1939 — Aug 11, USAAF plane crash, Langley Field VA/9; USN crash, Miramar CA/2–    11

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 10-28-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11  Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation. Database, 1939.

—  9  USAAC B-18A crash, Langley Field VA 8-11-1939.

—  2  US Navy Curtiss SBC-3 Helldiver crash, Miramar Field, 8-11-1939.

–11  Centralia Daily Chronicle, WA. “Eleven Killed in Plane Crashes.” 8-11-1939, 1.

—  9  NFPA. “Fires in Which There Was Loss of Life.” Quarterly, Vol. 33, N. 2, Oct 1939, 220.

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network. USAAC B-18A crash, Langley Field VA 8-11-1939:

“Date:                          Friday 11 August 1939

“Type:                         Douglas B-18A Bolo

“Owner/operator:        United States Army Air Corps (USAAC)

“Registration:              37-488

“Fatalities:                   9 / Occupants: 9

“Location:                   Langley Field, VA – USA

“Phase:                        Take off

“Nature:                      Military

“Narrative:                  Lost control at 150 ft after an engine failure, crashed and caught fire.”


National Fire Protection Association: “August 11, 1939, Langley Field, Va.  Nine army fliers were killed when a twin-motored bombing plane crashed a few moments after taking off.  When about 150 feet from the ground the plane dived suddenly and crash.  It burst into flames almost immediately, defeating efforts to rescue the men trapped within. (L-5732.)”  (NFPA. “Fires in Which There Was Loss of Life, Third Quarter, 1939.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 33, No. 2, Oct 1939, p. 220.)


Aviation Safety Network. USN Curtiss SBC-3 Helldiver crash, Miramar Field, 8-11-1939:

“Date:                          Friday 11 August 1939

“Type:                         Curtiss SBC-3 Helldiver

“Owner/operator:        US Navy

“Registration:              0541

“Fatalities:                   2 / Occupants: 2

“Location:                   Miramar Field, San Diego, CA – USA

“Phase:                        Maneuvering (airshow, firefighting, ag. ops.)

“Nature:                      Military

“Departure airport:      USS Saratoga

“Narrative:                  Crashed and caught fire while on a gunnery exercise.




Aug 11: “Langley Field, Va., Aug. 11. – (AP) – Nine army men were killed in the crash and burning of a twin-motored bombing plane here today.  The crash, apparently due to motor trouble, occurred as the plane was taking off for a local training flight.  Army post officials listed the dead as:


Second Lieutenant Homer N. Mackay, the pilot;

Second Lieutenant Thomas L. Butner, of the air corps reserves;

Technical Sergeant William Morgan,

Staff Sergeant Raymond Shelley,

Staff Sergeant Kirkpatrick,

Staff Sergeant Howard A. Jauernig,

Corporal Pete Bunyk,

Private Anthony Realc, and

Private Roy B. Leopold.


“….The plane, which plunged into the ground from a height of about 150 feet, burst into flames instantly, preventing any attempts at rescuing the entrapped men.  Crews on ‘crash trucks’ and ambulances raced to the scene, but by the time they arrived the gasoline fed flames had enveloped the wreckage.


“The plane was of the B-1B type, one of a general type of which the air corps has more’ than 200 in service.”

Two Navy Fliers Die


“San Diego, Calif., Aug. 11. – (AP) – two navy fliers were killed when their plane crashed today at Miramar landing field north of San Diego. The dead fliers were identified as Ensign T. R. Wood, 28, U. S. naval reserve, pilot, and V. P. V. Armstrong… The plane, attached to bombing squadron 3, U. S. S. Saratoga, crashed at 10:41 a. m., while engaging in gunnery exercises.  It burst into flames and soon was reduced to charred wreckage.” (Centralia Daily Chronicle, WA. “Eleven Killed in Plane Crashes. Army Machine is Wrecked at Langley Field.” 8-11-1939, 1.)




Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database 1939. USAAC B-18A crash, Langley Field VA 8-11-1939. Accessed 10-27-2024 at: https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/105557


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1939.. USN Curtiss SBC-3 Helldiver crash, Miramar Field, 8-11-1939. Accessed 10-28-2024 at: https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/78061


Centralia Daily Chronicle, WA. “Eleven Killed in Plane Crashes. Army Machine is Wrecked at Langley Field.” 8-11-1939, 1. http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=58023491


National Fire Protection Association.  “Fires in Which There Was Loss of Life, Third Quarter, 1939.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 33, No. 2, Oct 1939, p. 220.