1943 – June 29, USAAF B-24 lndg. attempt crash, storm, 1M NW Alamogordo AAB, NM–  10

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 5-6-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–10  AP. “10 Die in Crash At Alamogordo. The Santa Fe New Mexican. 6-30-1943, p. 1.

–10  Mireles 2006. Fatal Army AF Aviation Accidents…US…, V. 1 Jan 1941-Jun 1943, p. 421.

Narrative Information

Mireles: “At 1618, a Consolidated B-24E crashed while attempting a landing at Alamogordo Army Air Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, killing ten crewmembers and seriously injuring another. A thunderstorm was approaching the field when the airplane asked for landing instructions for Runway 3. The pilot overshot his first attempt for Runway 3 and went around. As the airplane flew the pattern, the wind changed in favor of Runway 7. As the storm approached the field, winds increased from 7 knots to 35 knots, crosswind for Runway 3. The tower radioed the airplane in order to advise chang­ing to Runway 7 but was unable to make contact and on the second attempt the airplane again failed to land. Moments later the control tower lost power. The air­plane attempted a third landing and again came in high and failed to line up because of the severe crosswind. On the last go-around, a severe rainsquall moved into the local flying area and the tower lost visual contact with the B-24 as the visibility deteriorated. The sur­viving crewmember, assistant engineer SSgt. Jimmie V Staffiera, who suffered serious injuries, reported that visibility was very poor and severe turbulence violently rocked the airplane persistently in the pattern. The air­plane was flying in the pattern at an altitude of about 500 feet with landing gear and flaps extended when the pilot lost control of the airplane in the rainstorm and crashed approximately one mile northwest of the air- base.”  (Mireles 2006, Vol. 1, p. 421.)




June 30, AP: “Alamogordo, June 30 (AP) – The Alamogordo airbase reported today that 10 officers and men were killed and one man injured late Tuesday when a large Army bomber crashed near the base. Lt. Tom R. White, assistant public relations officer, said the ship was on a routine training flight and that an Army board has been named to investigate the crash. Victims were chiefly from middle western and eastern states.” (Associated Press. “10 Die in Crash At Alamogordo. The Santa Fe New Mexican. 6-30-1943, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “10 Die in Crash At Alamogordo. The Santa Fe New Mexican. 6-30-1943, p. 1. Accessed 5-6-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/santa-fe-new-mexican-jun-30-1943-p-1/


Mireles, Anthony J.  Fatal Army Air Forces Aviation Accidents in the United States, 1941-1945 (Volume 1:  Introduction, January 1941 – June 1943).  Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2006.