1927 — Feb 17, Tornadoes, Warren, Covington, Jones, Jasper (Rose Hill) Co.’s, MS  —     14

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-1-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–14  Grazulis.  Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 496 and 805.

            –05  Warren County,                          18:00  F2         [Two were in Bovina.]

            –01  Covington, Jones Counties,       22:00  F2

            –08  Jasper County,                            22:15  F2         [Rose Hill]

–10  Blanchard note: This is the number of deaths we located in the Miss. press at the time.

Narrative Information

Feb 18, AP: “(By Associated Press)  Meridian, Miss., Feb. 18. – Eight were killed, two seriously hurt, four others slightly injured, and heavy property damage was suffered in a storm that struck about a mile and a half east of Rose Hill [Jasper County], about 35 or 40 miles southwest of Meridian, Thursday at about 9:30 p.m. The tragedy only touched two families and the property losses were confined to these two. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd and five of their children were killed. The grim reaper also snatched away John Lewis, Jr., aged about 35, unmarried. Two other of the Boyd children were critically hurt and three other children of the same family were slightly injured. John Lewis, Jr., also was hurt….


“The storm, of cyclonic proportions, missed Rose Hill and came to earth in the Lewis and Boyd property. The two homes were destroyed and of fifty bales of cotton on the two places, only nine remained, bales being found scattered as far as 200 yards….” (Associated Press. “31 Are Dead in Two-States’ Storm.” Hattiesburg American, MS. 2-18-1927, p. 1.)


Feb 19, AP: “(By The Associated Press)….The death list stood: …Rose Hill, Miss., 8; Bovina, Miss [Warren County], 2…” (Associated Press. “Storm Death Toll Reaches Thirty-four.” Biloxi Daily Herald, MS. 2-19-1927, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “31 Are Dead in Two-States’ Storm.” Hattiesburg American, MS. 2-18-1927, p. 1. Accessed 3-1-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/hattiesburg-american-feb-18-1927-p-1/


Associated Press. “Storm Death Toll Reaches Thirty-four.” Biloxi Daily Herald, MS. 2-19-1927, p. 1. Accessed 3-1-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/biloxi-daily-herald-feb-19-1927-p-1/


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.