1909 — Dec 8, PA steamer Clarion fire, lifeboat lost, Lake Erie ~SE Shoal, Pt. Pelee, Can.–15

1909 — Dec 8, PA steamer Clarion fire, lifeboat lost, Lake Erie ~SE Shoal, Pt. Pelee, Can.–15

— 15 Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. 1972, p. 239.
–?15 Evening Times, Sault Ste. Marie, MI. “Vessel Burns…Str. Clarion Destroyed…” 12-9-1909, 1.
— 15 Rock Island Argus, IL. “Fearful Toll Taken in a Blizzard on Lake Erie…” 12-11-1909, p1.
— 15 Swayze. Shipwreck!…Directory of…Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 52.
— 15 U.S. Bureau of Navigation. Merchant Vessels of the United States…1910, p. 407.
— 15 U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual Report, 1910, p. 12.
— 15 Wreck Site. “SS. Clarion (+1909).

Narrative Information

Swayze: “Clarion. Composite package freighter of 1,712 t. [tons] and 254 ft., launched at Wyandotte, MI, in 1881.

“Lake Erie: The steamer Clarion is well-known because of her unusual cargo. She was upbound with a pair of locomotives aboard when she encountered a heavy gale and was driven north of her chosen course and into the shallows at Southeast Shoal, near Point Pelee [Ontario, Canada].The ship jammed fast and then caught fire and was destroyed. Reports of the number of crew lost vary from 12 to 32, with 15 lost of the 21 aboard being the most reliable estimate. It is not known whether her cargo was recovered.” (Swayze. Shipwreck!…Directory of…Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 52.)

U.S. Bureau of Navigation. Merchant Vessels of the United States…1910, 407: Six survivors.

US SIS: “On December 8, 1909, about 7 o’clock p.m., the freight steamer Clarion, when about 1 mile north of Southeast Shoal light-ship, Lake Erie, was discovered to be on fire between decks. Heroic efforts were made to subdue the fire with the steam fire apparatus and fire hose, but without avail. The crew took to the boats, one of which, containing 13 men, was never heard from. One of the crew lost his life in attempting to subdue the fire, and another was lost from one of the lifeboats, making a total of 15 lives lost.” (US SIS. Annual Report, 1910, p. 12.)

Wreck Site: “SS Clarion
Nationality: American
Purpose: Transport
Type: Passenger/cargo ship
Propulsion: steam
Date built: 1881
Cause lost: ran aground (wrecked)
Other reasons: fire
Dade lost: 08/12/1909
Casualties: max.15
Builder: Detroit Dry Dock Co., Wyandotte (MI)
Last owner Anchor Line – Erie & Western Transportation Co., Erie [PA}
(Wreck Site. “SS Clarion (+1909).” Entered by Jan Lettens, 2-2-2008; updated by Allen Toney, 12-2-2017. Accessed 11-17-2020.)


Dec 9: “Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 9. – Two men lost their lives and the fate of 13 others are unknown as a result of the burning of the steamer Clarion near Point Pelee, Lake Erie, early today. Six members of the crew were taken from the Clarion by the steamer L. C. Hanna and brought here, and then rushed to the train for the Buffalo headquarters of the Anchor line.

“All of the crew attempted to leave the Clarion as soon as it was ascertained that she could not be saved. Captain Bell of Ogdensburg and 12 others took to life boats. They are left without food and shelter.

“It is feared that they will either starve or freeze if not drowned in the high seas.

“The survivors say one of the crew fell overboard attempting to get into the lifeboat, but later was taken out of the water and taken with those in the lifeboat. He was wet in a temperature near to zero, but it considered likely that he will survive. The mate was frozen to death. He became overcome by smoke and was exposed to the weather too long before being discovered. An effort was made by the six survivors to enter another lifeboat, but it eluded them. One sailor fell overboard and was drowned in his efforts to save the lifeboat.

“The men were forced to remain on the Clarion. They were later picked up by the steamer L. C. Hanna and brought here. The Clarion is a 1,700-ton steel boat, and was bound from Erie to lay up. The cause of the fire is not known.” (Evening Times, Sault Ste. Marie, MI. “Vessel Burns…Str. Clarion Destroyed…” 12-9-1909, 1.)


Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. Boston: Mariners Press Inc., 1972.

Evening Times, Sault Ste. Marie, MI. “Vessel Burns. Fate of Thirteen Sailors is Yet Unknown. Str. Clarion Destroyed near Point Pelee, Lake Erie. Two Men Lost Their Lives and Six are Rescued.” 12-9-1909, p.1. Accessed 11-17-2020 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/sault-ste-marie-evening-news-dec-09-1909-p-1/

Rock Island Argus, IL. “Fearful Toll Taken in a Blizzard on Lake Erie…” 12-11-1909, p.1. Accessed 11-17-2020 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/rock-island-argus-dec-11-1909-p-1/

Swayze, David D. Shipwreck! A Comprehensive Directory of Over 3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. Boyne City, MI: Harbor House Publications, Inc., 1992.

United States Bureau of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor. Forty-Second Annual List of Merchant Vessels of the United States…For the Year Ended June 30, 1910. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1910. Google preview accessed 7-14-2018 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=jcDQrscv2roC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false

United States Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector General, Steamboat-Inspection Service to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1910. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1910. 391 pages. Digitized by Google. Accessed at: http://books.google.com/books?id=JlgpAAAAYAAJ

Wreck Site. “SS Clarion (+1909).” Entered by Jan Lettens, 2-2-2008; updated by Allen Toney, 12-2-2017. Accessed 11-17-2020 at: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?27484