1974 — Jan 16, Canyon Mountain Landslide, Canyon Pass, Canyonville, OR — 9

— 9 Cornell, James. The Great International Disaster Book (Third Edition). 1982, pp. 194-195.
— 9 News-Review Today (Roseburg, OR). “Douglas County’s Top 10 Disasters,” 27 Jun 2004.
— 9 Highland and Schuster. Significant Landslide Events in the [U.S.]. USGS, 4-16-2003, 10.

Narrative Information

News-Review Today, Roseburg, OR, 2004: “On the evening of Thursday, Jan. 16, 1974, nine men were killed after being buried beneath mud and debris on Canyon Pass, south of Canyonville. Seven Pacific Northwest Bell employees and two Sage Pipeline men were killed as they went to investigate a failure in the Portland-Sacramento coaxial. The body of the slide filled a gap of 150 feet between I-5 and the east slope of Canyon Mountain. Mud, rocks and fallen trees piled 15 feet high. A search for the bodies lasted nine days. One was never found. Three of the victims were from Roseburg and one hailed from Wilbur. A Pacific Northwest Bell newsletter about the incident said, “As horrifying as this disaster was it could have been a lot worse,” referring to the roughly 40 employees who had been working at the site earlier in the day.” (News-Review Today (Roseburg, OR). 27 June 2004.)


Cornell, James. The Great International Disaster Book (Third Edition). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1982.

Highland, Lynn M. and Robert L. Schuster. Significant Landslide Events in the United States. USGS, 4-16-2003. Accessed 12-15-2017 at: https://landslides.usgs.gov/learn/significantls.php

News-Review Today, Roseburg, OR. “Douglas County’s Top 10 Disasters,” 6-27-2004. Accessed at: http://www.nrtoday.com/article/20040627/FEATURES/106280044