence Figueroa     Shovel operator                       38                    4

Clell Forsyth               Machine operator                    36                    4

Virgil Stamper            Machine operator                    23                    3

Ira Hill                         Machine helper                       47                    1

Nick Sandoval            Motorman                               27                    4

Manuel Trujillo           Nipper                                     27                    6

Orvil Stubblefield       Trackman                                27                    3

Thomas D. Vigil         Trackman                                83                    2

Jose E. Montoya         Trackman                                39                    5

Juan Martinex             Timberman                              37                    6

Efran Manzanares       Timberman                              39                    4

Irving M. Leonard      Pipeman                                  48                    4

Bud Walton                 Mason                                     55                    1

James Gilmour            Face boss                                 54                    2

Joe D. Padilla              Trackman                                42                    7

Pedro Galvaldon         Faceman                                  51                    0

James Bailey               Timberman                              40                    1

Cornelio Dalla Corte  Timberman                              54                    0

Denshiro Niitsuma      Timberman                              46                    8

            Total                                                                                      72




Bureau of Mines. United States Department of the Interior. Report of Mine Explosion, Sunnyside No. 1 Mine, Utah Fuel Company, Sunnyside, Carbon County, Utah, May 9, 1945. Salt Lake City: Bureau of Mines Originating Office. Accessed 12-5-2023 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/sunnyside_1945.pdf


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Safety and Health Research..  Mining Disasters (Incidents with 5 or more Fatalities). NIOSH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2-26-2013 update. Accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/statistics/disall.htm

and http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/statistics/content/allminingdisasters.html


United States Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disaster in the United States. “Utah Fuel Company Sunnyside No. 1 Mine Explosion.” Accessed 1-5-2023 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/sunnyside_news_only.htm