2001 — Sep 18-Nov 21, Terrorism, Anthrax Letters, DC FL GA MD NJ NY VA — 5

–5  Expert Behavioral Analysis Panel (EBAP). Amerithrax Case: Report of the [EBAP]. 2011.

–5  FBI. “Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation.” Famous Cases & Criminals. Accessed 11-4-2015.

–5  Miller Judith. “Bioterrorism’s Deadly Math.” City Journal, Autumn 2008, V16, N 4.

–5  Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012.


Oct 5, Robert L. Stevens, 63, Boca Raton, FL.[1]

Oct 21, Thomas Morris Jr., 55, District of Columbia postal worker.[2]

Oct 22, Joseph Curseen, 47, District of Columbia postal worker.[3]

Oct 31, Kathy Nyuyen, 61, medical supply room worker, Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp.[4]

Nov 21, Ottilie Lundgren, 94, Oxford CT.[5]


Narrative Information


FBI: “Soon after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, letters laced with anthrax began appearing in the U.S. mail. Five Americans were killed and 17 were sickened in what became the worst biological attacks in U.S. history. The ensuing investigation by the FBI and its partners—code-named ‘Amerithrax’ — has been one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement.


“n August 2008, Department of Justice and FBI officials announced a breakthrough in the case and released documents and information showing that charges were about to be brought against Dr. Bruce Ivins, who took his own life before those charges could be filed. On February 19, 2010, the Justice Department, the FBI, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service formally concluded the investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks and issued an Investigative Summary.


“The Amerithrax Task Force — which consisted of roughly 25 to 30 full-time investigators from the FBI, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and other law enforcement agencies, as well as federal prosecutors from the District of Columbia and the Justice Department’s Counterterrorism Section—expended hundreds of thousands of investigator work hours on this case. Their efforts involved more than 10,000 witness interviews on six different continents, the execution of 80 searches, and the recovery of more than 6,000 items of potential evidence during the course of the investigation. The case involved the issuance of more than 5,750 grand jury subpoenas and the collection of 5,730 environmental samples from 60 site locations. In addition, new scientific methods were developed that ultimately led to the break in the case — methods that could have a far-reaching impact on future investigations.” (FBI. “Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation.” Famous Cases & Criminals.)


Sun Sentinel: “Sept. 18: Envelopes containing letters and granular substances are sent to NBC News in New York and the New York Post. Both are mailed from Trenton, N.J….


“Oct 5….At JFK’s intensive care unit, Stevens[6] is pronounced dead, becoming the first anthrax fatality in the United States since 1976.




Expert Behavioral Analysis Panel. Amerithrax Case: Report of the Expert Behavioral Analysis Panel. 2011. Vienna, VA: Research Strategies Network. 7-3-2014 modification. Accessed 11-4-2015 at: https://researchstrategiesnetwork.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/ebap-report-redacted.pdf


Federal Bureau of Investigation. “Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation.” Famous Cases & Criminals. Washington, DC: FBI, U.S. Department of Justice. Accessed 11-4-2015 at: https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/history/famous-cases/anthrax-amerithrax


Miller, Judith. “Bioterrorism’s Deadly Math.” City Journal, Autumn 2008, Vol. 16, No. 4. Accessed at:  http://www.city-journal.org/2008/18_4_bioterrorism.html


Palm Beach Post, FL. “Lantana anthrax widow settles $50 million lawsuit against federal government.” 10-28-2011. Accessed 11-4-2015 at: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/lantana-anthrax-widow-settles-50-million-lawsuit-a/nLzF6/


Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012. Accessed 11-4-2015 at: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm-beach/sfl-1013anthraxchronology-story.html







[1] Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012.

[2] Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012. Writes “His previous attempts to convince his supervisors and doctor that he had anthrax went unheeded.”

[3] Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012.

[4] Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012.

[5] Sun Sentinel, FL. “Chronology of 2001 anthrax events.” 12-24-2012.

[6] American Media Inc. photo editor Bob Stevens, who checked himself in at the JFK Medical Center in Atlanta.