1927 — March 18, Tornado, Carroll (especially Green Forest) and Boone Counties, AR– 24
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 2-28-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–24 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 240, 806. (No locality breakdown.)
–24 National Weather Service. Little Rock Weather Forecast office.
–18 Daily Times, Harrison, AR newspaper reports for March 19, 21-23.)
— 3 Denver community. Daily Times, Harrison AR. “Windstorm…Green Forest.” 3-19-1927, 1.
Narrative Information
Grazulis: “AR Mar 18, 1927 19:30 24k [killed] 110inj 800y 35m F4 Carroll/Boone [counties].”
March 19, Daily Times, Harrison, AR: “Eleven persons are dead and over 35 are injured as the result of a tornado which hit Green Forest, 25 miles west of Harrison, shortly after 8 o’clock Friday night. The dead are:
Mrs. Fannie Norris, aged 80.
Mrs. R. D. Galloway, aged 65.
Mrs. Susan Hulsey, aged 88.
Mrs. J. H. Jones, aged 60.
Price Stacy, aged 50.
Pope Jones, aged 40.
Robert McKimmey, aged 80.
____ Woods, infant, aged 2.
____ Jennings, infant, aged 2.
An unlisted baby….”
(Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Windstorm Takes Toll of Lives at Green Forest.” 3-19-1927, p. 1.)
March 21, Daily Times, Harrison, AR: “Green Forest, March 20 – Revised death list today placed the toll of human lives taken by Friday’s tornado at 17 while three are in a critical condition and momentarily expected to die. Thirteen are in the hospital at Eureka Springs and 19 are receiving medical and nursing attention in Green Forest. This is believed to be a complete check.
“Duplication of reports from the Denver community was responsible for yesterdays report of 21 dead. Three were killed there and one injured critically, and these were reported twice to the emergency relief committee.
“The completed death list is as follows: In and near Green Forest – [we arrange alphabetically]
- Will Cannafax, 50
- Richard Galloway, 84
- Susan Hulsey, 80
- Polk James [Jones?], 45
- J. H. P. Jones, 65
- Robert McKimmey, 65
- James Marie
- James Marie, baby of
- Robert McKimmey, 60
- Fannie Norris, 70
- Milton Norton, 40
- [E. E. Payne. Died at Eureka Springs hospital, March 22.]
- [Lacey Pendley, about 60. Died March 22 at Eureka Springs hospital.]
- Price Stacy, 60
- Vernon Van Horn, infant of
- Woods, child 1 of 3
- Woods, child 2 of 3
- Woods, child 3 of 3
“At Denver
Jim Moulder
Fred Ward, 25
Fred Ward baby….”
(Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Windstorm Takes Toll of Lives at Green Forest.” 3-19-1927, p. 1.)
March 22, Daily Times, Harrison, AR: “….The name of E. E. Payne who died in the hospital at Eureka Springs during the day, is to be added to the list published by the Times yesterday….” (Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Aftermath of Storm at Green Forest.” 3-22-1927, p. 4.)
March 23, Daily Times, Harrison, AR: “The total of the death list as the result of the tornado at Green Forest was brought to nineteen yesterday when Lacey Pendley died in the hospital at Eureka Springs of injuries received…..Mr. Pendley was about 60 years old and had been a resident of Green Forest community all his life…” (Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “One More Death At Green Forest.” 3-23-1927, p. 1.)
Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Aftermath of Storm at Green Forest.” 3-22-1927, p. 4. Accessed 2-28-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/harrison-daily-times-mar-22-1927-p-4/
Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “One More Death At Green Forest.” 3-23-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-28-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/harrison-daily-times-mar-23-1927-p-1/
Daily Times, Harrison, AR. “Windstorm Takes Toll of Lives at Green Forest.” 3-19-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-28-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/harrison-daily-times-mar-19-1927-p-1/
Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.
National Weather Service. Little Rock Weather Forecast Office. Accessed 2-28-2025 at: