1927 – May 7, Tornadoes, Comanche/Barber/Kingman/Reno/McPherson counties, KS–  10

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 2-25-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11  Fitzgerald.  Sound and Fury: A History of Kansas Tornadoes,1854-2008. 2008-2009, p147.

–10  AP. “Kansas Tornado Death Toll Ten.” Atchison Daily Globe, KS. 5-9-1927, p. 1.

  1. Henry Strouse, 35, of Hutchinson; fireman at Carey Salt plant; boiler room collapsed.
  2. Buford Johnson, 60, farmer and preacher; 10M north of Hutchinson/McPherson edge
  3. Buford Johnson 6-year-old daughter
  4. H. Toews, farmer, crushed in collapse of home.
  5. J. Goertzen six-months-old son.
  6. March, wife of Nashville area farmer, Barber and Kingman counties area.
  7. Dean Williamson, 5, Barber and Kingman counties area.
  8. Frank Coffman, farmer, near Medicine Lodge.
  9. Guy Sayres, near Medicine Lodge.
  10. Guy Lodge, near Medicine Lodge.

–10  Grazulis.  Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 304 and 808.

–10  KSAL.com, Salina KS. “Massive May 7th, 1927 Tornado.” 5-7-2020. Cites NWS.

Narrative Information

 Fitzgerald: “On May 7, 1927 two, possibly three tornadoes, swept Barber, Reno, Kingman, and McPherson Counties, killing eleven, injuring a hundred and causing much property damage. The first one occurred about 7:30 p.m. in Barber County and swept northwest into Kingman County, where it killed one man. The next one occurred at 11:00 p.m. south of Hutchinson and swept northward through East Hutchinson, killing one man and injuring forty persons….


“During its long path the storm killed eleven people, injured 300 and caused a total property loss of $1,370,000….”


Grazulis: “KS  May 7, 1927  18:00  10k [killed]  300inj  1000y f115m F5  Comanche/Barber/ Kingman/Reno/McPherson [counties].”

            –4  Barber County

–1  Kingman County

–3  Reno County

–2  McPherson County.




May 7, Sunday Morning Globe, Atchison, KS: “Hutchinson, Kas., May 7. – One man was killed and nearly a score of persons injured, some severely, when a tornado swept through a half-mile area south and east of Medicine Lodge, Kans., at 7 o’clock tonight, according to telephone information here.


“Frank Kaufmann, 20-year-old farm youth, was instantly killed when the wind wrecked his parents’ brick home, half a mile south of Medicine Lodge. The entire family was injured.


“The tornado touched the south edge of Medicine Lodge, lifting roofs.


“More than a score of farm houses were ruined and much stock killed, the telephone operator said. The school-house in that district was demolished. The bridge over the Madison river was torn away by the wind.” (Sunday Morning Globe, Atchison, KS. “Flood Districts in Quake’s Grip. Tornado Winds Add to Apprehension in Five Valley States.” 5-7-1927, p. 1.)


May 9, AP: “(By The Associated Press.) Hutchinson, Kans., May 9 – The death list in Saturday night’s tornado, which struck four central Kansas counties, will probably remain at ten. Reports from hospitals today where 20 storm victims are still undergoing treatment, indicate all will recover. Several have severe injuries. Hutchinson suffered heaviest in property damage, but escaped with but one killed….”

Young Boy May Die.

(By The Associated Press.)


“Medicine Lodge, Kans., May 9. – Another name may be added today to the death toll of the tornado that took 3 lives in Barber county Saturday night. A year-old son of John Fussells is not expected to live….”[1] (Associated Press. “Kansas Tornado Death Toll Ten.” Atchison Daily Globe, KS. 5-9-1927, p. 1.)



Associated Press. “Kansas Tornado Death Toll Ten.” Atchison Daily Globe, KS. 5-9-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-25-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/atchison-daily-globe-may-09-1927-p-1/


Fitzgerald, Daniel C.  Sound and Fury: A History of Kansas Tornadoes, 1854-2008. Dan Fitzgerald Company, 2008-2009.


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.


KSAL.com, Salina KS. “Massive May 7th, 1927 Tornado.” 5-7-2020. Accessed 2-25-2025 at: https://www.ksal.com/massive-may-7th-1927-tornado/


Sunday Morning Globe, Atchison, KS. “Flood Districts in Quake’s Grip. Tornado Winds Add to Apprehension in Five Valley States.” 5-7-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-25-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/atchison-sunday-morning-globe-may-08-1927-p-1/



[1] We were unable to find a further reference to the Fussells boy, thus do not include in a list of fatalities.