1937 — March 11, MacBeth Coal Mine gas/coal dust explosion, MacBeth, WV         —     18

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 11-16-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–18  WV Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training.  WV Mine Disasters 1884 to Present.

–18  US Bur. of Mines. Final Report, Gas and Dust Explosion, Macbeth Mine…March 11, 1937.

Narrative Information

US Bureau of Mines, Final Report, Gas and Dust Explosion, Macbeth Mine…Macbeth, WV:

“An explosion of gas and coal dust occurred about 7:50 p.m., March 11, 1937, in the MacBeth mine of the Hutchinson Coal Company, at MacBeth, W. Va., resulting in the deaths of 18 men who were all in the explosion zone. Some of these men were killed by flame and violence, while others were killed by carbon monoxide or a deficiency of oxygen. This is the second explosion which has occurred in this mine in less than seven months. An explosion which killed 10 men occurred in this mine September 2, 1936…. (p. 1.)


Origin and scope of explosion:


“The action of the explosion as reconstructed by the writers during an investigation lasting ten days after the recovery of the bodies, is thought to be as follows:


“An accumulation of gas was ignited by electric arc from sliding the nip of the trailing cable of the mining machine on the trolley wire as it was being trammed out of 13 right workings to the high point of 14 room (barrier room) east of 13 right…Controls show this machine was moving ut, having completed cutting in this section. Dust was ignited and propagated the explosion south and west from this point. Propagation eastward at this point was prevented by water and damp conditions….” (pp. 14-15)



“The writers are of the opinion that this explosion was caused by inadequate ventilation, distributed in a most unsafe manner, due to the wide deviation from the original mine projection and system of development. The immediate ignition source was most likely the electric arc, between nip of cable and trolley wire, while tramming a nonpermissible arcwall mining machine from room 13 to the high point in room 14 off 13 right entry of 2 West Main. This point is probably not over 20 feet from the point given as the most probable point of ignition of the explosion of September 2, 1936, by a nonpermissible gathering locomotive….” (p. 16.)




West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training. WV Mine Disasters 1884 to Present. MHS&T, October 9, 2008 update. At: http://www.wvminesafety.org/disaster.htm


United States Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior. Final Report, Gas and Dust Explosion, Macbeth Mine, Hutchinson Coal Company, Macbeth, W. VA., March 11, 1937. Accessed 11-16-2024 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/Macbeth_1937.pdf