1943 – Jan 24, USAAF B-24 crash, White Sands Nat. Monument 10M W Alamogordo NM– 11

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 5-17-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11  AP. “11 Fliers Die in Whate Sands Fall.” Las Cruces Sun-News, NM. 1-26-1943, p. 1.

–11  Mireles 2006, Fatal Army AF Aviation Accidents in US 1941-1945, Vol. 1, p. 248.

Narrative Information

Mireles: “At 1058 MWT, a Consolidated B-24D crashed un the White Sands National Monument 10 miles west of the Army Air Base at Alamogordo, Texas [sic. NM], killing 11 fliers….


“Investigators stated,


Aircraft departed [Alamogordo Army Base] at 0745 on a Bombardment and Gunnery mission. Weather at the vicinity at the time showed broken alto-cumulus clouds 2,000 to 4,000 feet thick covering eight-tenths of the sky at estimated 5,000 feet above the terrain.  Only one witness to the accident observed the aircraft emerge from the clouds in a moderate descent [and then] pull up into level flight or possible stall, then fall off into a spin which carried it to destruction. Other flights in the area at the time observed light to moderate turbulence and light rime icing in the clouds. Aircraft had just had its 100-hour inspection and was air-worthy. Conclusion: Pilot lost control of the aircraft while in the clouds and failed to effect recovery from resultant spin.  Aircraft apparently was near recovery of level flight at moment of impact judging from distribution of wreckage.” 


(Mireles 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 248-249.)



Jan 26, AP: “Alamogordo, Jan 26 – (AP) – Eleven men from the Alamogordo air base were killed late Sunday when a B-24 bomber crashed in the albino wastes of White Sands National monument several miles west of the base it was announced last night. Lieut. Wray G. Zelt, base public relations officer, said the bomber was on a routine training flight. A board of officers has been appointed to investigate, he said. Listed as dead were: [We put names into separate lines.]


Second Lieut. Paul Vistoba [unclear], San Antonio, Tex;

Second Lieut. Stanley D. Netz, Salem, Ore;

Second Lieu.t William A Ebert Jr., Denver;

Second Lieut. A. M. Thomas, Atlanta, Ga;

Sgt. Billie D. Francis, Dern, Ind;

Sgt. Glen M. McKnight, North Hollywood, Cal.’

Sgt. Howard G. Lilley, Bloomfield, N.J.

Sgt. John J. Mikolich, Carson Lake, Minn.;

Sgt. Robert A. Garrett, Riverside, Cal.;

Sgt. Willard S. Schrader, Minneapolis, Minn.”


(Assoc. Press. “11 Fliers Die in Whate Sands Fall.” Las Cruces Sun-News, NM. 1-26-1943, p. 1.)



Associated Press. “11 Fliers Die in Whate Sands Fall.” Las Cruces Sun-News, NM. 1-26-1943, p. 1. Accessed 5-17-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/las-cruces-sun-news-jan-26-1943-p-1/


Mireles, Anthony J.  Fatal Army Air Forces Aviation Accidents in the United States, 1941-1945 (Volume 1:  Introduction, January 1941 – June 1943).  Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2006.