1977 — Jan 17, USN LCM-6 liberty boat hit/capsized by cargo vessel, Barcelona, Spain– 49

–49 Barcelonalowdown.com. “Monument to US Servicemen.” Accessed 7-23-2020.
–49 Hafner. “‘This has been forgotten’: 40 years after Navy tragedy…” Virginia-Pilot, 9-21-2017.
–49 Ussguamtrenton1977. “LCM-6 Accident – Barcelona, Spain – 17 January 1977.”
–44 Cornell, James. The Great International Disaster Book (Third Edition). 1982, p. 417.

Narrative Information

Barcelonalowdown.com: “On the night of January 17th 1977, 49 American servicemen lost their lives in a tragic accident in Barcelona harbour. The men, who were serving aboard the USS Guam and USS Trenton, had been enjoying a few hours shore leave in Barcelona and were returning to their ships when the small boat they were travelling in collided with a Spanish cargo vessel.

“The LCM-6 class liberty boat quickly turned over tipping the 124 men aboard into the cold dark waters of Barcelona harbour. Despite the rapid response of harbour workers and other crewmembers, 49 men lost their lives.

“One year later a 3.5m iron and stone monument was erected on the Barcelona wharf a few metres from where the accident happened. In 1997 the monument was moved to its current location next to the old customs building and the Christopher Columbus monument. The stone base of the monument bears the names of the sailors and marines who lost their lives and a metal plaque with an inscription which reads:

In memory of the members of the US Navy and the US Marine corps serving in the USS Guam and USS Trenton who perished in this port on 17 January 1977 and in gratitude to the citizens, officials and rescue teams of Barcelona for their cooperation with the US forces.”

Hafner: “On Jan. 17, 1977, 18-year-old Navy engineman Bud Sanders peered from his launch boat into a Barcelona, Spain, harbor. Through the early morning gloom – ‘it was so, so dark’ – he saw the bottom of another liberty launch boat, its propellers in the air. The boat, carrying servicemen to the USS Guam and USS Trenton, had collided with a 380-ton Spanish freighter around 2 a.m. and capsized, pitching almost 130 men into the sea, according to Virginian-Pilot archives.

“Some were trapped; others made it back to shore. Forty-nine sailors and Marines from the Norfolk-based ships died….” (Hafner, Katherine. “‘This has been forgotten’: 40 years after Navy tragedy, veterans gather to remember the dead.” Virginia-Pilot, Norfolk, 9-21-2017.)

Ussguamtrenton1977: “Shortly before 2:00 am on January 17, 1977, a U.S. Navy LCM-6 liberty boat embarked from the foot of the Muella de Barcelona (Pier of Barcelona), carrying 124 Sailors and Marines back to the USS Guam LPH-9 and the USS Trenton LPD-14.

“Minutes after launching the LCM-6 rounded the end of the pier and made a wide turn directly into the path of the Spanish merchant ship Urlea. The Urlea struck the liberty boat causing it to capsize and throwing all passengers and crew into the icy-cold harbor waters.

“Many of the men were trapped under the overturned LCM-6. Some were able to climb on top of the boat or swim to the shore.

“Almost immediately Spanish tugs and fishing vessels got underway and began picking up survivors. The Barcelona fire department and ambulances were on the scene within minutes. Divers from the fire department, the Spanish Navy, and a local diving club volunteered their aid in the recovery effort.

“The final body was recovered on February 2, 1977, bringing the total number of dead to 49….”
(Ussguamtrenton1977. “LCM-6 Accident – Barcelona, Spain – 17 January 1977.”)


Barcelonalowdown.com. “Monument to US Servicemen.” Accessed 7-23-2020 at: https://barcelonalowdown.com/monument-us-servicemen/

Cornell, James. The Great International Disaster Book (Third Edition). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1982.

Hafner, Katherine. “‘This has been forgotten’: 40 years after Navy tragedy, veterans gather to remember the dead.” Virginia-Pilot, Norfolk, 9-21-2017. Accessed 7-23-2020 at: https://www.pilotonline.com/military/article_1c43841c-6dbe-5797-ad95-b3a8145b9188.html

Ussguamtrenton1977. “LCM-6 Accident – Barcelona, Spain – 17 January 1977.” Accessed 7-23-2020 at: https://ussguamtrenton1977.wordpress.com/17-january-1977/