1976 — Dec 24, Fire, Birthday Party (10 children), Apartment House, Chicago, IL — 12

–12 Cornell, James. The Great International Disaster Book (Third Edition). 1982, p. 336-337.
–12 NFPA. “1976 Multiple-Death Fires In The [US].” Fire Journal, V.71, N.5, Sep 1977, p.63.
–12 National Fire Protection Association. The 1984 Fire Almanac. 1983, p. 138.

Narrative Information

NFPA: “Apartment house, Chicago, Illinois. Twelve persons, ten of them children, died on December 24 when a fast-spreading fire, heavily damaged a three-story, six-unit apartment building. Most of the victims were attending a birthday party in a third-story apartment.

“It is believed that shortly before 5:00 pm, a charcoal grill was in use on a landing outside the apartment. Apparently a container of liquid starter being used with the grill ignited and an occupant attempted to carry the burning container outside. In doing so, he spilled burning fluid along the floor and stairs. The fire spread rapidly through the building, trapping most of the occupants in their apartments. Many of those who escaped did so by jumping from the upper floors.

“Eight other persons were hospitalized for burns and smoke inhalation.” (Nat. Fire Protection Assoc. “1976 Multiple-Death Fires In The United States.” Fire Journal, V71, N5, Sep 1977, p.63.)


Cornell, James. The Great International Disaster Book (Third Edition). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1982.

National Fire Protection Association. Key Dates in Fire History. 1996. Accessed 2010 at: http://www.nfpa.org/itemDetail.asp?categoryID=1352&itemID=30955&URL=Research%20&%20Reports/Fire%20statistics/Key%20dates%20in%20fire%20history&cookie%5Ftest=1

National Fire Protection Association. “1976 Multiple-Death Fires In The United States.” Fire Journal, Vol. 71, No. 5, Sep 1977, pp. 61-64.