2003 — Feb 1, Columbia Space Shuttle Re-entry Break-up over TX — 7

–7  Cox, Mike. Texas Disasters: True Stories of Tragedy and Survival. 2006, p. 229.

–7  Dowling, Stephen. “What Caused the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster?” BBC, 1-30-2015.

–7  History.com.  This Day in History… Feb 1, 2003.  “Columbia Mission Ends in Disaster.”

–7  NASA. Space Shuttle Columbia and Her Crew (website). 8-23-2006 update.

–7  Sturkey. Mayday. Accident Reports and Voice Transcripts from Airline Crash… 2005, p.437.


Narrative Information


History.com: “On this day in 2003, the space shuttle Columbia breaks up while entering the atmosphere over Texas, killing all seven crew members on board.


“The Columbia’s 28th space mission, designated STS-107, was originally scheduled to launch on January 11, 2001, but was delayed numerous times for a variety of reasons over nearly two years. Columbia finally launched on January 16, 2003, with a crew of seven. Eighty seconds into the launch, a piece of foam insulation broke off from the shuttle’s propellant tank and hit the edge of the shuttle’s left wing.


“Cameras focused on the launch sequence revealed the foam collision but engineers could not pinpoint the location and extent of the damage. Although similar incidents had occurred on three prior shuttle launches without causing critical damage, some engineers at the space agency believed that the damage to the wing could cause a catastrophic failure. Their concerns were not addressed in the two weeks that Columbia spent in orbit because NASA management believed that even if major damage had been caused, there was little that could be done to remedy the situation.


“Columbia reentered the earth’s atmosphere on the morning of February 1. It wasn’t until 10 minutes later, at 8:53 a.m.–as the shuttle was 231,000 feet above the California coastline traveling at 23 times the speed of sound–that the first indications of trouble began. Because the heat-resistant tiles covering the left wing’s leading edge had been damaged or were missing, wind and heat entered the wing and blew it apart.


“The first debris began falling to the ground in west Texas near Lubbock at 8:58 a.m. One minute later, the last communication from the crew was heard, and at 9 a.m. the shuttle disintegrated over southeast Texas, near Dallas. Residents in the area heard a loud boom and saw streaks of smoke in the sky. Debris and the remains of the crew were found in more than 2,000 locations across East Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. Making the tragedy even worse, two pilots aboard a search helicopter were killed in a crash while looking for debris. Strangely, worms that the crew had used in a study that were stored in a canister aboard the Columbia did survive.

In August 2003, an investigation board issued a report that revealed that it in fact would have been possible either for the Columbia crew to repair the damage to the wing or for the crew to be rescued from the shuttle. The Columbia could have stayed in orbit until February 15 and the already planned launch of the shuttle Atlantis could have been moved up as early as February 10, leaving a short window for repairing the wing or getting the crew off of the Columbia.


“In the aftermath of the Columbia disaster, the space shuttle program was grounded until July 16, 2005, when the space shuttle Discovery was put into orbit.”  (History.com.  This Day in History, Disaster, February 1, 2003.  “Columbia Mission Ends in Disaster.”)




Cox, Mike. Texas Disasters: True Stories of Tragedy and Survival. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot Press, 2006.


Dowling, Stephen. “What Caused the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster?” BBC, 1-30-2015. Accessed 10-27-2015 at: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150130-what-caused-the-columbia-disaster


History.com. This Day in History, Disaster, February 1, 2003.  “Columbia Mission Ends in Disaster.” Accessed 12-6-2008 at:  http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=tdihArticleCategory&displayDate=02/01&categoryId=disaster


NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Space Shuttle Columbia and Her Crew (website). 8-23-2006 update. Accessed 10-27-2015 at: http://www.nasa.gov/columbia/home/index.html


Sturkey, Marion F. Mayday. Accident Reports and Voice Transcripts from Airline Crash Investigations. Plum Branch, SC: Heritage Press International, 2005.