1927 — July 12-17, Heat Wave, esp. Northeast, especially NJ/18, NY/44-48, PA/32 –91-101
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 2-24-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–91-101 Blanchard tally based on breakouts below (low range subtracts known drownings).[1]
[Blanchard note: we use our tally from the state breakouts below in that we have sought to list only heat and heat-related deaths (such as heart attack “superinduced by heat”). Have sought not to include drowning and lighting deaths, which we have seen noted in reporting of a larger death toll than we note. Sometimes the drowning deaths are attributed to attempts to alleviate the oppressive heat by going into the water. Perhaps there were more heat deaths than we show. If so, then sources noting higher death tolls are noted below.]
— 145 East. UP. “Torrid Wave Reaps Death Toll of 145.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-17-1927, 1.
— 138 Eastern States. UP. “Heat Takes 5-Day…Toll of 138…” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-16-27, 1.
— 136 East Coast. Warren Tribune, PA. “Heat Wave Fatalities are Still Mounting.” 7-16-27, 1.
— 123 UP “Eastern Heat Wave…Death Toll…123…” Oakland Tribune, CA. 7-17-27, 1.[2]
— 112 July 12-15 (3 days). INS. “Heat Wave Toll Reported as 112.” New Castle News, PA, 7-15-27, 1-2.
— 106 July 12-15. Sheboygan Press, WI. “Heat Toll is Over 100.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.
— 105 July 12-15. UP. “Heat Wave Kills 105.” Moorhead Daily News, MN. 7-15-1927, 1.[3]
— ~100 Kansas City Star, MO. “Eastern Heat Deaths to 100.” 7-17-1927, p. 1.
Summary of State Breakouts Below
Colorado: ( 2)
Connecticut: ( 5)
District of Columbia ( 1)
Illinois: ( 13)
Indiana: ( 6)
Maryland: ( 6)
Massachusetts: ( 6-7)
Michigan ( 2)
New Hampshire: ( 1-5)
New Jersey: ( 18)
New York: (44-48)
North Carolina: ( 1)
Ohio: ( 10) West Virginia: ( 2-5)
Pennsylvania: ( 32) Total: 91-100
Rhode Island: ( 1-4)
Breakout of 1927 Heatwave and Related Deaths by State and Locality (where noted):
Colorado: ( 2)
— 2 Walsenburg, July 13-14 (24-hour period).[4]
Connecticut: ( 5)
— 5 AP. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p. 1.[5]
— 5 Blanchard tally of locality breakouts below.
— 3 July 14. Bridgeport Telegram, CT. “40 Die in Second Day of Heat Wave…” 7-15-27, 1.[6]
Breakout of Connecticut heat-related fatalities by locality.
— 1 Ansonia, July 16. Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths Caused by Heat.” 7-17-27, 1.
— 1 Middletown, July 14. AP. “40 Heat Dead…” Morning Republican, Findlay, OH, 7-15-27, 1.
— 1 New Britain. July 13. Heat prostration; William F. Donlan, 71.[7]
— 1 New Haven, July 14. AP. “40 Heat Dead…” Morning Republican, Findlay, OH, 7-15-27, 1.
— 1 New London, July 13-14 (24-hour period).[8]
District of Columbia ( 1)
— 2 Sheboygan Press, WI. “Heat Toll is Over 100.” 7-15-1927, p. 1. (Could not verify.)
— 1 Evening Star, Washington, DC. “Child Dies As Heat Wave Breaks Here.” 7-18-1927, p. 1.
Illinois: ( 13)[9]
— 1 Brownstown, July 11. Heat prostration, working on railroad; Thomas Ashton.[10]
— 5 Chicago, July 12. 13th: “…heat waves blamed for five deaths in Chicago last night.”[11]
— 6 Chicago, July 13. 14th: “Six deaths were attributed to the heat in Chicago yesterday.”[12]
–1 July 13. Body of Miss Marie Gerhardt found. “Heat prostration.”[13]
— 10 Chicago, July 13. “July 14….Ten deaths were attributed to heat in Chicago yesterday.”[14]
— 10 Chicago, July 13-14 (24-hours). Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More…” 7-14-1927, 1.
— 10 Chicago, by July 14. DeKalb Daily Chronicle, IL. “ Freak Storms…Heat…”7-14-1927, 1.
–5-8 “ July 13-14. Heat & “three…drowned in Lake Mich. …seeking relief from…torrid wave.”[15]
— 1 Danville, Vermilion Co., July 13. Farmer (James Martina), 69, “overcome” putting up hay.[16]
Indiana: ( 6)
–6 Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. “Carpenter Expires; A Victim of Heat Wave.” 7-15-27, 3.[17]
–5 INS, Indianapolis. “See Little Relief.” Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. 7-14-1927, 1.
–3 Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. “Torrid Heat Claims Lives of Eighteen.” 7-13-1927, p. 1.
–1 Linn Grove, Adams Co., July 13. Heat prostration; John Pearson, 63, working in his barn.[18]
–1 Portland, Jay County, July 15. Frank Harter, 60, a carpenter working in 95° temperature.[19]
Maryland: ( 6)
–11 State. UP. “Heat Takes 5-Day Death Toll of 138…” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-16-1927, 1.[20]
— 6 Blanchard tally; 4 heat deaths in Baltimore, 1 in Chesapeake Bay Beach, 1 in Hagerstown.
— 1 Baltimore, July 13. Heart disease “superinduced by the heat” (Levin); cites physicians.[21]
— 4 Baltimore, July 13-15. Sheboygan Press, WI. “Heat Toll is Over 100.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.
— 3 Baltimore, July 13-14 (24-hour period).[22]
— 1 Chesapeake Bay beach, July 17. Unidentified person “dropped dead from the heat.”[23]
— 1 Hagerstown, July 14. Mrs. Laura Little, 70; reported as 1st heat death in Hagerstown.[24]
Massachusetts: (6-7)
–7 AP. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p. 1.[25]
–6 Blanchard tally of locality-identified deaths noted below.
–5 AP, July 16. “Fatalities Grow in Heat Wave.” Fitchburg Sentinel, MA. 7-16-1927, p. 1.
Breakout of MA heat-related fatalities by locality:
–2 Boston, July 15. AP. “Relentless Heat Tortures…East.” Lowell Courier-Citizen, MA 7-15-2027, 20.
–1 July 15. Fireman Alexander McLean, 65, at work.[26] [Noted as first death.]
–1 Cliftondale (Saugus neighborhood), July 13-14 (24-hour period).[27]
–1 Dorchester. Unidentified woman collapsed on street and died on way to hospital.[28]
–1 Lawrence, Pacific mill, July 18. “Heart trouble, superinduced by heat.” Wilbert Boutilierre.[29]
–1 Leominster, July 15. Heat prostration and heart trouble (doctor); Malvin Smith, 66.[30]
Michigan ( 2) (Could not locate specific deaths.)
–2 Detroit, July 13-14 (24-hour period).[31]
New Hampshire: (1-5) Could find no specific deaths in search in NH newspapers.
— 5 AP. “Eastern Heat Wave Toll Set at 45 Deaths.” Davenport Democrat, IA, 7-15-1927, 1.[32]
— 1 Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. “45 Die During Three Days of Extreme Heat.” 7-15-1927. p. 1.
— 1 AP. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p. 1.[33]
New Jersey: ( 18)
— 19 UP. “Heat Takes 5-Day Death Toll of 138…” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-16-1927, p. 1.
— 18 Blanchard tally based on locality breakouts below.
Breakouts by Locality and/or County:
— 1 Camden, Camden County, July 14.[34]
— 6 Hudson County, July 14-15 (48 hour period).[35]
— 3 Hudson County, July 15.[36]
— 1 Jersey City, Hudson County, July 14.[37]
— 9 Newark, Essex Co., July 12-15. Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Nine Deaths.” 7-15-1927, 8.[38]
— 2 July 13. AP. “10 Die in New York.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-14-1927, 15.[39]
— 1 July 14. Newark, Essex County.[40]
— 1 Newark. July 16. Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths Caused by Heat.” 7-17-27, 1.
— 1 Perth Amboy, Middlesex County. Prostrated on RR tracks, hit by train; Ignatz Mestrolki, 72.[41]
New York: (44-48)
–63 Apparent reference to NY state. Norwich Sun, NY. “Gist of the News.”7-18-1927, p. 1.[42]
–44-48 Blanchard tally of 23-32 for New York City and 13 for upper NY state.[43]
— 3 Albany, by July 14. Daily Herald Times-Press, Middletown, NY. “Three Dead in Albany.” 7-14-1927, 16.
— 2 July 13-14 (24-hour period). Heat prostration. North Adams Transcript, MA.[44]
–1 July 13. Heat. Benjamin Kelly.[45]
–1 July13 or 14. Mrs. Delia Orilz [last name unclear.[46]
— 1 July 13-14 (24-hour period).[47]
— 4 Buffalo, July 13-14 (24-hour period). Heat prostration.[48]
–2 Buffalo, July 13. John Nohly (or Nobly), 80, and Thomas Furey.[49]
–2 July 14. Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, NY. “Heat Wave Unbroken.” 7-14-1927, 3.
— 1 Buffalo, July 15. Thomas Limerick, 45, “was stricken as he walked along the street last night”
— 1 Buffalo, July 16. Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths Caused by Heat.” 7-17-27, 1.
–47 NYC metropolitan area, July 12-15 (3 day reporting period). INS. 7-15-1927.[50] [Not used][51]
–28-32 NYC. July 12-17. Blanchard notation of two varying reports.
–32 July 12-17. UP. “Torrid Wave…Death Toll…145.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-17-27, 1.[52]
–28 July 12-17. “One man died from effects of heat yesterday [17th]…” for total of 28.[53]
–22 NYC, July 12-15 (3 day reporting period). Includes 7 drowning deaths.[54]
–24 NYC, July 12-16. United Press, July 17.[55]
–27 NYC, July 12-16.[56]
–1-2 July 13 Blanchard notation of two varying repots.
— 1 July 13. Burlington Daily Times, NC. “Seven Die in New…” 7-13-1917, 1.
— 2 July 13. AP. “10 Die in [NY].” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-14-1927, p.15.[57]
— 5 NYC, by July 14. AP, NYC. 7-14-1927.[58]
–10 July 13-14. “Ten persons succumbed in New York city to the broiling weather.”[59]
— 7 July 14. East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35…Die…” 7-14-27, p. 1, 8.
— 1 July 14 report. Dr. Edward W. Stitt, Associate Superintendent of Schools.[60]
— 7 NYC, July 15 rpt. Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, NY. “Deaths…” 7-15-1927, 1.[61]
–4-8 NYC, July 16. Blanchard, citing the three differing accounts below.
–8 NYC, July 16.[62]
–5 July 16. Kansas City Star, MO. “Eastern Heat Deaths to 100.” 7-17-1927, p.1.
–4 July 16. Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths Caused by Heat.” 7-17-1927, 1.
— 1 July 17. “One man died from effects of heat yesterday [17th]…” for total of 28.[63]
— 3 July 17. UP. “Torrid Wave…Death Toll of 145.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-17-27, 1.
— 1 Perry Center, July 15. Suicide, leaving note can’t “stand the heat no longer.” William J. Sage.[64]
— 2 Schenectady, July 13-14 (24-hour period).[65]
— 2 Syracuse, July 13-14 (24-hour period). Heat prostration.[66]
–1 July 13. AP. “Three Die as Mercury…” Salamaca Republican Press, NY, 7-13-1927, 1.
–1 July 14. Collapsed at work as painter; James O’Connor, 48.[67]
— 1 Syracuse, July 14. Heat. Emily Many Sonier [last name unclear], 7 months.[68]
–12 Upper NY State. Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. “45 Die…Three Days…Heat.” 7-15-1927. 1.[69]
–13 “ Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths Caused by Heat.” 7-17-27, 1.
— 1 Waterloo, July 15. Machinist collapsed and died at work; Fred M. Page, 38.[70]
North Carolina: ( 1)
— 1 Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. “45 Die During Three Days of Extreme Heat.” 7-15-27. 1.
Ohio: ( 10)
— 14 Statewide. Sheboygan Press, WI. “Heat Toll is Over 100.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.[71]
— 10 Blanchard tally based on locality breakouts below (not counting drownings)
— 11 July 12-14. AP. “40 Heat Dead…” Morning Republican, Findlay, OH, 7-15-27, p. 1.
— 8 East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave…” 7-14-27, 1, 8.
Locality Breakouts:
–4-6 Cleveland, July 14.[72]
–William Dickson, 55, “heart disease super-induced by heat,” July 14.
–Marvin Maxwell, 15, “drowned seeking relief from the sizzling temperature,” July 14.
–Joseph Orsz, 19, “drowned seeking relief from the sizzling temperature,” July 14.[73]
–Grazella Silverberg, 49, at home, July 14.
–William Walker, 73, collapsed and died at home.
–Christopher Williams, 31, overcome while working, July 14.
–1-2 Columbus, July 13-14. East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35…Die…” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
–July 13. Cement worker, Alfred Chaplin, 56, overcome while at work and died.[74]
–July 13 or 14. Herman Fronstine, 15 drowned in a nearby creek.[75]
— 1 Findlay, July 13. Heat; Mrs. Agnes B. Wilcox, 21.[76]
— 1 Mechanicsburg, July 14. Mrs. Sarah Standley of Springfield; overcome by heat.[77]
— 1 Toledo, July 16. Sandusky Register, OH. “Heat Claims Three Victims.” 7-17-1927, p. 1.[78]
— 2 Youngstown, July 14. East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35…Die…” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
–James Morgan, 50, collapsed on the street July 14.
–Charles O’Connor, 15, heart disease, aggravated by heat, July 14.
Pennsylvania: (32)[79]
–32 Blanchard tally based on locality breakouts below.
–21 Assoc. Press. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p. 1.
–19 UP. “Heat Takes 5-Day Death Toll of 138…” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-16-1927, p. 1.
–14 East & Central PA. AP. “Philadelphia Swelters.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. 7-16-27, 1.
–13 INS. “Severe Heat Wave Takes Toll of 44.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA, 7-14-1927, p. 5.
— 9 Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. “45 Die During Three Days of Extreme Heat.” 7-15-1927. p. 1.
Locality Breakouts:
— 1 Altoona, Blair County, July 14. Mrs. Genevieve Watt Fritschle, 32, at home.[80]
— 1 Bethlehem, July 15. “…reported a fatality as directly due to the torrid weather.”[81]
— 1 Bucks County, July 13. Farmer overcome while storing hay crop.[82]
— 1 Craley, York Co., ~Lancaster, July 15. Heat prostration leading to electrocution; lineman.[83]
— 2 Erie, Erie County, July 13-14 (24 hours). Oscar E. Smith and Oscar Klaus, 27 (in water).[84]
— 6 Harrisburg, July 13-14. INS. “Severe Heat Wave Takes Toll of 44.” 7-14-1927, p. 5.
— 1 Lancaster, Lancaster County, July 15. Harry S. Seibert, 49.[85]
— 1 Meadville, July 13 or 14; Paul Houser, 12, drowns in French Creek.[86]
— 1 Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, July 15.[87]
— 1 New Castle, Lawrence County, July 15. Herbert G. McCune, outside near home.[88]
— 1 Philadelphia, July 13. AP. “10 Die in New York.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-14-27, 15.[89]
— 2 “ July 13. East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35…Die…” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
— 4 “ July 13-14. INS. “Severe Heat Wave Takes Toll of 44.” 7-14-1927, p. 5.
— 5 “ July 13-14 (24-hours). Daily Herald, Middletown NY. “More…” 7-14-27, 1.
— 4 “ on July 15.[90]
— 2 “ July 15. AP. “Philadelphia Swelters.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. 7-16-1927, 1.
— 7 “ and vicinity, July 13-15.[91]
— 2 “ July 16. Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths Caused by Heat.” 7-17-27, 1.
–12 “ July 12-18. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Heat Wave Broken.” 7-19-1927, p. 14.[92]
–13 “ and vicinity (5 days). Charleston Daily Mail, WV. “Heat Deaths Increase.” 7-18-27, 1.
— 3 Pittsburgh, July 13-14. INS. “Severe Heat Wave Takes Toll of 44.” 7-14-1927, p. 5.
— 1 “ July 15. AP “Cooler at Pittsburgh.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. 7-16-1927, 1.
— 1 Shenandoah, Schuylkill County, July 15.[93]
— 1 Towanda, Bradford County, July 14. A. C. Crawford, farmer “dropped dead…in…field.”[94]
— 1 Westchester, July 13.[95] Heart attack “brought on by the excessive heat.” (E.T. MacFarland)[96]
— 1 York, July 15. “Philadelphia Swelters.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. 7-16-1927, p. 1.[97]
Rhode Island: (1-4)
–4 AP. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p. 1.[98]
–1 Woonsocket, July 16. Charleston Gazette, WV. “10 More Deaths…by Heat.” 7-17-1927, 1.
West Virginia: (2-5)
— 5 Statewide, July 12-15. Sheboygan Press, WI. “Heat Toll is Over 100.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.
— 2 Morgantown, July 13-14 (24-hours). Daily Herald, Middletown NY. “More…” 7-14-27, 1.
Narrative Information
July 13: “Chicago, July 13. – (INS) — Seven persons are, dead here today in a new heat wave which has sent the thermometer soaring to a mark of 90 degrees. Two of the dead were drowned.
Other deaths were attributed to heat prostration. Relief was expected in thundershowers predicted for tonight.” (Waterloo Evening Courier, IA. “Heat Wave Kills Seven in Chicago.” 7-13-1927, 1.)
July 13: “New York, July 13. – (AP) – The summer began making up in earnest today for the lateness of its coming, and ‘prostration weather’ was the order of the day over the eastern half of the country. The first prostrations of the day here were an old man, who collapsed in a subway station at city hall, and a man overcome on the street in Harlem. Yesterday three persons were prostrated, and the heat indirectly caused the death of one man who went in swimming to cool off and was drowned.
“The temperature moved upward at a steady two degrees an hour gait, being 82 at 11 o’clock and
with the peak not expected until late afternoon. Humidity was 72.
“As the rising heat began to be felt during the morning, Miami and Key West, Fla., were in the lead with temperature of 84, but a score of cities in many sections were pressing forward for such
doubtful honor as first place might be. When the Florida cities had the country’s highest temperature, Flagstaff. Ariz., was at the cool end of the, thermometer with 52 degrees.
“The east, south and middle west were all hovering around 80 degrees in the morning with the western section of the country almost 20 degrees cooler.” (Joplin News Herald, MO. “East Is Visited By Intense Heat.” 7-13-1927, p. 1.
July 14: “Cleveland, July 14. – Northern Ohio was checking up today on its casualty list resulting from one of the most severe mid-July heat waves this section has ever known. In Youngstown yesterday the thermometer showed 96, the hottest July 13 on record, The toll in that city includes James Morgan, 50, who died in a hospital this morning after collapsing on the street yesterday; Charles O’Connor, 15, who died of heart disease, aggravated by heat, and a number of prostrations. Sidewalks exploded in several sections of the city.
“In Cleveland, six lives were taken directly or indirectly by heat, as the mercury reached 94 Wednesday afternoon. William Walker, 73, collapsed and died at his home; Christopher Williams, 31, was overcome while working; Mrs. Grazella Silverberg, 49, died at her home; William Dickson, 55, succumbed to heart disease super-induced by heat, while Joseph Otsz, 19, and Marvin Maxwell, 15, drowned while seeking relief from the sizzling temperature in bathing.
Ten Dead in East.
“New York, July 14. — Ten persons are dead and scores are prostrated in the metropolitan district today as the result of the severest heat wave which has struck the eastern section of the country this year. Seven of the deaths reported were in New York city proper, and one each in Newark, Jersey City and Camden, N.J. In New York, the mercury reached a high level of 91.
Pennsylvania Toll is Six.
“Harrisburg, Pa., July 14. – With six deaths and scores of prostrations directly attributed to the record breaking heat wave which has held Pennsylvania in its grip for the past two days, the weatherman, who yesterday had promised relief in some sections of the state today was less hopeful.
“Philadelphia, July 14. – Two men died yesterday in Philadelphia when the thermometer registered 93 degrees for a new high mark of the year. One heat prostration was reported.
“Bucks county reported one death when a farmer was overcome while storing his hay crop.
“Another heat death occurred in Westchester.
“Five persons were overcome at Wilmington, Del., when the temperature reached 95 degrees.
“Camden, N.J., reported one heat death.” (East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.)
July 13-14: “Philadelphia — five deaths from the heat wave which has gripped this section for two days were reported last night and today [July 13-14]. Yesterday was the second hottest July 13 in the history of the weather bureau. Hundreds of prostrations were reported by the hospitals.” (Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “Hot in Philadelphia.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.)
July 14: “Indianapolis, Ind., July 14. – With five deaths already attributed to the heat wave that is gripping the state, the weatherman today held forth little hope for general relief for the next 36 hours….Temperatures in Indiana yesterday generally ranged from 90 degrees upward. The mercury will go as high today the weatherman said….Madison again was the hottest point in the state, reporting 97. Vincennes, Columbus, Fairland, Angola had 95 each. Evansville, Bloomington, Cambridge City, Marion, Ft. Wayne and Lafayette reported 94.” (International News Service, Indianapolis, July 14. “See Little Relief.” Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. 7-14-1927, 1.)
July 15: “(By The Associated Press). New York, July 15. – Deaths directly attributed to the heat wave under which the Eastern states have sweltered for three days have mounted to 45 today, with scores prostrated. Many were drowned in seeking relief from the humidity.
“Fatalities by states:
New York, 7;
New Jersey, 10;
Connecticut, 3;
Massachusetts, 2;
New Hampshire, 1;
Pennsylvania, 9;
Upper New York State, 12;
North Carolina, 1.
Total, 45.
“The highest temperature report came from Pennsylvania, where several inland communities reported 98 degrees.
“In New York city, the highest was 91 degrees, the average was above the mid-July average for the last 46 years.
“The intense heat has resulted in farmers in Berks county, Pennsylvania, harvesting their wheat by moonlight and resting during the day.
“Several up-state New York and Connecticut points reported temperatures of 95.
“Shore resorts and beaches throughout the eastern states were crowded with persons seeking relief. In many places business houses closed earlier than usual and in New York city many offices were closed for the entire day. On Broadway sweltering throngs stood in front of the large theatres to cool off with the help of the refrigerated air which escaped from them in cool breezes. Approximately 400,000 visited Coney Island.
“Sprinklers were put in use by the fire department for the thousands of gasping children of the tenement districts and even the dignity of the courts was affected, one magistrate permitting 500 persons charged with violating motor laws to remove their coats and collars.” (Daily Herald, Biloxi & Gulfport, MS. “45 Die During Three Days of Extreme Heat.” 7-15-1927. p. 1.)
July 15: “The heat, which has hung generally over the east since Tuesday, had claimed more than 100 lives today through fatal prostrations, drowning and other accidents due to the extreme heat. Approximately 75 of the deaths were attributed directly to the heat.
“The heat wave was broken in midwest sections, but along the western fringe of the Atlantic there was no promise of relief. Showers brought temporary relief in New York and more rain was possible, but the respite was only temporary. A high temperature of 96 degrees was reported in Washington, D. C., and Baltimore. The most comfortable section of the country was the Pacific coast. The deaths to date total 105.” (United Press. “Heat Wave Kills 105.” Moorhead Daily News, MN. 7-15-1927, p. 1.)
July 17: “New York, July 17. – (By Associated Press). Although storms today brought relief from the heat wave that has blanketed the Eastern states for six days, additional fatalities reported during the past twenty-four hours brought the total death directly attributed to the heat to more than 80.
“Pennsylvania headed the list with a total of 21 deaths for the period. New Jersey and greater New York had reported 16 each, upper New York state 13, Massachusetts 7, Connecticut 5, Rhode Island 4, and New Hampshire 1.
“Lightning that accompanied the storms took a toll of five lives, four in New York and one in Connecticut.
“Rain brought somewhat cooler weather in sections of upper New York state, although Albany reported little rain, with no change in temperature. In Pennsylvania the storms brought some relief from the oppressive humidity. At New Haven the heat was somewhat less oppressive. Lower temperatures were reported from Boston but there the rain was followed by oppressive humidity. The maximum temperature in greater New York was 82 this afternoon, with the humidity at 70.” (Associated Press. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p.1.)
Alton Evening Telegraph, IL. “Late News Flashes.” 7-13-1927, p. 2. Accessed 2-23-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/alton-evening-telegraph-jul-13-1927-p-2/
Altoona Mirror, PA. “First Victim is Claimed by Heat.” 7-14-1927, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=255679547&sterm=heat+wave+death
Altoona Mirror, PA. “Heat Wave Broken.” 7-19-1927, p. 14. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=70062389&sterm=heat+wave+death
Associated Press. “10 Die in New York.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-14-1927, p. 15. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=12340875&sterm=heat+wave+death
Associated Press. “25 Killed by Heat in Eastern Cities.” Kingston Daily Freeman, NY. 7-14-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-23-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/kingston-daily-freeman-jul-14-1927-p-1/
Associated Press. “40 Heat Dead in 3 Days, East’s Toll; Many Prostrated.” Morning Republican, Findlay, OH, 7-15-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=187390565&sterm
Associated Press. “80 Deaths Full Heat Wave Toll.” Bridgeport Telegram, CT. 7-18-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=12341263&sterm=heat+wave+death
Associated Press. “Cooler at Pittsburgh.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. 7-16-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=24154331&sterm=
Associated Press. “Death Total Rises as Hot Spell Goes into Slight Drop.” Lock Haven Express, PA. 7-16-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=147303751&sterm
Associated Press. “Eastern Heat Wave Toll Set at 45 Deaths.” Davenport Democrat, IA, 7-15-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-23-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/davenport-democrat-and-leader-jul-15-1927-p-1/
Associated Press. “Eastern Warmth Kills Ten; Total Reaches Seventy.” Salt Lake Tribune, UT. 7-17-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=100904170&sterm=
Associated Press. “Fatalities Grow in Heat Wave.” Fitchburg Sentinel, MA. 7-16-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=29697529&sterm=heat+wave+death
Associated Press. “Heat Kills 61 in East Over 4-Day Period.” Pampa Daily News, TX. 7-17-1927, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=123302761&sterm=heat
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Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, NY. “Heat Wave Unbroken.” 7-14-1927, p. 3. Accessed 2-23-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/canandaigua-daily-messenger-jul-14-1927-p-3/
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DeKalb Daily Chronicle, IL. “ Freak Storms and Intense Heat Take Toll Over Vacation.”7-14-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-23-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/dekalb-daily-chronicle-jul-14-1927-p-1/
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Morning Herald, Hagerstown, MD. “Seven Persons Drown, Another Heat Fatality.” 7-18-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-23-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/morning-herald-jul-18-1927-p-1/
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Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN. “Carpenter Expires; A Victim of Heat Wave.” 7-15-1927, p. 3. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=83947565&sterm=heat+wave+death
Sandusky Register, OH. “Heat Claims Three Victims.” 7-17-1927, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=148414440&sterm=heat+wave+death
Sheboygan Press, WI. “Heat Toll is Over 100. Prostrations Cause A Death Toll of 75 In Big Total.” 7-15-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-23-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/sheboygan-press-jul-15-1927-p-3/
Syracuse Herald, NY. “Two Dead From Heat, Man Suffers Sunstroke.” 7-14-1927, p. 6. Accessed 2-23-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/syracuse-herald-jul-14-1927-p-6/
The Bee, Danville, VA. “Many Perish in Severe Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=19600258&sterm=heat+wave+death
Titusville Herald, PA. “Towanda Farmer Drops Dead.” 7-15-1927, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=105914433&sterm=heat+wave+death
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Warren Tribune, PA. “Heat Wave Fatalities are Still Mounting.” 7-16-1927, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=24192909&sterm=heat+wave+death
Waterloo Evening Courier, IA. “Heat Wave Kills Seven in Chicago.” 7-13-1927, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=98174773&sterm=heat+wave+death
[1] It should be noted when looking at newspaper accounts of the death toll that a number of them reflect only East Coast figures and thus do not include Colorado, Illinois, Indiana or Michigan. It should also be noted that even the low end of the range may still reflect some drowning deaths not explicitly identified as such in the reporting.
[2] This is for the East Coast for five days. Note that an earlier UP report noted herein, as the death toll at 138 and one on the same day shows 145. It appears that indirect causes of death are included, such as being struck by lightning at a beach while cooling off from heat.
[3] Notes: “Approximately 75 of the deaths were attributed directly to the heat.” The others were “drowning and other accidents due to the extreme heat.”
[4] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[5] Reported as “directly attributed to the heat.”
[6] Sub-title reads “Hottest July 14 in 22 Years Reported Here as Thermometer Reaches 90.” No deaths in Conn. were reported in the Bridgeport Telegram due to the heat the previous day while reporting on the heat wave.
[7] New Britain Herald, CT. “Funerals. William F. Donlan.” 7-15-1927, p. 2.
[8] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[9] It is conceivable that one or more drowning deaths are included in the totals for Chicago which note 10 deaths..
[10] Decatur Herald, IL. “Simon Wills Dies in Hospital at Anna.” 7-12-1927, p. 11.
[11] Alton Evening Telegraph, IL. “Late News Flashes.” 7-13-1927, p. 2.
[12] United Press. “Rain in Chicago.” The DeKalb Daily Chronicle, IL, 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[13] Assoc. Press. “Singer, Once Famed Dies at 55, Poverty-Stricken.” The Bridgeport Telegram, MA. 7-14-1927, 4.
[14] Daily Gazette, Sterling, IL. “Rains in Midwest.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[15] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[16] Alton Evening Telegraph, IL. “Late News Flashes.” 7-13-1927, p. 2.
[17] Notes that Frank Harter of Portland was the sixth Indiana heat wave victim.
[18] Daily Republican, Rushville, IN. “Dies of Heat Prostration.” 7-13-1927, p. 1; Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. “Indiana Farmer Killed by Heat.” 7-13-1927, p. 1.
[19] Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN. “Carpenter Expires; A Victim of Heat Wave.” 7-15-1927, p. 3.
[20] Have found no confirmation of eleven heat-related deaths in MD. Have seen reports of at least seven drowning deaths, but not linked directly to escaping the heat – such as boat capsizing. So, not using this number.
[21] Victim identified Harry Levin, 38, as the “first death of the season today” noting “the thermometer registering 93 degrees at noon.” Cumberland Evening Times, MD. “Terrific Heat Wave Sweeping Entire Nation.” 7-13-1927, p.2.
[22] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[23] Morning Herald, Hagerstown, MD. “Seven Persons Drown, Another Heat Fatality.” 7-18-1927, p. 1.
[24] “Physicians said that a heart attack superinduced by the excessive heat caused her death.” (Daily Mail, Hagerstown, MD. “Report Death Due to Heat.” 7-15-1927, p. 14.)
[25] Reported as “directly attributed to the heat.”
[26] North Adams Transcript, MA. “Deaths From Heat Reach Total of 45.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.
[27] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[28] Associated Press. “Heat Toll Reaches Sixty In East.” The Bridgeport Telegram, MA. 7-16-1927, p. 17.
[29] Lowell Sun, MA. “Mill Worker Dies at His Station.” 7-18-1927, p. 1.
[30] Fitchburg Sentinel, MA. “Leominster Visitor Overcome by Heat Drops Dead in Garden.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.
[31] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[32] “Deaths directly attributed to the heat wave under which the eastern states have sweltered for three days had mounted to 45 today. Fatalities by states were…New Hampshire, 5…”
[33] Reported as “directly attributed to the heat.”
[34] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, pp. 1, 8.
[35] Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Three Deaths in Hudson Co., New Jersey, Today.” 7-15-1927, p. 8.
[36] Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Three Deaths in Hudson Co., New Jersey, Today.” 7-15-1927, p. 8.
[37] The Bee, Danville, VA. “Many Perish in Severe Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1. We are assuming this is one of the three deaths reported in Hudson County on July 14.
[38] We assume the nine deaths were in Newark — article reads: “Newark, Today – (AP) – The fourth day of the heat at 10 a.m. gave promise of a continuation of the high temperatures which have caused nine deaths from prostration ….Unofficial temperatures this morning were as high as 92 degrees in this city as compared with 90 degrees yesterday.” Reports four other deaths from drownings. It is conceivable, though, that the deaths were for the state.
[39] “New York, July 13….Ten deaths had been reported late today…two in Newark, N.J.…”
[40] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, pp. 1, 8.
[41] United Press. “Heat Wave Takes Toll of Seventy Lives in East.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-14-1927, p. 10.
[42] Not using in tally – cannot reconcile with other reporting.
[43] The low end of the range represents our subtraction of seven drowning deaths as part of 22 deaths reported for July 12-15 from one source.
[44] North Adams Transcript, MA. “25 Deaths Result From Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[45] Associated Press. “Two Deaths From Heat Reported in State Capital.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-14-1927, p. 10.
[46] Associated Press. “Two Deaths From Heat Reported in State Capital.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-14-1927, p. 10.
[47] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[48] North Adams Transcript, MA. “25 Deaths Result From Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[49] Burlington Daily Times, NC. “Seven Die in New…” 7-13-1917, p.1.
[50] “New York, July 15 – The three-day heat wave that has caused forth-seven deaths in the metropolitan area and reached a record temperature of ninety-one degrees, was broken today by thunder showers starting shortly after midnight.” International News Service. “Heat Wave Toll Reported as 112.” New Castle News, PA, 7-15-1927, 1-2. [It is not clear, however, if the “metropolitan” area extends out of state to NJ and CT.]
[51] Forty-seven deaths is more than the daily reports and other summary totals, and is thus suspect.
[52] “Three more deaths were added to the list in New York City today making a total of 32.” Several paragraphs lower, in this July 17 paper, under the dateline of July 16, it is written “Thirty-two deaths had been recorded in New York area tonight from a terrific heat wave…” Notes that “at least 20 others have lost their lives by drowning or in some other way caused indirectly by the weather.”
[53] Daily Herald Times-Press, Middletown, NY. “Another Death Added to Toll…Making Total 28.” 7-28-1927, 12.
[54] Notes drownings came about “when thousands sought escape from the oppressive temperature by swimming.” (International News Service. “Heat Wave Toll Reported as 112.” New Castle News, PA, 7-15-1927, pp. 1-2.)
[55] UP. “Eastern Heat Wave Runs Death Toll Total to 123 in Five Days.” Oakland Tribune, CA. 7-17-1927, p. 1.
[56] United Press. “Heat Takes 5-Day Death Toll of 138 in Eastern States.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-16-1927, p. 1.
[57] “New York, July 13….Ten deaths had been reported late today…two in New York [city, according to context].”
[58] AP, NYC. “25 Killed by Heat in Eastern Cities.” Kingston Daily Freeman, NY. 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[59] International News Service. “Severe Heat Wave Takes Toll of 44.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA, 7-14-1927, p.5. Given NY press report of five heat deaths by July 14, this is not credible to us. Perhaps includes drownings.
[60] Collapsed on upper Broadway “and was dead when an ambulance arrived.” (AP. “40 Heat Dead…” Morning Republican, Findlay, OH, 7-15-27, 1.)
[61] “New York, July 15. – Deaths directly attributed to the heat wave…had mounted…today…Fatalities by sections were: Greater New York City, 7…”
[62] United Press. “Heat Takes 5-Day Death Toll of 138 in Eastern States.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-16-1927, p. 1.
[63] Daily Herald Times-Press, Middletown, NY. “Another Death Added to Toll…Making Total 28.” 7-28-1927, 12.
[64] United Press. “Eastern Heat Wave Causes 100 Deaths.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-15-1927, p. 1.
[65] Daily Herald, Middletown, NY. “More Than Fifty Slain by Terrific Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[66] North Adams Transcript, MA. “25 Deaths Result From Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[67] Syracuse Herald, NY. “Two Dead From Heat, Man Suffers Sunstroke.” 7-14-1927, p. 6.
[68] Syracuse Herald, NY. “Two Dead From Heat, Man Suffers Sunstroke.” 7-14-1927, p. 6.
[69] Not including these numbers in our tally in that we do not know the localities, and we do note several Upper New York localities specifically – thus would be at least some double-counting.
[70] United Press. “Eastern Heat Wave Causes 100 Deaths.” Syracuse Herald, NY. 7-15-1927, p. 1.
[71] Not using as high estimate in that I have not been able to substantiate.
[72] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[73] Elsewhere in same paper the name is written as Julius Orosy, who “drowned at Gordon park beach while trying to escape the heat.” (East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.)
[74] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[75] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[76] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8
[77] AP. “40 Heat Dead…” Morning Republican, Findlay, OH, 7-15-27, 1.
[78] Victim identified as Mrs. Ida Sweedler, 48, ‘overcome while ironing, and died in an ambulance while being taken to a hospital.” Notes two additional deaths due to drowning when a canoe capsized – not included here in tally.
[79] Not counting drowning fatalities, even though they were reported as due to people seeking relief from heat.
[80] Coroner Chester Rothrock declared “the woman had died from heart trouble induced by the heat.” (Altoona Mirror, PA. “First Victim is Claimed by Heat.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.)
[81] “Philadelphia Swelters.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. 7-16-1927, p. 1.
[82] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[83] “The heat wave was indirectly responsible for the death at 2:50 p.m. yesterday of Paul Schimpf, 32 years, line foreman for the Edison Electric Light and Power Company of Lancaster, who was electrocuted when he was prostrated by the heat and fell against several lines carrying 23,000 volts…near Craley…Dr. L.U. Zech, coroner, who was summoned, signed the death certificate giving the cause of death as electrocution, superinduced by heat prostration…” (Evening Sun, Hanover, PA. “Lineman Meets Death on Pole.” 7-16-1927, p. 1.)
[84] “Heat was responsible for two deaths in Erie in the past 24 hours, when the mercury climbed to 93 degrees, the highest mark of the year. Oscar E. Smith, proprietor of a riding academy on the Buffalo road, was overcome while putting some hay into his barn and died before medical aid could be summoned. Oscar Klaus, 27, dove into shallow water at Waterworks Park and suffered a heart attack which proved fatal.” (Titusville Herald, PA. “Two Die in Erie.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.)
[85] Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Harry S. Seibert Found Dead Along the Street.” 7-15-1927, p. 8. Another report of his death notes “The mercury reported a peak of 96 this afternoon.” Warren Morning Mirror, PA. “Two Dead From Heat in Lancaster County.” 7-16-1927, p. 1.
[86] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[87] International News Service. “Heat Wave Toll Reported as 112.” New Castle News, PA, 7-15-1927, p. 2.
[88] “This city had its first death attributed to heat conditions.” Sub-headline reads “Heart Trouble, Superinduced by Heat is Cause of Fatality.” (New Castle News, PA. “Heat Wave Cause of Sudden Death.” 7-16-1927, p. 1.)
[89] “New York, July 13….Ten deaths had been reported late today…one in Philadelphia.”
[90] New Castle News, PA. “Heat Wave Grips Eastern Section of Pennsylvania.” 7-16-1927, p. 1. If, as is noted, there were five heat-related deaths in Philadelphia during July 13-14, then four more would make for nine.
[91] New Castle News, PA. “Heat Wave Grips Eastern Section of Pennsylvania.” 7-16-1927, p. 1. West Chester, to the west of Philadelphia, might have been considered within the Philadelphia. Similarly, across the river in NJ were we know there was a death in Camden, might have been considered the Philadelphia vicinity.
[92] “Philadelphia, July 19. – A temperature drop of twelve degrees during the night to 70 at 8 a.m. today marked the breaking of the hot spell….A total of thirteen deaths were attributed to the heat wave.”
[93] International News Service. “Heat Wave Toll Reported as 112.” New Castle News, PA, 7-15-1927, p. 2.
[94] “The second death from the present heat wave in this section occurred today when A.C. Crawford, a farmer living near here, dropped dead while at work in the field. The mercury has reached 94 degrees here two days in succession.” (Titusville Herald, PA. “Towanda Farmer Drops Dead.” 7-15-1927, p. 1.)
[95] East Liverpool Review-Tribune, OH. “35 Persons Die as Torrid Wave Rages.” 7-14-1927, p. 8.
[96] The Bee, Danville, VA. “Many Perish in Severe Heat Wave.” 7-14-1927, p. 1.
[97] Reported “as directly due to the torrid weather.”
[98] Reported as “directly attributed to the heat.”