1920 — Typhoid Fever, esp. PA/503 KY/490 OH/435 TN/434 IL/380 NY/SC/379 – -6,805

— 6,805  Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1920. DC: GPO, 1922, pp. 17, 20.


AL         41  (Non-registering state. However, three cities did provide data.)

–27  Birmingham        –13  Mobile    —  1  Montgomery

CA      166

CO         87

CT         57

DC        29

DE         25

FL       143

GA        60  (Non-registering state. However, four cities did provide data.)

–28  Atlanta   –18  Augusta  –5  Brunswick               –9  Savannah

IL        380

IN        284

KS       141

KY      490

LA       280

ME        69

MD      100

MA        95

MI       294

MS      333

MO      341

MT        27

NE         58

NH        30

NJ        105

NY      379

NC      311

OH      435

OR        39

PA       503

RI          17

SC       379

TN       434

UT         31

VE         37

VA      260

WA       76

WI         65


Narrative Information


“The number of deaths from typhoid fever in 1920 is 6,805, corresponding to a death rate of 7.8 per 100,000 population, which is lower than the rate for 1919 (9.2) and is the record low rate in the period of 21 years from 1900 to 1920, inclusive.”




Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1920 (Twenty-First Annual Report). DC: GPO, 1922, p. 20. Accessed 8-22-2016 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsushistorical/mortstatsh_1920.pdf )



[1] Based on death certificate data from 34 “registration states” as well as 17 cites in non-registration states of AL, GA, ND, OK, TX and WV, with an estimated population of 87,45,921 or 82.3% of total estimated U.S. and Hawaii territory population. AK was not a State. Other non-reporting states were AZ, AR, ID, IA, MN, NM, SD, and WY.