1944 — April 28, US Navy R4D transport plane crash, Anderson Mesa, northern AZ —     19

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 4-6-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

—  19  Baugher.  US Navy…Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (10317 to 21191) 7-17-2011.

—  19  Yuma Daily Sun, AZ.  “Navy Transport Plane Crash Toll Rises to 19.” 5-4-1944, p. 2.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Douglas R4D-5….17145 (c/n 12335) ex USAAF 42-92525.  Crashed Apr 28, 1944 SW of Winona, AZ.  19 killed.” (Baugher. US Navy…Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (10317 to 21191) 7-17-2011.)



April 29: “Flagstaff, Ariz., April 29. — (AP) — Seventeen bodies were found by the first person to reach the wreckage of a Navy transport plane that broke in two and burned on the lava rock studded Anderson Mesa in northern Arizona.

“The Coconino county sheriff’s office first reported 19 were killed in the crash yesterday during a heavy snowstorm in wilderness 30 miles southeast of here. Four injured survivors were brought to Flagstaff Hospitals. The Navy had reported 22 aboard.

“Several of the victims lived for some time after the crash, said Deputy Sheriff Joe McDaniels of Flagstaff, first person to return from the rocky tableland.  “There could have been more bodies,” explained McDaniels, who said three were burned. The others were scattered when the two-engined craft broke apart at the entry door about three-fourths of the way back from the nose, McDaniels said.

“Two of the injured survivors made their way to a ranch about a mile and one-half from the crash scene and summoned aid.

“McDaniels said the less seriously injured told him they tried to improvise bandages and other aids for the dying men but were unable to make them comfortable.  The two survivors found at the crash scene by McDaniels and his party had started a fire on the wet ground and the most seriously injured man was lying on a makeshift bed of canvas and clothing.

“The passengers aboard the plane, last reported at 12:33 a.m. yesterday on a flight from Oakland, Calif., to Winslow, Ariz., had fastened their safety belts in anticipation of a landing, McDaniels reported.”  (Avalanche Journal, Lubbock TX.  “17 Known Dead in Plane Crash.” 4-30-1944.)


May 4: “Flagstaff, Ariz, May 4, (UP) – The death toll in the crash of a Navy R-4-D transport 30 miles east of here April 28 rose to 19 today with the death yesterday of Joseph Daniels Dalesio, 26, Fallansbee, W. Va.  Dalesio, radioman 3/c, was the most seriously injured of four surviving the crash which instantly killed 18 Navy personnel….”  (Yuma Daily Sun, AZ.  “Navy Transport Plane Crash Toll Rises to 19.” 5-4-1944, p. 2.)




Avalanche Journal, Lubbock TX.  “17 Known Dead in Plane Crash.” 4-30-1944. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com


Baugher, Joseph F. US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (10317 to 21191). July 17, 2011 revision. Accessed at: http://www.joebaugher.com/navy_serials/thirdseries2.html


Yuma Daily Sun, AZ. “Navy Transport Plane Crash Toll Rises to 19.” 5-4-1944, p. 2. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=50557916