2016 — Influenza (ICD-10 codes J09, J10.0, J10.1, J10.8, J11.0, J11.1, J11.8) –2,905

Rate Per 100,000 (average = 0.9)

Alabama                        18                  0.4

Arizona                       164                  2.4       2nd highest death rate; 4th highest state loss in 2016.

Arkansas                       15                  0.5

California                   307                  0.8       Largest influenza loss of life within a state in 2016.

Colorado                       54                  1.0

Connecticut                  34                  1.0

Florida                                    171                  0.8       2nd highest loss of life to influenza in a state, 2016.

Georgia                         54                  0.5

Hawaii                          16                  1.1

Idaho                             28                  1.7       Tied for 4th highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

Illinois                          95                  1.1

Indiana                                      74                  1.1

Iowa                              35                  1.1

Kansas                          24                 0.8

Kentucky                      49                  1.1

Louisiana                      26                  0.6

Maine                            21                  1.6       Tied for 5th highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

Maryland                      37                  0.6

Massachusetts               71                  1.0

Michigan                    114                  1.1       7th highest influenza loss of life within a state, 2016.

Minnesota                    52                  0.9

Mississippi                  21                  0.7

Missouri                      59                  1.0

Montana                       26                  2.5       Highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

Nebraska                      19                  1.0

Nevada                          28                  1.0

New Hampshire            18                  1.3

New Jersey                   63                  0.7

New York                   167                  0.8       3rd highest influenza loss of life within a state, 2016.

North Carolina              88                  0.9

Ohio                            104                  0.9

Oklahoma                     20                  0.5

Oregon                                      92                  2.2       3rd highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

Pennsylvania              134                  1.0       5th highest influenza loss of life within a state, 2016.

Rhode Island                 17                  1.6       Tied for 5th highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

South Carolina              55                  1.1

Tennessee                     57                  0.9

Texas                          119                  0.4       6th highest influenza loss of life within a state, 2016.

Utah                              47                  1.5       Tied for 6th highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

Virginia                        41                  0.5

Washington                106                  1.5       Tied for 6th highest US influenza death rate in 2016.

West Virginia               30                  1.6       Tied for 5th highest US influenza death rate 2016.)

Wisconsin                     63                  1.1

Wyoming                      10                  1.7       Tied for 4th highest US influenza death rate 2016.


Narrative Information


CDC: J09 (Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus), J10.0 (Influenza with pneumonia, influenza virus identified_, J10.1 (Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, influenza virus identified), J10.8 (Influenza with other manifestations, influenza virus identified), J11.0 (Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified), J11.1 (Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified, J11.8


Blanchard: Alaska, Delaware, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and District of Columbia not shown in that the “total” function was “disabled” because it was less than 10 deaths. Puerto Rico is not included in what can be searched.




Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1999-2016 on CDC Wonder Online Database, released June 2017. ICD-10 Codes for Influenza 2016: J09, J10.0, J10.1, J11.0, J11.1, and J11.8. Accessed 9-29-2018 at: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D140;jsessionid=E3B8565C4B9B1FD209057166ADA59B9C