1927 — May 8, Tornadoes, Camden/Miller/Cole/Boone/Calloway/Douglas counties, MO–12

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 2-25-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–12  Grazulis.  Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 468, 496.

            –4  20:00 F4. Elden area, Miller County,

–3  21:25 F4. New Bloomfield area, 4M west. Farm home destroyed.

–1  21:25 F4. Carrington.

–1  21:25 F4. McCredie area, 2M south.

–1  21:25 F4. Benton City area, 4M south of.

–2  22:00 F3. Ava area. Two men in two of nine homes that were destroyed.

Narrative Information

 May 9, AP: “Fulton, Mo., May 9. – Five persons are reported killed and a number seriously injured in a tornado which last night struck Auxvasse, New Bloomfield and Carrington, towns near here. At New Bloomfield Rufus Phillips was killed and his daughter, Della, was seriously injured. A Miss. Clay also was reported killed.


“John W. Sameson, about 70, former assessor of Callaway county was killed near Carrington.


“Near Auxvasse, Mrs. R. E. Biggs was killed and her son, Thomas was injured.


“A farm hand at the Biggs place is reported missing.


“The storm struck the three towns and nearby territory about midnight last night. Houses and other buildings were thrown down and seriously damaged. Trees were uprooted and livestock killed. Telephone wires are down and communication disrupted.


“(By The Associated Press.) Mexico, Mo., May 9. – Two people were killed and an undetermined number injured in a tornado, which struck near here last midnight. A strip about 20 miles long and 150 yards wide running from near Fulton in Callaway county north to near Benton City in Audrain county was devastated. Many farm buildings were destroyed and much livestock killed.


“Mrs.  Robert Biggs of near Benton and a man named Culver were killed. Robert Biggs, husband of the dead woman and a son were injured and their home was demolished.


“Roads to the stricken district were inaccessible and communication was cut off this morning. Four of the injured were brought to a hospital here and several sent to Fulton.


“(By The Associated Press.)  Versailles, Mo., May 9. – Five persons are known to be killed and several injured in a tornado that struck Eldon, Mo., near here last night. A large section of Oleon, Mo., also was reported laid waste by the storm. The two towns are in the northwest corner of Miller County in south central Missouri. The known dead:


“Mrs. Harold Ray and her daughter; a Mrs. White; Marion Sidebottom, 9-year-old son of James Sidebottom.


“The only known injured are James Sidebottom and a taxi cab driver named Stewart. Many injured were taken to offices of physicians in Eldon, which has no hospital.


“Near Eldon the storm swept a path about two miles wide, striking the western edge of the town and hitting Eldon with full force….” (Associated Press. “Weekend Storms Kill Twelve in Missouri.” The Chillicothe Daily Tribune, MO. 5-9-1927, p. 1.




Associated Press. “Weekend Storms Kill Twelve in Missouri.” The Chillicothe Daily Tribune, MO. 5-9-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-25-2024 at:



Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.