2002 — Jan 28-Feb 1, Ice and Snow Storms, Plains, Midwest, Northeast, especially OK– 29

—  29  Blanchard tally from State breakouts below.

—  27  Altoona Mirror, PA. “Thousands still without power after storm.” 2-5-2002, p. C3.

>22  AP. “Deadly winter storm pulls away…” Sunday Capital, Annapolis, MD, 2-3-2002, A3.

>21  LA Times. “Storm leaves 21 dead…Midwest, Northeast.” New Mexican, 2-2-2002, D3.

>20  Freed (AP). “Winter Storm leaves Plains for Northeast.” Daily News, FL, 2-2-2002, A8.


Breakout of Fatalities by State


Illinois             (4)

–4  Associated Press. “Deadly storm pulls out.” Shelby Star, NC, 2-3-2002, 6A.

–2  Suburban Chicago. Vehicular; “slick roads…blamed for crashes…” Female, 36, son, 12.[1]

–1  Suburban Chicago. Vehicular; “slick roads were blamed for crashes…” Male, 27.[2]

–1  Union County, southern IL. Drowning, floodwater; girl, 3.[3]


Iowa                (2)

— 1  Vehicular; female, 40.[4]

— 1  Vehicular; male, 58.[5]


Kansas            (2)

— 2  Dodge City vic., U.S. 50, Jan 30. Vehicular, car skids into tractor-trailer; females, 25, 54.[6]


Michigan        (4)

— 4  Freed (AP). “Winter Storm leaves Plains for Northeast.” Daily News, FL, 2-2-2002, A8.


Missouri         (3)

— 1  Vehicular; female, 24 “lost control of her pickup…and struck another vehicle.”[7]

— 1  Harrisonville, Jan 31. Carbon monoxide poisoning from home generator; male.[8]

— 1  Kansas City, body found Feb 1. Carbon monoxide poisoning, home generator, female, 66.[9]


Nebraska        (3)

— 3  Freed (AP). “Winter Storm leaves Plains for Northeast.” Daily News, FL, 2-2-2002, A8.


New York       (2)

— 2  Freed (AP). “Winter Storm leaves Plains for Northeast.” Daily News, FL, 2-2-2002, A8.


Oklahoma      (9)

–9  McManus, Gary. “The Mouse that Roared.” Oklahoma Climate, Winter 2007-2008, p. 6.

–7  State. McManus. January 28-30, 2002: Oklahoma Ice Storm. 3-11-2002, p. 9.

–4  Vehicular              –2 Asphyxiation         –1 Tree limb fall

–7  State. Oklahoman, Oklahoma City. “Oklahoma ice storms, 2000-2007.” 1-25-2009.

–4  Vehicular.

–2  Asphyxiation “while trying to get warm in enclosed spaces.” (Carbon monoxide?)

–1  Tree limb fall on man clearing debris from his property.

–4  Associated Press. “Deadly storm pulls out.” Shelby Star, NC, 2-3-2002, 6A.

–1  Vehicular; “car…slammed into a pickup truck…accident blamed on the weather,” male, 17.[10]




Altoona Mirror, PA. “Thousands still without power after storm.” 2-5-2002, p. C3. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=73067348&sterm


Associated Press. “Deadly storm pulls out.” Shelby Star, NC, 2-3-2002, 6A. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=184290111&sterm


Associated Press. “Deadly winter storm pulls away from Northeast.” Sunday Capital, Annapolis, MD, 2-3-2002, A3. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=29785584&sterm


Associated Press. “It it’s cold, it might as well snow.” Salina Journal, KS. 2-1-2002, A3. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=161687405&sterm


Associated Press. “Powerful storm leaves thousands powerless.” Bedford Gazette, PA, 2-1-2002, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=136740873&sterm


Freed, Josh (Associated Press). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Daily Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=91579264&sterm


Freed, Josh (Associated Press). “Winter Storm leaves Plains for Northeast.” Daily News, Fort Walton Beach, FL, 2-2-2002, A8. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=181997864&sterm


Los Angeles Times. “Storm leaves 21 dead across Midwest, Northeast.” New Mexican, Santa Fe. 2-2-2002, D3. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=118320980&sterm


McManus, Gary D. (Staff Climatologist). January 28-30, 2002: Oklahoma Ice Storm (Oklahoma Event Summary, publication ES 2002-01). Norman, OK: Oklahoma Climatological Survey, 3-11-2002. At: http://climate.ok.gov/summaries/event/Oklahoma_Ice_Storm_01_2002.pdf


McManus, Gary. “The Mouse that Roared.” Oklahoma Climate, Winter 2007-2008, pp. 3-7. Accessed at: http://climate.ok.gov/summaries/seasonal/Oklahoma_Climate_Winter_2007-08.pdf


Oklahoman, Oklahoma City. “Oklahoma ice storms, 2000-2007.” 1-25-2009. Accessed 3-27-2014 at: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-ice-storms-2000-2007/article/3340695


Salina Journal, KS. “Generators blamed for two KC deaths.” 2-3-2002, A3. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=161687445&sterm









[1] Freed (AP). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.

[2] Freed (AP). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.

[3] “In southern Illinois, a 3-year-old girl was found dead after floodwaters swept her from her grandmother’s arms as the woman tried to cross a stream. ‘Apparently, she thought it was too deep to drive through, so she attempted to carry (the girl) across,’ said Union County Sheriff Jim Nash. He said the child was swept away when the woman fell.” (Freed (AP). “Winter Storm leaves Plains for Northeast.” Daily News, FL, 2-2-2002, A8.)

[4] Freed (AP). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.

[5] Freed (AP). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.

[6] “In western Kansas, the Kansas Highway Patrol reported that Rosa Perez, 54, and Rosaura Canal, 25, both of Garden City, were killed Wednesday night in a collision on U.S. 50 just west of Dodge City. The patrol said the car driven by Canal lost control on the ice and skidded into the path of a tractor trailer.” (Associated Press. “It it’s cold, it might as well snow.” Salina Journal, KS. 2-1-2002, A3.) Also: Freed (AP). Daily Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.

[7] Freed (AP). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.

[8] Salina Journal, KS. “Generators blamed for two KC deaths.” 2-3-2002, A3.

[9] Salina Journal, KS. “Generators blamed for two KC deaths.” 2-3-2002, A3.

[10] Freed (AP). “Bad Winter Storm Hits Plains, Midwest States.” Sitka Sentinel, 1-31-2002, 2.