1930 — May 6, TX Tornadoes, 7 Counties, especially Frost and Runge areas, Texas   —     82

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 1-29-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–89  Blanchard listing of named fatalities. (Undoubtedly some double listings due to name

         confusion, thus not claiming a death toll of 89 – we accept Grazulis at 82.)

–82  Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 437, 497.

–02  Bexar County, TX.  (Grazulis 1993, p. 497 and 834.)[1]

         –1  San Antonio, east edge of.

         –1  Randolph Field construction site.

–41  Hill, Navarro, Ellis Counties, TX.  (Grazulis 1993, p. 437 and 834.)

         —  16  Hill County – farms south and west of Bynum and Mertens.

         –>22  Navarro County, Frost.

         —    3  Ellis County, Rankin, Bardwell and Ensign

–36  Karnes and Dewitt Counties, TX.  (Grazulis 1993, p. 437 and 834.)

–01  Gonzales County, Ottine area, TX.  (Grazulis 1993, p. 437 and 834.)

–02  Sabine County, near Bronson, TX.  (Grazulis 1993, p. 437 and 834.)

–77  San Antonio College, Dept. of Geography, Introduction to Meteorology, Texas Weather.

–77  Texas State Climatologist Office. “Severe Weather in Texas: 1930s.”

[Blanchard: Does not include 2 deaths in Bexar County, nor 2 deaths in Sabine County. Total would be 81 if these four deaths were to be included.]

–75  Associated Press. “Death List in Texas Cyclones,” Houston Chronicle, 5-8-1930.

Bexar County             (  2)

–2  San Antonio. AP. “Storms Kill Sixty-Five Texans.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

Dewitt County           (13)

            –9  Nordheim area.[2]

            –4  3-6 miles south of Nordheim.[3]

Ellis County               (  3)

–3  Ennis area. AP. “Storms Kill Sixty-Five Texans.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, 1

            –2  Fifteen year old boy and a child near Ennis.[4]

Gonzales County       (  3)

            –2  Bronson area. Man and wife in small house. Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes, p. 834.

            –1  Ottine. Central Texas Times, Corsicana. “Tornado Hit Frost, Texas,” 5-6-1930.[5]

Hill County                (16)

–20      AP. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1.

            –2  Abbott area

–9  Bynum  AP. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1.

–3  Brookins

–2  Mertens

Karnes County          (27)

–29  Runge area. San Antonio Express. “Relief Organized in Karnes County…” 5-8-1930, 1.

–14  Mexican tenant area burials on May 7.[6]

–15  Runge. Blanchard tally from Victims List below.

–12  Kenedy. AP. “Sixty-Five Known Dead…Tornadoes…” Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light. 5-9-1930, 7

McClennan County  (  3)

–2  Waco. AP. “Sixty-Five Known Dead…Tornadoes…Texas.” Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light. 5-9-1930, 7

–1  West.  AP. “Storms Kill Sixty-Five Texans.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

Navarro County        (25)

–25  Frost. NWS, Amarillo WFO. “A list of the top 10 worst tornadoes in Texas history.”

Sabine County           (  2)

–2  Bronson. AP. “Storms Kill Sixty-Five Texans.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p.1 

Narrative Information

May 6, Corsicana Daily Sun, TX: “West Navarro County Partially Blown Away. Many Dead and Injured.  The little town of Frost, about twenty miles west of Corsicana, was completely destroyed by a tornado shortly after four o’clock this afternoon leaving death and destruction in its path. When this extra was printed the known death list was 11 with at least thirty seriously injured. The damage was conservatively estimated at about $1,000,000. The dead included:


  1. H. Bowman, 70.

Gid Bogan, 35.

  1. D. Lee, 65.

Ed Patterson, 55.

  1. Bell, 50, and child.

Mrs. Lee Eooley, 35, and child.

Mrs. W. H. Boman [Bowman?], 65, died en route to Corsicana.

One unidentified person.


“Several negroes are also thought to have been killed. LeRoy Bagley, aged nine months died in a hospital after being brought to Corsicana. Sis Bagley, two and a half year old child is also in a hospital here in a serious condition….” (Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “11 Known Dead; Many Injured.” 5-6-1930, p. 1.)

Named Fatalities


  1. Anderson, Miss Edna (or Delmar)[7] Spur[8] (or near Massey) Hill County[9]
  2. Baca, Mrs. 75        Near West McLennan County[10]
  3. Baca, baby Near West McLennan County[11]        
  4. Bagley, Leroy 9 mo.   Frost[12]             Navarro County
  5. Bell, A. L. (or R.L.)[13] 50        Frost                Navarro County
  6. Bell, James, child of R.L.[14]             Frost                Navarro County
  7. Berryman, Tabitha Elizabeth 82        Frost[15]             Navarro County
  8. Bogan, Gid (Gilead?)[16] 35        Frost                Navarro County[17]
  9. Bogan, Mrs. Gid (or Mrs. Tom)[18] 35[19] Frost Navarro County
  10. Bogan, Tom (uncle of Gid)[20] 60 Frost[21]             Navarro County
  11. Bowman, W. H.             70        Frost                Navarro County[22]
  12. Bowman, Mrs. W. H. (Sarah Ann)[23] 60 Frost[24]       Navarro County[25]
  13. Clark, Oleaven   3        Ottine area       Gonzales County[26]    
  14. Currie, Mary 50        Frost[27]             Navarro County
  15. Currie, Jones, son of Mary 35        Frost[28]             Navarro County
  16. Delana, Francisco                         Kenedy area    Karnes County[29]        
  17. Eooley, Mrs. Lee             35        Frost                Navarro County
  18. Eooley, Mrs. Lee child             Frost                Navarro County
  19. Faulkner girl   3        Ennis[30]             Ellis County
  20. Flanagan, Bob Ennis               Ellis County
  21. Fiew (or Flen,[31]) John 17        Frost[32]             Navarro County[33]
  22. Fiew, Prentice 21        Frost                Navarro County[34]
  23. Finnigan, Mr.             Ennis[35]
  24. Flanagan 15[36]  Young boy noted along with Mr. Finnigan at Ennis.[37]
  25. Fly, John 70        Frost[38]             Navarro County
  26. Fuhreken, Mrs. Otto 32 (Nordheim?)[39]        Runge area      Karnes County[40]
  27. Garza, Francisco 53        Nordheim[41]     DeWitt County
  28. Garza, Guadalupe Nordheim[42]     DeWitt County
  29. Garza, Lorenzo Nordheim[43]     DeWitt County
  30. Garza, Roberto (or Ruberta)[44] 13 Nordheim[45]     DeWitt County
  31. Garcia, Mrs. Pedro Nordheim        DeWitt County[46]
  32. Garcia, Florencia Nordheim[47]     DeWitt County
  33. Garcia, Lorenzo             Nordheim[48]     DeWitt County
  34. Garcia, Martin Nordheim[49]     DeWitt County
  35. Garcia, Serapio             Nordheim[50]     DeWitt County
  36. Garcia, Lucia Salas 40        Runge[51]           Karnes County
  37. Garcia, Augustine Runge              Karnes County                       
  38. Garcia, Caldus Runge              Karnes County
  39. Garcia, Juan Runge              Karnes County
  40. Garcia, Manuella Runge              Karnes County
  41. Garcia, Pancho Runge              Karnes County
  42. Garcia, Santos Runge              Karnes County
  43. Guerra, Hermina   9        Nordheim area Karnes County[52]
  44. Helina, Frank   9        Abbott             Hill County[53]
  45. Henderson, Miss. Spur[54]              Dickens County?
  46. Hernandez, Pancho 3-6M south of Nordheim DeWitt County[55]
  47. Hernandez, Mrs. Pancho Nordheim 3-6M south of Nordheim DeWitt County[56]
  48. Hernandez, child 1 of 2 3-6M south of Nordheim DeWitt County[57]
  49. Hernandez, child 2 of 2 3-6M south of Nordheim DeWitt County[58]
  50. Herrera, Mrs. Maria 20        Runge[59]           Karnes County (Perhaps the same.)
  51. Herrera, Mrs. Martha 35[60]     Runge area      Karnes County
  52. Hobbs, Mrs. J. E. 45        Died in route to Corsicana Hospital.[61]
  53. Hoff (or Hoft),[62] Emma Bynum [63]         Hill County
  54. Huck, Mrs. Emile 32[64]     Nordheim[65]     DeWitt County
  55. Isbell, Mr. E. F. Bynum[66]         Hill County
  56. Isbell, Mrs. E. F. (Alba)[67] Bynum[68]         Hill County
  57. Isbell, Ruth Marie Bynum            Hill County (May 9 of injuries)[69]
  58. Isbell, Brandon, son of E.F. Bynum [70]         Hill County
  59. Johnson, Will Mertens area    Hill County[71]
  60. Jones, A Frost                Navarro County[72]
  61. Jorgenson (or Jurgerson),[73] Caroline. Clifton[74] Hill County
  62. Kleespies, J. C. San Antonio    Bexar County
  63. Lee, Jefferson Davis[75] 65        Frost                Navarro County
  64. Machost, Mr. (or Ferdinand Mollost, 72)[76] Runge area[77] Karnes County
  65. Machost, Mrs. (or Pauline Mellost, 68)[78] Runge area[79] Karnes County
  66. Modesca, Senorita Mertens area    Hill County[80]
  67. Molina, Setriova 70[81]     Nordheim        DeWitt County
  68. Patterson, Ed. (or E.A.)[82] 50        Frost[83]             Navarro County[84]
  69. Ponder, Dave Frost[85]
  70. Pribe, Mrs. Alwine 34        Bynum area     Hill County (May 9 of injuries)[86]
  71. Salas, Mrs. Manuela Gomez Runge              Karnes County
  72. Salas, Silvero (or Silvera)[87]               Runge              Karnes County
  73. Satchel, Jessie, son of Frost[88]             Navarro County
  74. Strickland, J. D. (or W.T.)[89] Bronson area[90] Sabine County
  75. Strickland, Mrs. J. D. (or W.T.) Bronson [91]       Sabine County
  76. Stroud, Joseph Ennis[92]            Ellis County
  77. Trevino, Gavino (or Cavino)[93] 77 Nordheim[94]     DeWitt County
  78. Trevino, Mrs. Gavine (?) Nordheim[95]     DeWitt County
  79. Villareal, Domingo Runge[96]           Karnes County
  80. Villareal, Mrs. Francisco Runge[97]           Karnes County
  81. Villareal, Miss Celestina Runge[98]           Karnes County
  82. Villareal, Miss Cruz Runge[99]           Karnes County
  83. Wagner, Bob (or Art)[100], baby daughter of [101]           Ellis County
  84. Williams, Ehtel Abbott area     Hill County[102]
  85. Williams, Kinney Abbott area     Hill County (May 9 of injuries)[103]
  86. Wolfe, Charles Spur[104]            Hill County[105]
  87. Wood, Mrs. Lou 85        Ennis               Ellis County (May 10 of complications)[106]
  88. Wooley, Mrs. Cora L.[107] (or League)[108] 35 Frost[109] Navarro County
  89. Wooley, Mary, daughter of[110] 7 (or 12)[111] Frost[112]              Navarro County.
  90. Unidentified black, 1 of 3 Bynum[113]        Hill County
  91. Unidentified black, 2 of 3 Bynum[114]        Hill County
  92. Unidentified black, 3 of 3 Bynum[115]        Hill County
  93. Unidentified black infant     Frost[116]                       Navarro County
  94. Unidentified black, D. Mitchell farm Frost[117] Navarro County
  95. Unidentified black, D. Mitchell farm Frost[118] Navarro County
  96. Unidentified black, D. Mitchell farm Frost[119] Navarro County
  97. Unidentified black, D. Mitchell farm Frost[120] Navarro County
  98. Unidentified black Mertens area                Hill County
  99. Unidentified black Mertens area                Hill County
  100. Unidentified person, 1 of 2 Waco[121]                      McLennan County
  101. Unidentified person, 2 of 2 Waco[122]                      McLennan County
  102. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #1 Runge area      Karnes County[123]
  103. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #2 Runge area      Karnes County
  104. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #3 Runge area      Karnes County
  105. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #4 Runge area      Karnes County
  106. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #5 Runge area      Karnes County
  107. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #6 Runge area      Karnes County
  108. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #7 Runge area      Karnes County
  109. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #8 Runge area      Karnes County
  110. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #9 Runge area      Karnes County
  111. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #10 Runge area Karnes County
  112. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #11 Runge area Karnes County
  113. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #12 Runge area Karnes County
  114. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #13 Runge area Karnes County
  115. Unnamed Mexican tenant farmer #14 Runge area Karnes County




Associated Press. “Another Ennis Victim.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/corsicana-daily-sun-may-10-1930-p-1/


Associated Press. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/corsicana-daily-sun-may-10-1930-p-1/


Associated Press. “Death List in Texas Cyclones,” Houston Chronicle, 5-8-1930. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles2.htm


Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/big-spring-daily-herald-may-07-1930-p-1/


Associated Press. “Nine Reported Killed in Hill County Towns.” Corsicana Daily Sun, 5-6-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/corsicana-daily-sun-may-06-1930-p-1/


Associated Press. “Sixty-Five Known Dead in Series of Tornadoes in Texas.” Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light. 5-9-1930, p.7. Accessed 1-29-2025 at:



Associated Press. “Storms Kill Sixty-Five Texans.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/big-spring-daily-herald-may-07-1930-p-1/


Central Texas Times, Corsicana. “Storm at a Glance,” 5-6-1930. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles.htm


Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “11 Known Dead; Many Injured.” 5-6-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-28-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/corsicana-daily-sun-may-06-1930-p-1/


Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/Corsicana_2010_frost_article.htm


Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Where Family of Nine Died.” 5-10-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/corsicana-daily-sun-may-10-1930-p-1/


Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7. Accessed 1-29-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/corsicana-semi-weekly-light-may-09-1930-p-7/


Genealogyvillage.com. “1930 Frost, TX Tornado Articles Published in Corsicana Daily Sun.” Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles5.htm


Genealogyvillage.com. “Tabitha Elizabeth Smith Berryman of Frost, Navarro County, Texas.” March 2009. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/biographies/b/berryman_tabitha_elizabieth_smith.htm


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.


Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65; Hundreds Are Injured, Many May Die.” 5-7-1930. Transcription accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles2.htm


Houston Chronicle. “Frost Fights Way Out of Storm Chaos.” 5-7-1930. Transcription accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles2.htm


National Weather Service, Amarillo Weather Forecast Office. “A list of the top 10 worst tornadoes in Texas history….Number 6 – The Frost Tornado – May 06, 1930.” Accessed 1-29-2025 at: NWS, Amarillo WFO. “A list of the top 10 worst tornadoes in Texas history.”


San Antonio College, Geography Department. “Lecture 7, Texas Weather,” Introduction to Meteorology Course. Accessed 2-2-2009 at:  http://www.accd.edu/sac/earthsci/sgirhard/1370.090/chap7.htm


San Antonio Express, TX. “Girl Succumbs to Storm Hurts.” 5-10-1930, p. 4. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/san-antonio-express-may-10-1930-p-4/


San Antonio Express, TX. “Relief Organized in Karnes County Tornado District.” 5-8-1930, p.1.

Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/san-antonio-express-may-08-1930-p-1/


Texas State Climatologist Office. “Severe Weather in Texas: 1930s.” Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://climatexas.tamu.edu/products/severe-weather-summaries/1930s-texas-severe-weather.html


United Press. “Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1. Accessed 1-29-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/taylor-daily-press-may-07-1930-p-9/

[1] In his heading line Grazulis notes one death, but in his narrative notes two specific tornado deaths.

[2] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Where Family of Nine Died.” 5-10-1930, p. 1.

[3] United Press. “Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[4] AP. “Sixty-Five Known Dead in Series of Tornadoes in Texas.” Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light. 5-9-1930, p.7.

[5] Transcribed at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles.htm

[6] San Antonio Express, TX. “Relief Organized in Karnes County Tornado District.” 5-8-1930, p. 1.

[7] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[8] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 8.

[9] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[10] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[11] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[12] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[13] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[14] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[15] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7. Referred to as “Grandma” Berryman in article. Full name from: Genealogyvillage.com. “Tabitha Elizabeth Smith Berryman of Frost, Navarro County, Texas.” March 2009.

[16] “Gilead Bogan, delivery truck driver, who was killed, left his delivery vehicle in front of the Y. H. Greer grocery store and fled into the building. This morning the truck still stood in front of the store.” (Houston Chronicle. “Frost Fights Way Out of Storm Chaos.” 5-7-1930. Transcribed at: https://txnavarr.genealogyvillage.com/towns/frost/1930_tornado/articles2.htm

[17] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[18] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[19] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[20] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 8.

[21] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[22] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[23] Genealogyvillage.com. “1930 Frost, TX Tornado Articles Published in Corsicana Daily Sun.”

[24] AP. “Sixty-Five Known Dead in Series of Tornadoes in Texas.” Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light. 5-9-1930, p.7.

[25] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[26] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[27] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[28] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[29] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[30] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[31] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[32] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[33] He was in Druggist E. A. Patterson’s sore and was also burned in the fire. (Houston Chronicle. “Frost Fights Way Out of Storm Chaos.” 5-7-1930.)

[34] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[35] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[36] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[37] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[38] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[39] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[40] San Antonio Express, TX. “Girl Succumbs to Storm Hurts.” 5-10-1930, p. 4. Died of injuries.

[41] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[42] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[43] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[44] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[45] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[46] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[47] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[48] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[49] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[50] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[51] Her name and the following six Garcia names plus Mrs. Manuela Gomez Salas and Silvero Salas are according to a report by E. D. Parnell, secretary of the Runge Chamber of Commerce and cited in the Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated at 65…” 5-7-1930.

[52] San Antonio Express, TX. “Girl Succumbs to Storm Hurts.” 5-10-1930, p. 4. Died of injuries.

[53] Associated Press. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1.

[54] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[55] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[56] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[57] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[58] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[59] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[60] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[61] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 8.

[62] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[63] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[64] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[65] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[66] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[67] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[68] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[69] Associated Press. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1.

[70] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[71] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[72] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[73] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[74] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 9.

[75] Genealogyvillage.com. “1930 Frost, TX Tornado Articles Published in Corsicana Daily Sun.”

[76] “The death list in the Rune-Nordheim section as compiled by E. D. Parnell, secretary of the Runge Chamber of Commerce follows: Runge: Ferdinand Mollost, 72; Mrs. Pauline Mellost, 68…” (Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65; Hundreds Are Injured, Many May Die.” 5-7-1930.)

[77] Lived three miles from Runge on the Charco road. (United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 9.)

[78] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65; Hundreds Are Injured, Many May Die.” 5-7-1930. The transcribed last name of her husband is “Mollost” while hers is Mellost.” Do not know which is correct.

[79] Lived three miles from Runge on the Charco road. (United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 9.)

[80] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[81] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[82] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[83] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[84] Trapped in his store and burned to death. (United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 8.)

[85] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[86] Associated Press. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1.

[87] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[88] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[89] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[90] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[91] The UP article above noting Mr. Strickland’s death notes “his wife reported near death.”

[92] Houston Chronicle. “Frost Fights Way Out of Storm Chaos.” 5-7-1930.

[93] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[94] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[95] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[96] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[97] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[98] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[99] Houston Chronicle. “Death Toll in Texas Cyclones Estimated At 65…” 5-7-1930.

[100] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[101] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[102] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[103] Associated Press. “Bury Four Storm Victims.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1.

[104] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[105] Associated Press. “Death List In Texas Cyclones.” Houston Chronicle, TX. 5-8-1930.

[106] Associated Press. “Another Ennis Victim.” Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. 5-10-1930, p. 1. Died of pneumonia contracted after her hip was broken in the tornado.

[107] Genealogyvillage.com. “1930 Frost, TX Tornado Articles Published in Corsicana Daily Sun.”

[108] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[109] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[110] United Press. Relief Work Rushed in Stricken Area.” Taylor Daily Press, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 9.

[111] Corsicana Daily Sun, TX. “Frost tornado – May 6, 1930.” 5-2-2010.

[112] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[113] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[114] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[115] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[116] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[117] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[118] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[119] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[120] Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, TX. “Frost Death Toll Runs High…Dead and Injured.” 5-9-1930, p. 7.

[121] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[122] Associated Press. “Death Lists Grow, Many Children Die.” Big Spring Daily Herald, TX. 5-7-1930, p. 1.

[123] San Antonio Express, TX. “Relief Organized in Karnes County Tornado District.” 5-8-1930, p. 1. Fourteen unnamed victims were buried on May 7.