1942 — Apr 10, US tanker Gulfamerica torpedoed by U-boat ~5M off Jacksonville, FL– 19

–19 American Merchant Marine at War. U.S. Ships Sunk or Damaged on Eastcoast of U.S…
–19 Helgason. Ships hit by U-boats. “Gulfamerica – American Steam merchant.”
–19 “In Memoriam” sign, naming the 19 fatalities. Jacksonville.com. 4-10-2019.

Narrative Information

American Merchant Marine at War:
“Date Ship Type Cause Result Location Deaths
“04/10/42 Gulfamerica Tanker Torpedo & Shelled Sunk East coast Crew 17; AG 2.”

“Name Gulfamerica
“Type Steam tanker
“Tonnage 8,081 tons
“Completed 1942 – Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Sparrow’s Point MD
“Owner Gulf Oil Co., New York
“Homeport Philadelphia
“Date of attack 11 Apr 1942 [sic., date was April 10 ]
“Nationality American
“Fate Sunk by U-123 (Reinhard Hardegen)
“Position 30° 14’N, 81° 18’W – Grid DB 5699
“Complement 48 (19 dead and 29 survivors).
“Route Port Arthur, Texas – New York
“Cargo 101,500 barrels of furnace oil
“History Completed in March 1942
“Notes on event At 04.22 hours on 11 April 1942 the unescorted Gulfamerica (Master Oscar Anderson) on her maiden voyage was hit by one G7e torpedo from U-123 about five miles off Jacksonville, Florida. Illuminated by the lights of the Jacksonville Beach resort, the tanker had stopped steaming a zigzag course only 20 minutes before the attack. The torpedo struck at the #7 tank on the starboard side and caused a tremendous explosion and fire. The master ordered the engines stopped and the ship abandoned as the radio operator sent distress calls. The armed guards manned the 4in after gun (the ship was also armed with two .50cal guns), but did not fire on the U-boat. The eight officers, 33 crewmen and seven armed guards began abandon ship in an orderly manner, but then U-123 tried to bring down the radio antenna with the AA gun and fired about 12 shells from the deck gun into the engine room on the port side.

“In the resulting confusion, a lifeboat capsized, while another with the master and ten crewmen got away in ten minutes. Ten minutes later another boat with only three men left and three others abandoned ship on a liferaft, later they picked up two men from the water. Five men had been killed by the torpedo blast or the machine gun fire and 14 men drowned after jumping overboard. A total of two officers, two armed guards and 15 crewmen perished. The survivors were all rescued by US Coast Guard patrol boats and taken to Mayport, Florida. The tanker settled by the stern with about a 40° list to starboard but did not sink until 16 April.”

Note: u-boat.net contains information of twenty-one of those onboard accessible at:

May: “Western Union…Jacksonville FLO 12 [April] 1232P
“General Albert H. Blanding, Co-ordinating Director – Action Divisions State Defense Council

“Two American ships were destroyed off the coast opposite Jacksonville Beach Friday night [April 10]. It is reasonable to assume the submarine was aided by the lights of the amusement concessions. Is it not desirable to protect ships using this vital lane from that danger? Phil May.”


American Merchant Marine at War. U.S. Ships Sunk or Damaged on Eastcoast of U.S, and Gulf of Mexico During World War II Eastcoast of U.S. (175 ships). Accessed 4-17-2021 at: http://www.usmm.org/eastgulf.html

Helgason, Gudmundur. Ships hit by U-boats. “Gulfamerica – American Steam tanker.” Accessed 4-17-2021 at: https://uboat.net/allies/merchants/ship/1523.html

Jacksonville.com. 4-10-2019. “In Memoriam…19 Souls Lost on the SS Gulfamerica Attack in 1942.” Photo included in “A Look Back: The sinking of SS Gulfamerica off Jacksonville Beach.” 4-10-2019. Accessed 4-17-2021 at: https://www.jacksonville.com/photogallery/LK/20190410/NEWS/410009971/PH/1

May, Phil. Western Union telegram of April 12, 1942, 12:32PM, to General Albert H. Blanding. Accessed 4-17-2021 at: https://www.jacksonville.com/photogallery/LK/20190410/NEWS/410009971/PH/1