1959 — Feb 15, home fire, thought to be from coal cooking stove, Pinson Fork, KY      —       5

— 5  Charleston Gazette, WV. “5 of Family Die in Ky. Fire.” 2-16-1959, p. 1.

— 5  Evening Journal, Lubbock, TX. “Mother, Four Children Burned in [KY].” 2-16-1959, p. 11.

— 5  UPI. “Five Lose Lives in Kentucky Fire.” Eau Claire Leader, WI. 2-17-1959, p. 9.


Narrative Information


Feb 15:  “Pikeville, Ky. – (AP) — Five members of an eastern Pike County family burned to death Sunday in a fire that destroyed their small home at Pinson Fork near here. Sheriff Moss Keesee identified the victims as Mrs. Alberta Hatfield, 27, and her four children, Karen Sue, 6; Joan, 5; Jackie, 4, and Deborah Ann, 1. [19 months]


“Keesee said neighbors reported hearing an explosion at about 5:15 a. m. shortly before the fire was discovered. Deputy Coroner Russell Rogers said the blast apparently was caused by flames reaching some dynamite stored in an outbuilding adjacent to the home. It was also destroyed.  Rogers theorized the blaze may have started from an overheated coal stove….


“[Mr.] Hatfield is employed as a coal miner for Eastern Coal Corp. of Stone, Ky. The Hatfield home, a four-room frame dwelling, was located near McVeigh, some 15 miles south of the West Virginia border.”  (Charleston Gazette, WV. “5 of Family Die in Ky. Fire.” 2-16-1959, p. 1.)


Feb 15:  “Pikeville, Ky. (UPI) – A 28-year-old mother and four of her five children were burned to death when fire destroyed their home Sunday. The father and the fifth child were away when the blaze broke out. The victims were Mrs. Alberta Hatfield, Karen Sue, 7, Joan, 5, Jackie, 4, and Deborah Ann, 19 months.


“It was Kentucky’s second major fire in two days. Eleven persons burned to death in a fire Saturday [Feb 14] at an Ashland apartment house.


“Pike County Deputy Coroner Russell Rogers said the father, Bud, had left home early Sunday to go to nearby Matewan, W.Va., to arrange for the training of a hunting dog. The couple’s fifth child, Estil, 9, was visiting grandparents at the time of the fire.


“Rogers said the blaze might have started from a coal cooking stove or from one of two coal-fired heating grates.


“The body of Karen Sue was found in the front of the house and the rest in their beds.”  (Evening Journal, Lubbock, TX. “Midwestern Fires Kill 12.” 2-16-1959, p. 11.)




Charleston Gazette, WV. “5 of Family Die in Ky. Fire.” 2-16-1959, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=46668157&sterm=pikeville+fire


Evening Journal, Lubbock, TX. “Mother, Four Children Burned in Kentucky.” 2-16-1959, p. 11. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=196744265&sterm


UPI (United Press International). “Five Lose Lives in Kentucky Fire.” Eau Claire Leader, WI. 2-17-1959, p. 9. Accessed 2-11-2020 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/eau-claire-leader-feb-17-1959-p-9/