1896 — Oct 20, Steamer Arago snags on jetty, sinks, mouth of Coos Bay, OR — 13

–13 Marshall, Don. Oregon Shipwrecks. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishing, 1984, p. 43.
–13 McCurdy. “Ocean Tragedies…Northwest Coast.” Overland Monthly, 34/202, 10-1899, 300
–13 U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual Report 1897, p. 16.

Narrative Information

McCurdy: “When the steamer Arago sank in Coos Bay in October, 1896, the life-savers had a chance to show their mettle, and nobly acquitted themselves. The steamer struck the jetty and in five minutes went down, leaving her masts sticking above water. It was very rough, and a portion of those aboard the unfortunate craft were swept away and drowned. A number took refuge in the rigging, and to rescue these the lifeboat put out in a tremendous sea and happily were able to bring them safely to land. Thirteen out of thirty-two persons were drowned, but had not the life-savers put forth, the loss would have been much greater.” (McCurdy 1899, 300.)

US SIS: “Steamer Arago, 947.19 tons gross, A. Reed, master was forced by heavy seas and a most unusual current upon the submerged end of jetty at mouth of Coos Bay, Oregon, and sank in 5 fathoms of water in about five minutes afterward. The starboard boats and raft were washed overboard by the seas; two port boats were lowered, but one soon capsized and six of its occupants drowned. Those who remained on the steamer clung to the rigging. Of these, seven were drowned and the rest were saved by the United States life-saving crew. In all, nine of the crew and four passengers were lost. Upon investigation no blame could be attached to Captain Reed, who was proceeding carefully at the time in order to view the bar before proceeding to sea, and did all in his power to save life after the vessel struck. The Arago was a total loss…” (U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual Report 1897, p. 16.)


Marshall, Don. Oregon Shipwrecks. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishing, 1984.

McCurdy, James G. “Ocean Tragedies on the Northwest Coast.” Overland Monthly, Vol. 34, No. 202, Oct. 1899. Pp. 291-300. Digitized by Google at: http://books.google.com/books?id=otNUAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

United States Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector General, Steamboat-Inspection Service to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1897. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1897, 274 pages. Digitized by Google. Accessed at: http://books.google.com/books?id=Z1YpAAAAYAAJ