2006 — March 26, Mass-shooting, rave after-party, Capitol Hill area, Seattle WA — 6-7

— 7  Galloway, and Parvaz. “No rave crackdown coming.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3-30-2006.

— 7  Holtz. “Seattle shooting leaves seven dead.” Daily Times, Farmington, NM, 3-26-2006, A6.


Narrative Information


Galloway and Parvaz:  “Faced with the senselessness of last week’s slaughter of six young people hours after an all-night, all-ages dance party, many parents want not only answers — but also accountability…. Huff…accumulated a sizable arsenal long before the rampage and went to the party in a pickup truck loaded with guns and hundreds of bullets….


“Huff met his victims through a zombie-themed rave called “Better Off Undead” at the Capitol Hill Arts Center, or CHAC. Folks there invited Huff to an after-rave gathering at a nearby rental home. Shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday, Huff retrieved guns and ammunition from his pickup truck and began firing at his new acquaintances. He fatally shot six young people and wounded two more before shooting himself to death when confronted by a Seattle police officer….”  (Galloway/Parvaz. “No rave crackdown coming.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3-30-2006.)


Holtz:  “Seattle — Six young people were shot to death early Saturday at a home, apparently at a

party, and the alleged gunman committed suicide when confronted by police, authorities said. Three other victims were taken to a hospital after the shootings in the Capitol Hill neighborhood east of downtown, said police spokesman Rich Pruitt. Two of the three were in critical condition, he said.  “It’s one of the largest crime scenes the city has ever had,” said Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske.  He said the victims’ bodies were found in several places in the house….At least a dozen other people were in the house at the time, officials said.


“Kerlikowske said an officer in the neighborhood heard shots fired at just after 7 a.m. When Officer Steve Leonard reached the scene, he found one person staggering out of the house with a gunshot wound.  The officer confronted another man who emerged with a shotgun, telling him several times to put the weapon down, Kerlikowske said. The man turned the gun on himself and

fired a fatal shot, he said….


“Kerlikowske said police found a variety of other guns at and near the scene.


“William Lowe, 59, who lives across the street, said he heard six shots shortly after his alarm went off and looked out in time to see people scattering from the home, some with faces painted and hair dyed.  Lowe said he saw the man with the shotgun put the barrel in his mouth and fire.


“Aaron Hoyle, 25, of Renton, said about five people in or around their 20s lived in the house and that some were promoters of warehouse parties….” (Holtz, Jackson (AP) “Seattle shooting leaves seven dead, three wounded.” Daily Times, Farmington, NM, 3-26-2006, A6.)




Galloway, Angela and D. Parvaz. “No rave crackdown coming.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3-30-2006. Accessed 4-17-2013: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/No-rave-crackdown-coming-1199788.php


Holtz, Jackson (AP). “Seattle shooting leaves seven dead, three wounded.” Daily Times, Farmington, NM, 3-26-2006, A6. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=191687863&sterm=shooting+seattle+huff






[1] The shooter murdered six people aged 14, 15, 21, 22, 26 and 32. Committed suicide when police arrived.