1927 — March 17, Tornado, Hot Springs, Saline, Pulaski Counties, AR                  –11-12

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-1-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–12  Grazulis.  Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 240 and 806.

–11  Hickmon. “Tornadoes in Arkansas in March, 1927.” Monthly Weather Review, Mar 1927, 133.

Narrative Information

Grazulis: “AR  Mar 17, 1927  20:30  12k [killed]  27inj  400y  25m  F3  Hot Springs/Saline/Pulaski [counties] – Moved NE from south of Slocomb, passing west of Benton. All of the deaths were in a swath cut from the county border to 3m W of Benton….”


Hickmon. “Tornadoes in Arkansas in March, 1927.” MWR, Mar 1927, p. 133:

“Two destructive tornadoes occurred in this State in March, 1927. The first started at 7:30 p.m. of the 17th at the village of Delight, in Pike County, and moved thence some 70 miles northeastward to the border between Saline and Pulaski Counties, covering the distance in about an hour. El3ven p4rsons were killed and 25 injured in this storm.”




March 18, Daily Times, Harrison, AR: “Benton, Ark. March 17 – A tornado, apparently sweeping from the south and southwest devastated several small communities near here Thursday night [17th] and left eight known dead and probably from 15 to 20 injured, several seriously. A revised death list, issued at the hospital here follows:


Mrs. Edgar Smith, Klondyke; and two children.

Lennie Cash, 22; Matthew Cash, 17 and Ardis Cash, 15; sisters and brothers of Mrs. Smith.

Lloyd McAlister, 20, of Willis.

Ola Moody, Mountain View.

Inez Smith, 6, is missing.


“Eight injured persons had been removed here Thursday night including Edgar Smith of Klondyke, a 4 year-old brother of Lloyd McAlister and Laura Robertson of Mountain View, all seriously injured. The McAlister child, with a fractured skull, was not expected to live.


“The tornado is said to have Klondyke about 9 o’clock, approaching from the southwest. Almost simultaneously it is believed it swept through Mountain View, Collegeville, Willis and Allexander where the State Training School for Girls is located. Several of the buildings at the school were blown down and two women were hurt.” (Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Storm Takes Its Toll Near Benton.” 3-18-1927, p. 1.)



Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Storm Takes Its Toll Near Benton.” 3-18-1927, p. 1. Accessed 3-1-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/harrison-daily-times-mar-18-1927-p-1/


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.


Hickmon. “Tornadoes in Arkansas in March, 1927.” Monthly Weather Review, March 1927, p. 133. Accessed 3-1-2025 at:
