1865 — Dec 27, Steamer Constitution grounds and breaks-up, Cape Lookout shoals, NC– 40

— 40 Blanchard estimated death toll.*

— 48 Daily Milwaukee News. “Latest…Loss of the Constitution,” Dec 31, 1865, p. 1.
— 43 Daily Milwaukee News. “Later…Loss of the Constitution,” Dec 31, 1865, p. 1.
–38-42 NYT. “Wreck of…Constitution…Account…Disaster by…Captain…,” Jan 3, 1866, p.5.
— 40 Angley. An Historical Overview of the Beaufort Inlet. Cape Lookout Area of [NC]. 1982, p. 47.
— 40 Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. 1972, p. 114.
— 40 Daily Milwaukee News. “Special Dispatch…Loss of the Constitution,” Dec 31, 1865, 1.
— 40 Gaines, W. Craig. Encyclopedia of Civil War Shipwrecks. 2008, p. 117.
— 40 Lytle and Holdcamper. Merchant Steam Vessels of the [U.S.] 1807-1868. 1952, p. 264.
— 40 Nash, Jay Robert. Darkest Hours. 1977, p. 685.
— 40 Simonds. The American Date Book. 1902, p. 100.
— 30 Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats (US). Report of… 10-24-1866, p. 281.
— 30 Legeros. North Carolina Deadliest Disasters Database.

* Blanchard estimated death toll: It seems to us to be clear from a reading of the sources below, that the death toll was not 43 or 48, as noted in the Daily Milwaukee News of Dec 31, 1865 (which does also mention 40 deaths amongst the three numbers found in the article).

Disconcerting to us is the report of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats that the loss of life was 30, which we assume Legeros followed. All of the other reporting, with the exception of the New York Times article we cite, notes 40 deaths (and we point out in the footnote to that article the numbers are ours based on our counting of individuals noted as lost and of those saved).

It has been our experience that the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats is not always a reliable source of information when it comes to fatalities. In our experience, Lytle and Holdcamper documents over the years, are a much more reliable source. We suspect that the other sources noting forty deaths, followed an earlier edition of Lytle and Holdcamper than we have access to.

Thus, we choose to follow Lytle and Holdcamper, as well as other sources, which note 40 deaths.

Narrative Information

Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats (U.S.): “The steamship Constitution, one of a regular line between New York and Savannah, left Savannah December 23, in the afternoon, with a full cargo of cotton and a number of passengers, bound for New York. After leaving Savannah she encountered heavy weather, during which time her machinery became deranged, and her boiler worked in its bed. It was found necessary to stop the engine, to secure her boiler and repair other damages. This required some time, and several hours were consumed in making the necessary repairs. In the mean time all sail had been set to keep the ship under control, but the wind was light, and consequently little advantage was gained by her sails. During this gale she had encountered, the wind prevailed from a southeasterly quarter, with a heavy sea running, which continued sometime after the gale had abated, with a strong current from the same direction. The sea and current combined setting directly on the land, carried the ship much farther out of her calculated position than the captain was aware of; the captain, probably anxious to have the damage to his engine and boiler repaired, left the deck in charge of a junior officer, went below to assist the engineer, being a mechanic himself, to repair the damage, and remained below some hours, and until the engine was set to work again, and, as is very natural, thinking himself quite safe in steering a direct course, not suspecting for a moment the strength of the current that had been acting on the ship during the interval of stopping the engine and starting of it again; this proved to be a fatal error. On the morning of the 27th of December, at two o’clock in the morning, the ship struck on the outer point of Cape Lookout shoal, and became a total loss; the breakers running so high, it was found impossible to use the life boats, although several attempts were made; in every case the boats were either stove or carried off from the ship before any passengers could be placed on board; each passenger, however, was furnished with a life-preserver, which was all that was left to save life excepting such pieces of the wreck as could be caught by the poor unfortunates now struggling in the water, as the ship had gone to pieces; eighteen passengers and twelve of the crew lost their lives; two passengers and ten of the crew were saved. There was found a boat that was washed away from alongside of the ship when attempting to lower her into the water; during the day she was carried through the breakers and supposed to have got into an eddy current and there remained nearly in the same position until she was found by some of the crew who were drifting along on a piece of the wreck; thus they were enabled to give assistance to those that were saved and carried safely to land. The value of the ship is said to be $80,000, and 728 bales of cotton valued at $183,000.

“The chief officer of the ship, a brother of the captain, lost his life. It is known that every officer on board used every means available to preserve the lives of the passengers, and in all cases gave precedence to passengers when any portion of the wreck offered any inducement to save life.” (Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats (U.S.). Report of Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats. 10-24-1866, Rpt. of Second Supervising District (NY), p. 280-281.)


Dec 30: “Special Dispatch…Newbern, N.C., Dec 30. — The Times has a private telegram from Morehead City, dated the 29th, which says: The steamer Constitution, Capt. Granman, from Savannah to New York, struck Cape Lookout Shoals on the night of the 29th, and went to pieces. She had on board 54 persons, all told, including two ladies and one child. The captain and thirteen men were saved, and the rest were lost. The steamer is a total wreck.

“Later. New York, Dec. 30.— Advices state that fourteen of the crew of the steamer Constitution were saved, leaving forty-three passengers lost. Among the passengers was J. Fitzgerald, lately attached to The Savannah Herald. The Constitution had 720 bales of cotton on board. She was thousand tons burden, and valued at $150,000.”

“Latest. Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 30. — The steamer Constitution Capt. Granman, left Savannah for New York the 23d inst., with twenty-four passengers and 700 bales of cotton. She struck on the southern point of Lookout Shoal on Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock, where she remained 48 hours, and then broke up. The captain, with twelve men of the crew and one passenger, W, P. Long of Brooklyn, N. Y., saved themselves on cotton bales. They landed at Cape Lookout Light House at 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon, and thence proceeded to Morehead City. Forty-eight persons, passengers and crew, on the ill-fated vessel perished. The survivors left Morehead City for New York this morning.” (Daily Milwaukee News. “Loss of the Constitution,” 12-31-1865, p. 1.)

Jan 3: “Capt. Greenman, late master of the steamship Constitution, wrecked on Cape Lookout shoals, arrived at this port last evening from Morehead City, N.C. in the steamer Louisa Moore, and makes the following statement:

“Saturday, Dec 23. 11:30 A.M., left the dock at Savannah with a cargo of 728 bales of cotton, a crew of 33 men, 10 cabin passengers, 3 steerage, and six men found stowed away after leaving, in all 52 souls; passed Tybee Bar 2 P.M., wind blowing a gale from northeast, at 4 P.M. bore up for Port Royal harbor where we anchored at 6 P.M. in company with steamers San Salvador and Leo, wind still blowing a gale and weather looking bad.

“Dec. 24, 6 A.M. – Got underway, and proceeded to sea. Wind light from southwest, with a heavy sea running from southeast. Ship going about nine knots, and rolling badly. 6 P.M. the packing from joint of steam pipe blew out; blow off steam and repaired it, causing a delay of three hours. 25th, 4 A.M. – Passed lightship, supposed to be on Cape Fear shoals, but found her to be about eight miles to the westward, in fifteen fathoms water.

“At 5 A.M. got soundings on the shoals in 10 fathoms. 6 A.M. sounding in 15 fathoms to the eastward of the shoals, at which time the steam-pipe gave out, caused by the rolling of the ship, blew off steam to repair the pipe and secure the boiler which was working. Soon got under way again at 10:30 P.M., steam-pipe still leaking, and engineer reported it not safe to carry more than 10 inches of steam. It being foggy through the day, could get no observation, and the ship not having steerage-way part of the time, could not keep a correct run of her but to the best of any judgment made the end of Cape Fear shoals to bear S.W. by S, 40 miles, and Cape Lookout Shoals N.E. by E. 45 miles distant. Steered E.N.E. At 11…[unclear] night got soundings in 20 fathoms, ship running at the rate of seven miles per hour, with nine inches steam. 26th, 1 A.M. got 20 fathoms. 2 A.M., 27 fathoms, steering same course. At 2:20 A.M. ship struck on what proved to be the outer shoals of Cape Lookout, judging myself to be at the time we struck about 14 miles to the westward, and had been steering E.N.E. which would have cleared us of the shoals, in four hours after going on, ship was full of water, made every effort to get her off, but was unsuccessful.

“At daylight 27th a dense fog prevailed and, being in the midst of the breakers, it was too rough to launch the boats without immediately filling. Called all hands and organized boats’ crews. One boat I put in charge of Capt. French, a passenger, another to Capt. Lane, a passenger, another in charge of the mate; and taking charge of the remaining one myself, and had everything ready to leave when the sea moderated, or in case the ship showed any signs of breaking up. 10 A.M. cut away the foremast. 5 P.M. fog cleared off with a light breeze from north west, and every indication of a pleasant night, the sea still running too high to launch a boat with any degree of safety, called a consultation of the passengers, all of whom preferred to stay by the wreck than to take to the boats. I also gave permission to any of the boats to leave, but none would risk it. At midnight the wind commenced breezing from the southward and the sea to increase, the ship swung two points to the [unclear] and began to show signs of breaking up, order 1 the boats to be launched, my boat was launched successfully, but immediately filled, requested some of the passengers to take her, but all refused, and the boat, after lying alongside a short time, broke adrift, the crew at the same time attempted to launch to other boats, but they were stove by the sea, which was now breaking nearly over us, and the ship breaking up very fast. The only chance now left to save survivors was by clinging to pieces of the wreck or cotton bales. At 4 A.M. of the 27th the whole side fell in with a large number of the crew and passengers clinging to it, all of whom were thrown into the sea. The next sea that came carried the fore castle with it, and on which I was standing with several others. After being in the water a few minutes I succeeded in getting on a piece of timber where there were three others, after being washed off it several times; saw another raft, which I hailed, and found the second mate and steward on it. I swam for it, and succeeded in getting to it, calling for my companions to follow me, two of whom reached in safety, the other going down before he could get to it. Could see a number around us; hailed for the mate; he answered that he was on a raft all right. At daylight, 28th, could see two rafts, with men on them, drifting to the N.E. At 12 o’clock could discern the lighthouse on Cape Lookout.

“6 P.M. saw a boat coming toward us, which proved to be the boat that was lost from alongside and had been picked up by four of the crew. After getting into her we succeeded in picking up two passengers; cruised around the vicinity of the wreck for some time, but could find no others. Started for the beach, but finding it too rough to land, lay by for the night; next morning succeeded in reaching Cape Lookout, where we landed at 8 P.M. Dec 28, after being on the raft and in the boat forty hours. After arriving at the Cape, dispatched a boat to Beaufort to get some steamer to go out and cruise. At daylight the steamers Goliah and Corman went out, the latter shortly after broke down and returned, the Goliah came back in the afternoon without success. Have heard nothing since of the others.

The Names of the Lost. [Come to 42 if we count correctly.]
[We break paragraph into separate lines.]

“The following are the names of the passengers lost as near as can be ascertained:

Miss Land, residence unknown;
Capt. Sherwood, of Savannah;
Capt. French, of New-York;
Capt. Lane, of Brig___;
Mr. Fitzgerald, of Savannah Daily Herald;
Dane Biggs, of Philadelphia;
Antony French, engineer of steamer Indian River;
Mr. Hayden, of Hartford.
Three other cabin passengers,
one small girl,
three steerage and
six stowaways, names unknown.

List of Crew Supposed Lost.

C. W. Greenman, Mate;
Wm. Tiltz, Chief Engineer;
W. J. Crocheron, Purser;
Capt. King, Savannah, Pilot;
Edwd. Baily, oiler;
Wm. Elkinton, coal-passer;
Henry McNeil, cook;
Danl. McNeal,
John Fitzgerald, seamen;
Andrew Burk, second steward;
Edward Read, pantryman;
____Read, mailer, brother to Edward;
Patrick Brown;
three mailers,
second cook,
two coal-passers,
one fireman, names unknown.

“Names of the Saved….” [We omit list of 14 survivors, out of 52 stated to be onboard.] (NY Times. “Wreck of the Constitution. Detailed Account of the Disaster by the Captain…,” 1-3-1866.)


Angley, Wilson. An Historical Overview of the Beaufort Inlet. Cape Lookout Area of North Carolina. 1982. Accessed from North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources website, 10-4-2020 at: https://files.nc.gov/dncr-qar/documents/files/Angley%201982-%20Historical%20Overview%20of%20the%20Beaufort%20Inlet%20and%20Cape%20Lookout%20Area%20of%20NC_0.pdf

Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. Boston: Mariners Press Inc., 1972.

Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats (U.S.). Report of Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats. 10-24-1866, Report of Second Supervising District (New York), p. 280-281. In: Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of The Finance for the Year 1866. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1866. p. 276. Accessed 9-18-2020 at: https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/annual-report-secretary-treasury-state-finances-194/report-secretary-treasury-state-finances-year-1866-5510/report-board-supervising-inspectors-steamboats-238234

Daily Milwaukee News, WI. “Loss of the Constitution,” Dec 31, 1865, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=119996572

Gaines, W. Craig. Encyclopedia of Civil War Shipwrecks. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2008.

Legeros, Mike. North Carolina Deadliest Disasters Database. 8-18-2009 update. Accessed at: http://www.legeros.com/history/nc/disasters.shtml

Lytle, William M., compiler, from Official Merchant Marine Documents of the United States and Other Sources; Holdcamper, Forrest H. (Editor, and Introduction by). Merchant Steam Vessels of the United States 1807-1868. “The Lytle List.” Mystic, CT: Steamship Historical Society of America (Publication No. 6), 1952. Accessed 8-16-2020 at:

Nash, Jay Robert. Darkest Hours – A Narrative Encyclopedia of Worldwide Disasters from Ancient Times to the Present. New York: Pocket Books, Wallaby, 1977, 792 pages.

New York Times. “Wreck of the Constitution. Detailed Account of the Disaster by the Captain of the Steamer. The Shoals of Cape Lookout Struck During a Dense Fog. Failure of All Attempts to Reach the Shore in Boats. A Few of the Passengers and Crew Saved on Rafts.” 1-3-1866, p. 5. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=7721270

Simonds, W. E. (Editor). The American Date Book. Kama Publishing Co., 1902, 211 pages. Google digital preview accessed 9-8-2017 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=JuiSjvd5owAC