1927 — Jan 11, storm, coal steamer John Tracy Sinks off Highland Light, Truro, MA — 27

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-2-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–27  AP. “Coal teamer Lost With Crew of 27.” Lowell Courier-Citizen, MA. 1-25-1927, p. 3.

–27  Lowell Sun (MA). “Hope Abandoned for 27 Seamen of…John Tracy,” Jan 22, 1927, p. 16.

–26  Berman, Bruce D.  Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. 1972, p. 51.

Narrative Information

Jan 21, AP: “Norfolk, Va., Jan. 21 (ap). – The collier John Tracy, which left Norfolk for Boston 10 days ago with a cargo of coal, normally carried a crew of 29 men, but whether she was shorthanded when she departed could not be ascertained tonight. She carried no wireless apparatus and therefore could not make known her plight when she was battling the storm…the belief here is that all hands went down or news of their rescue would have been known by now. The Tracy was a ship of 1502 net tons and was owned by the M. & J. Trach Steamship Co., which operates a fleet of vessels in the coastwise trade.” (Associated Press. “Finds Parts of Steamer Tracy.” Lowell Courier-Citizen, MA. 1-22-1927, p. 6.)


Jan 22, AP: “Boston, Jan 22. (AP) – Hope definitely had been abandoned today for the 27 men of the crew of the steamer, John Tracy, a steel collier last seen off Cape Cod during the height of the blizzard on Jan. 11.


“The finding yesterday of a drifting rowboat and the name plate of the ill-fated vessel removed the last vestige of doubt that all had perished.


“Shipping men here inclined to the belief that the Tracy probably had foundered near where its wreckage was picked up on the perilous Georges Shoal, approximately 70 miles southeast of Highland light, off Cape Cod.


“The destroyer Burroughs found to heavy sections of the plank hatch covers of the ship and her name board, while earlier the fishing schooner Breaker had discovered the rowboat….


“The Tracy sailed from Norfolk on Jan 8 with 4000 tons of coal for this port.  Two coast guard cutters, two tugs and an airplane were dispatched to search for her but without avail.  The collier carried no wireless.”  (Lowell Sun (MA). “Hope Abandoned for 27 Seamen of…John Tracy,” Jan 22, 1927, 16.)


Jan 24, AP: “Boston, Jan. 24 (AP) – Wreckage believed from the steamer John Tracy, missing since the blizzard of Jan. 11, was sighted today by the Coast Guard Destroyer Jouett, south of Cape Cod. At the same time the captain of a fishing vessel arriving here reported having seen floating wreckage in the same area last Thursday.


“The Tracy, bound from Norfolk to Boston with a coal cargo was last sighted off Pollock Rip lightship at the height of the blizzard. Last week the sea gave up one of her lifeboats, the name board from her pilot house, and two sections of hatch covers. The vessel was commanded by Capt. Rudolph Richter of Belmont and carried a crew of 27.


“The destroyer Jouett today sighted 120 miles east of Cape Cod what appeared to be the top of a deck house and four hatch covers. Capt. Dennis Boland of the fishing schooner Pauline M. Boland reported that on Thursday while 90 miles southeast by south from Highland Light, Cape Cod, he saw a long ladder, a door and other flotsam. Shipping men believe the vessel foundered on Georges shoal off Cape Cod and that wooden wreckage, detached by the pressure of the seas, is now coming to the surface.” (AP. “Coal teamer Lost With Crew of 27.” Lowell Courier-Citizen, MA. 1-25-1927, p. 3.



Associated Press. “Coal teamer Lost With Crew of 27.” Lowell Courier-Citizen, MA. 1-25-1927, p. 3. Accessed 3-2-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/lowell-courier-citizen-jan-25-1927-p-3/


Associated Press. “Finds Parts of Steamer Tracy.” Lowell Courier-Citizen, MA. 1-22-1927, p. 6. Accessed 3-2-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/lowell-courier-citizen-jan-22-1927-p-6/


Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. Boston: Mariners Press Inc., 1972.


Lowell Sun, MA. “Hope Abandoned for 27 Seamen of the Missing John Tracy,” Jan 22, 1927, 16. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=56405104