1978 — March 4-5, flooding and mudslides, Baja CA (Mexico)/23; southern Cal., US –17-26

–17-26 Blanchard death toll estimate for southern CA (includes 1 San Jose death in northern
CA). NOAA reports there were 26 southern California deaths, while we have been able to
identify 17 specific deaths. Thus we utilize a range.

–49 NOAA. A History of Significant Weather Events in Southern California… 2007, p. 18.
–23 Tijuana and Ensenada, Mexico
–26 Southern California, US
–Los Angeles “area”
–30 Baja CA (MX) to San Jose. UPI. “California rains end.” Democrat, Ft. Madison, IA, 3-7-1978, 2.
–29 The Washington Post. “Waves, Mudslides Ravage S. California Coast.” 3-7-1978.

–26 NOAA. A History of Significant Weather Events in Southern California… 2007, p. 18
–20 LA area. Ludlum. The American Weather Book. 1982, p. 82.
–17 Blanchard tally from California County breakouts below.
–15 Appeal-Democrat, Marysville-Yuba City, CA. “Damage Increases In South State.” 3-7-1978, 6.

Los Angeles County (6)
–1 Azusa, San Gabriel flood control channel. Drowning, canoe capsized.
–1 Bel Air, Mar 4. Mudslide into home; Lewis Stuntson, 65.
–1 Los Angeles, Drowning; man in home swept away by floodwater.
–1 Malibu, Mar 4. Mudslide; unidentified county detention camp inmate shoring up house.
–1 Tarzana neighborhood, Mar 4. Mudslide in home of employer; America Mendez, 25.
–1 Van Nuys, Mar 4. Drowning; bicycle goes into Bull Creek flood control basin; Dale Agee, 14.

Orange County (1)
–1 Yorba Linda, Mar 4. Drowning; teenager when raft overturned. Pete Decker, 15.

Riverside County (1)
–1 Banning, Sep 4. Drowning; car stalled on flooded street swept away; John Satterfield.

San Diego County (8)
–3 Lakeside. NOAA. A History of Significant Weather Events in Southern [Cal.]… 2007, p. 18.
–1 Drowning, Mar 6; swept away trying to ford flood water on horseback near home.
–3 Mt. Palomar Observatory area. Heavy rain; pickup goes off-road and down 300ft bank.
–1 San Diego, San Clemente Canyon. Drowning; stuck under tree roots in stream. Siegmund, 17.
–1 Valley Center, Mar 4. Drowning. Morley Raeside, 43, trying to help man who fell into creek.

Santa Clara County (1)
–1 San Jose, March 4. Drowning; boy, 2, in creek near his home; Martin Alexander Stamps.

Mexico (Ensenada and Tijuana) (20-23)
— 23 NOAA. A History of Significant Weather Events in Southern California… 2007, p. 18.
–>20 Baja California, Mexico. Wash. Post. “Waves, Mudslides Ravage S. [CA] Coast.” 3-7-1978.

Narrative Information

NOAA: “3.4-5.1978. Torrential rains hit the region and northern Baja California. Two day totals of around 10” fell in the San Bernardino Mountains, 6” in the northern Inland Empire. 20 deaths from flooding and mudslides in LA area. 3 drowning deaths and disastrous flooding in Lakeside. 26 dead and 600 left homeless in Tijuana and Ensenada.” (NOAA, A History of Significant Weather Events in Southern California Organized by Weather Type. 2007 p. 18.)


Appeal-Democrat, Marysville-Yuba City, CA. “Damage Increases In South State.” 3-7-1978, A6. Accessed 9-26-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/marysville-appeal-democrat-mar-07-1978-p-6/

Appeal-Democrat, Marysville-Yuba City, CA. “Death, Damage Toll Climbs. South State…” 3-6-1978, p.1. Accessed 9-25-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/marysville-appeal-democrat-mar-06-1978-p-1/

Ludlum, David M. The American Weather Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1982.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A History of Significant Weather Events in Southern California Organized by Weather Type. NOAA, January 2007, 91 pages. Accessed 9-25-2021 at: https://www.weather.gov/media/sgx/documents/weatherhistory.pdf

The Washington Post. “Waves, Mudslides Ravage S. California Coast.” 3-7-1978. Accessed 9-26-2021 at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1978/03/07/waves-mudslides-ravage-s-california-coast/ebc2c3bc-121a-4af9-8c04-c88c16a7f7c7/

UPI. “California rains end.” Democrat, Ft. Madison, IA, 3-7-1978, p. 2. Accessed 9-26-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/fort-madison-evening-democrat-mar-07-1978-p-2/