1944 – Nov 29, USAAF B-24 tail section failure/crash, Middle Mt., Nottingham, NH  —  9-10

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-12-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–10  Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-40049 to 44-70254). Oct 28, 2011 revision.

—  9  Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. USAAF B-24 #44-49669, 11-29-1944, NH.[1]

—  9  Portsmouth Herald, NH. “Clear Wreck of Liberator in Nottingham.” 11-30-1944, 1.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Ford B-24L-10-FO Liberator….49669 crashed inverted after takeoff from Grenier Field, NH Nov 20, 1944 when tail surface hinge failed. 10 killed. Plane was enroute to Gander, Newfoundland.”[2] (Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-40049 to 44-70254). Oct 28, 2011 revision.)


Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. USAAF B-24 #44-49669, 11-29-1944, NH:

“Date & Time:                         Nov 29, 1944 at 0930

“Type of aircraft:        Consolidated B-24 Liberator

“Operator:                   USAAF

“Registration:              44-49669

“Flight Phase:              Flight

“Flight Type:               Military

“Survivors:                  No


“Schedule:                   Manchester – Gander

“MSN:                         4524

“Location:                   Nottingham, New Hampshire….

“Crew on board:         9

“Crew fatalities:          9

“Pax on board:                        0….

“Circumstances:          Few minutes after take off from Grenier Field AFB in Manchester, en

route to Gander, the aircraft went out of control, nosed down and crashed in the Pawtuckaway State Forest in Nottingham, some 16 miles northeast of Manchester. All nine crew members were killed.

Cpl Robert Hunter Wells,
2nd Lt Paul E. Hackstock,
2nd Lt Wilbur C. Stephensen,
F/O Russell L. Jones,
Cpl Calvin R. Rickenbach,
Cpl Thomas L. McDougall,
Cpl William L. Swarmer Jr.,
Cpl Preston K. Smith,
Cpl Kenneth J. Young.


“Probable cause:         It appears the loss of control occurred when a tail surface hinge failed.”




Nov 30, Portsmouth Herald, NH: “Work of clearing wreckage of an army B24 bomber which crashed into the base of Middle mountain in the Patuccoway [Pawtuckaway] range at Nottingham yesterday was begun this morning as military authorities announced the names of the nine crew men who were killed in the accident.


“Grenier field officials in Manchester listed Sgt. Robert H. Wells, 23, a Dartmouth college graduate of Hanover, as one of the men who died.  He was a ball turret gunner in the plane.  His mother, Mrs. Madelyn R. Wells of Hanover and his bride of two months, Mrs. Myra Barwood Wells, were notified of his death yesterday.  Others who died in the crash were


2nd Lt. Paul Hackstock of Fort Morgan, Colo.,

2nd Lt. Wilbur C. Stephenson of Cokeville, Pa.,

Flight Officer Russell L. Jones of Grand Rapids, Mich.,

Cpl. Alvin R. Rickenbach of Ephrata, Pa.,

Cpl. Thomas L. McDougal of Marydel, Md..

Cpl. William L. Swarner, Jr., of Overland Park, Kan.,

Cpl. Preston K. Smith of Strawberry Plains, Tenn., and

Cpl. Kenneth J. Young of Windsor, Ont., Can.


“Residents in the vicinity of the crash reported that a loud explosion was heard as the plane new at a low level.  Some said the motors of the plane faltered and a short time later all heard the  noise of the crash.  Dense black smoke covered the area for two hours and live ammunition exploded for about the same length of time.


“The scene of the accident was about three miles from Route 107 highway leading from  Raymond to Deerfield.  Both Deerfield and Raymond fire departments were summoned to the fire which followed the crash.  Flames were brought under control quickly and the fire was kept from spreading to surrounding wooded areas….”  (Portsmouth Herald, NH. “Clear Wreck of Liberator in Nottingham.” 11-30-1944, p. 1.)




Baugher, Joseph F. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-40049 to 44-70254). Oct 28, 2011 revision. Accessed 12-25-2011 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1944_4.html


Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. USAAF Consolidated B-24 Liberator #44-49669 crash, Nottingham, NH 11-29-1944. Accessed 3-12-2024 at: https://www.baaa-acro.com/crash/crash-consolidated-b-24l-10-fo-liberator-nottingham-9-killed


Portsmouth Herald, NH. “Clear Wreck of Liberator in Nottingham.” 11-30-1944, p. 1. Accessed at:  http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=54589316







[1] We suspect that this is the correct account.

[2] We could find no corroboration for a B-24 crash in New Hampshire on Nov 20. We did find information on a B-24 crash on November 29. Nottingham is northeast of Grenier Field and would be on a direction to head out toward Newfoundland.