1931 — Scarlet Fever, especially children, esp. IL/359, NY/231, OH/227 & PA/225 –2,651

— 2,650  U.S. Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1931. Washington: 1935, p. 167.[1]

—  30   AL       U.S. Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1931. Washington: 1935, p. 171.

—    3  AZ                   “          p. 177.

—  33   AR                  “          p. 181.             —    1   NV  Census. Mortality Statistics 1931, 296.

—  58   CA                  “          p. 187.             —    1   NH      “                      “                      p. 300.

—  31   CO                  “          p. 194.             —  84   NJ        “                      “                      p. 303.

—  11   CT                   “          p. 198.             —    9   NM      “                      “                      p. 304.

—    3   DE                   “          p. 202.             –231    NY      “                      “                      p. 311.

—  12   DC                  “          p. 206.             —  64   NC      “                      “                       p. 316.

—  23   FL                   “          p. 211.             —  17   ND      “                      “                        p. 322.

—  44   GA                  “          p. 217.             –227    OH      “                      “                      p. 326

—  13   ID                    “          p. 223.             —  55   OK      “                      “                       p. 330.

–359    IL                    “          p. 227.             —  10   OR      “                      “                      p. 336.

–131    IN                    “          p. 231.             –225    PA       “                      “                      p. 340.

—  49   IA                    “          p. 236.             —  12   RI        “                      “                       p. 345.

—  23   KS                   “          p. 240.             —  19   SC       “                      “                       p. 349.

—  84   KY                  “          p. 244.             —    6   SD       “                      “                       p. 355.

—  16   LA                   “          p. 250.             —  64   TN       “                      “                       p. 359.

—  16  ME                  “          p. 256.             —    ?   TX[2]

–106  MA.                 “          p. 266.             —  11   UT       “                      “                      p. 366.

—  31  MD                  “          p. 260.             —    5   VT       “                      “                      p. 369.

–126    MI                   “          p. 270.             —  39   VA      “                      “                      p. 373.

—  24   MN                  “          p. 275.             —  15   WA     “                      “                       p. 380.

—  13   MS                  “          p. 279.             —  31   WV     “                      “                        p. 384.

–195    MO                  “          p. 285.             —  66   WI       “                      “                     p. 388.

—  11   MT                  “          p. 289.             —    4   WY     “                      “                         p. 392.

—  20   NE                   “          p. 292.


Table 10. Causes of Death, by Month of Occurrence[3]

Jan       Feb      Mar      Apr      May     June     July      Aug     Sep      Oct      Nov     Dec

298      313      362      353      330      198      109`     84       65       128      187      223



U.S. Census: “The number of deaths from scarlet fever in the registration area in 1931 was 2,650, corresponding to a rate of 2.2 per 100,000 population as compared with 1.9 in 1930 [but 4.6 in 1920]. The greatest increases are shown in Missouri (5.3 as against 2.1) and Indiana (4.0 as against 2.5). At the other extreme, 23 States had decreases. Eleven of the 93 cities of 100,000 population and over had no deaths from scarlet fever. The highest rates were shown for Rochester (11.1) and St. Louis (8.8). (Census 1931, pp. 17-18)

[1] U. S. Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1931 (Thirty-Second Annual Report). Washington: GPO, 1935. Accessed 10-24-2013 http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsushistorical/mortstatsh_1931.pdf

[2] Texas was the only non-registration State in the 1931 Census report. Four TX cities were included: Dallas (3), El Paso (2), Fort Worth (4), and Houston (2).

[3] U.S. Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1931, p. 441.