1868 — Sep 16, sch. Persian sunk by E.B. Allen, Lake Huron 3m off 40-Mile Point, MI– 10

— 10 Mansfield. History of the Great Lakes (Vol. 1). 1899, p. 710.
— 10 McNeil. “Persian (Schooner), sunk by collision, 18 Sep 1868.” Maritime History of the Great Lakes.
— 10 Swayze, David D. Great Lakes Shipwrecks P.
— 10 Swayze. Shipwreck!…Directory of…3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 188.

Narrative Information

Mansfield: “Schooner Persian, laden with wheat, was sunk by the schooner E.B. Allen off Forty Mile Point, Lake Huron, and ten lives lost.” (Mansfield. History of…Great Lakes, V1, 1899, 710.)

Swayze: Persian
“Type at loss: schooner, wood, 2-mast
“Build info: 1855, J. Navagh, Oswego, NY (builder also given as J. Bak4r with Navagh as
Master Carpenter)
“Specs: 128x ? x12, 345 gt
“Date of loss: 3 mi off 40-mile Point
“Lake: Huron
“Type of loss: collision
“Loss of life: 10 (all)
“Carrying: wheat
“Detail: Bound Chicago for Oswego, she collided with the schooner E.B. Allen(qv) and sank
with all hands. The ALLEN was reportedly overtaking her and rammed her near the stern. Allen’s skipper was much censured after the incident, which occurred in ideal visual conditions.”
(Swayze, David D. Great Lakes Shipwrecks Beginning with the letter P.)


Oct 3: “The following telegram from Oswego of yesterday – ‘The schooner PERSIAN, from Chicago to this port with wheat, collided with the schooner E. B. ALLEN 15 days ago on Lake Huron and as nothing has been heard of the former vessel since, it is feared that she is lost with all on board.’

“The schooner E. B. ALLEN, the vessel which collided with the schooner PERSIAN – reached this port on Thursday, with a cargo of 520 tons of coal, from Cleveland, and from the captain we learn that his vessel collided with the PERSIAN about 4 o’clock on the morning of the 16th of September. When about four miles north of Presque Isle and three miles from shore – both craft being bound down at the time of the disaster – striking the PERSIAN on the starboard quarter with the blunt of her bows. He also informs us that the last he saw of the PERSIAN she was heading for land, and is surprised to learn that nothing has been heart of her since that time. The ALLEN lost her jib-boom; aside from this her damages were of a trifling nature.

“The PERSIAN was the property of Captain Long, her commander, and Mr. Michael Murphy of Oswego. She registered 545 tons, old style, rated B 1, was built at Oswego in 1855 by James Navagh. Valued at $11,000 and received large repairs in 1865. The crew also hailed from Oswego.” (Chicago Tribune, IL. “Probable Loss of the Schooner ‘Persian’.” 10-3-1868; transcribed by William R. McNeil in Maritime History of the Great Lakes (see Sources).


Mansfield, John Brandts (Ed. and Compiler). History of the Great Lakes (Vol. 1). Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co., 1899. Google digitized. Accessed 1-5-2021 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=iHXhAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false

McNeil, William R. “Persian (Schooner), sunk by collision, 18 Sep 1868.” Maritime History of the Great Lakes. Accessed 1-5-2021 at: https://images.maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca/56837/data?n=2

Swayze, David D. Great Lakes Shipwrecks P. Accessed 1-5-2021 at: http://www.boatnerd.com/swayze/shipwreck/p.htm

Swayze, David D. Shipwreck! A Comprehensive Directory of Over 3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. Boyne City, MI: Harbor House Publications, Inc., 1992.