1926 — Jan 29, Mossboro No. 1 Coal Mine Explosion (powder misfire/dust) ~Helena, AL–  27

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-15-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

 –27  Bureau of Mines, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Explosion Report. Mossboro No. 1 Mine

–27  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC. Mining Disasters.

–27  United States Mine Rescue Assoc. Mine Disasters in the United States. Mossboro No. 1.

 Narrative Information

 Bureau of Mines, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Explosion Report. Mossboro No. 1 Mine…:

General Statement:

“An explosion occurred at 4:00 P.M. Friday, January 29, 1926, in the Mossboro No. 1 Mine operated by the Premier Coal Company…5 miles southwest of Helena, in Shelby County, Alabama. The explosion resulted in the death of 27 men, six affected by gas requiring artificial respiration, the remainder of the men in  the mine or 9 in number escaped unassisted and uninjured.


“The explosion occurred near the end of the day shift at shooting time and was caused by ‘windy shots’ in 23 room off 5 right. The blown out shots raised and ignited coal dust, probably assisted by a small amount of methane being given off at the face of 5 right. The ignition was [propagated by dust from its origin inby to the face out outby to No. 1 room where it was checked and the flame extinguished by water running down No. 1 room across 5 right entry and aircourse and thence down the slope….”


United States Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disasters in the United States:

“Lising of Fatalities…in the Mossboro Mine Explosion [from Shelby County Reporter, 2-4-1926]


James Adams;

Robert Ball;

Pat Burke;

William Carrick;

Glenn Duncan;

Henry Gold;

  1. J. Harrison;
  2. J. Holloway;

Doyle Lambert;

Joe Mayner;

Henry Oakes.

  1. M. Odum;

Hassey Harris;

Will Johnson;

Henry Peterson;

Enoch Woodwon;

  1. H. Segress.


“Those still in the mine, but who are believed to be dead are:


Amberson Grigley;

More Coillins;

Eli Tradewell;

Willie Temple;

Cliff Gibson;

Willie Fitts;

Primus Hendersib;

Rodger Williams;

Sam Hawkins.




Bureau of Mines (F.E. Cash), U.S. Department of Commerce. Explosion Report. Mossboro No. 1 Mine, Premier Coal Company, January 29, 1926. Accessed 3-15-2025 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/1926-01-29_Mossboro_Report.pdf


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Safety and Health Research..  Mining Disasters (Incidents with 5 or more Fatalities). NIOSH, CDC, 2-26-2013 update. Accessed at: https://wwwn.cdc.gov/NIOSH-Mining/MMWC/MineDisasters/Table


United States Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disasters in the United States. “Premier Coal Company, Mossboro No. 1 Mine Explosion, Helena, Shelby County, Alabama, January 29, 1926, No. Killed – 27.” Accessed 3-15-2025 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/mossboro_news_only.htm