1997 — Nov 16, Fog, Highway Collision, Van and Semi-Truck, Mendota, CA — 11

—  11  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  FARS 1975-2010 Fatality Analysis.

—  11  NTSB. HAB. Collision With Jackknifed Semitrailer, Mendota, CA, Nov 16, 1997.


Narrative Information


NTSB: “Accident Description


“A witness behind the van stated that the van’s driver drove into the opposing lane of State Route 180 traffic at about 55 mph to pass two cars. (See figure 1.) The truck driver stated that he saw the van’s headlights through the fog traveling toward him in his lane. He said he braked, skidded, and jackknifed into the opposing lane. The van struck the right side of the tractor. Eleven of the 12 van occupants were killed. The right-rear van passenger sustained serious injuries, and the truck driver sustained minor injuries.


“State/Federal Oversight


“California has adopted the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations with some variances; none of the variances were pertinent to the carrier or driver at the time of the accident. The carrier had been inspected under the California Highway Patrol’s Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program in 1993, 1995, 1997, and 1999. In June 1997, the carrier received an unsatisfactory rating, mostly for hours-of-service violations and vehicle defects. In September 1997, the carrier was reinspected and given a satisfactory rating.


“Probable Cause.  The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the accident was the van driver’s poor judgment in attempting to pass other vehicles in the fog.”  (NTSB. HAB. Collision With Jackknifed Semitrailer, Mendota, CA, Nov 16, 1997.




National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Partial Data Dump of Crashes Involving 10 or More Fatalities, by Year, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) 1975-2009 Final and 2010 ARF. Washington, DC: NHTSA, pdf file provided to Wayne Blanchard, 1-26-2012.


National Transportation Safety Board. Highway Accident Brief. Collision With Jackknifed Semitrailer, Mendota, California, November 16, 1997 (HWY-98-SH-008). Washington, DC: NTSB, adopted 17, 2002, 2 pages. At: http://www.ntsb.gov/publictn/2002/HAB0211.pdf