1964 — March 20, Car skids on icy US 69 curve into path of truck, near Cameron, MO– 6

–6  AP. “Six Persons Die In Crash Near Cameron.” Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, MO, 3-21-1964, 3.

–6  Middlesboro Daily News, KY. “Winter Leaves Chilly Gloom Here.” 3-21-1964, p. 1.


Narrative Information


March 21: “Cameron, Mo., March 21 (AP)–A panel truck slammed into a car on an icy curve Friday night [20th], killing six persons–five of them members of a Minnesota family. Three other persons were injured, one critically.


“The dead included Irvin Edward Jablonicky, 36, of Farmington, Minn.; his wife, Virginia Rose, 33, and children Gail 9, Allen, 10, and Emmelle, 4. Also killed was Mrs. Dixie Manring, 37, of Winston, Mo. Mrs. Manring’s husband, James, 43, driver of the truck, and a son Donnie, 3, were reported in fair condition this morning at the Cameron hospital. Daniel Roberts, 11, a son of Mrs. Manring by a previous marriage, remained in critical condition with severe head injuries at a Kansas City hospital.


“The Missouri Highway Patrol said the Jablonicky car skidded on ice and the truck hit it broadside. Both vehicles locked together while skidding off the pavement.” (Assoc. Press. “Six Persons Die In Crash Near Cameron.” Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, MO, 3-21-1964, 3.)




Associated Press. “Six Persons Die In Crash Near Cameron.” Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, MO, 3-21-1964, 3. Accessed 3-8-2019 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/chillicothe-constitution-tribune-mar-21-1964-p-3/


Middlesboro Daily News, KY. “Winter Leaves Chilly Gloom Here.” 3-21-1964, p. 1. Accessed 3-8-2019 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/middlesboro-daily-news-mar-21-1964-p-1/