1927 — Chickenpox, international list #25a, Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1927 — 184
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-4-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–184 Bureau of the Census, US Dept. of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1927, Table II, p. 19.
Narrative Information
CDC: “Chickenpox is a very contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It causes a blister-like rash, itching, tiredness, and fever. The rash appears first on the stomach, back and face and can spread over the entire body causing between 250 and 500 itchy blisters. Chickenpox can be serious, especially in babies, adults, and people with weakened immune systems. The best way to prevent chickenpox is to get the chickenpox vaccine.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Chickenpox (Varicella).” 7-1-2016 update.)
Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1927. Washington: GPO, 1929. Accessed 3-4-2025 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsushistorical/mortstatsh_1927.pdf
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Chickenpox (Varicella).” 7-1-2016 update. Accessed 11-26-2018 at: https://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/index.html