2006 — March 11, Fire, Residential, wood-burning stove probable cause, Shoals, IN — 6

 — 6  AP. “Community mourns family killed in fire.” Herald Bulletin, Anderson, IN. 3-12-2006, A8.

— 6  Badger, Stephen G. Catastrophic Multiple-Death Fires for 2006. NFPA, Sep 2007, p. 12.


Narrative Information


AP: “Shoals – A family of six, including four young children, died early Saturday when a fire possibly sparked by a wood-burning stove destroyed their rural home hours after they returned from a trip to Missouri….


“State troopers and the state fire marshal surveyed the scene, picking through debris as they began their investigation of the fire, which was reported just before 4 a.m. EST….


“A relative…identified them [victims] as Rodney Montgomery, 41, his wife Beth, 35, and their children, Austin, 11, Ariana, 9, Trenton 6, and 6-month-old Jackson….the bodies of the two adults and an infant were found near a side door on the first floor, and appeared to have been overcome by smoke as they struggled to exit the burning home. The bodies of the three other children were found in a first floor bedroom.


“He [State trooper] said there was no sign of foul play and it appears that the fire originated near a wood burning stove on the home’s first floor….” (Associated Press (Ryan Lenz). “Community mourns family killed in fire.” Herald Bulletin, Anderson, IN. 3-12-2006, A8.)




Associated Press (Ryan Lenz). “Community mourns family killed in fire.” Herald Bulletin, Anderson, IN. 3-12-2006, A8. Accessed 9-16-2015 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=258312895&sterm=fire+home+six


Badger, Stephen G. Catastrophic Multiple-Death Fires for 2006 (NFPA No. MDS06). Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Fire Analysis and Research Division, Sep 2007. Accessed 7-8-2013: http://www.nfpa.org/~/media/files/research/nfpa%20reports/overall%20fire%20statistics/catastrophic2006.ashx