1975 — Jan 18, House Fire (cigarette) 7 children, 1 adult, Walbrook Ave., Baltimore, MD–8

–8 Associated Press. “News briefs.” Lawrence Journal-World, KS. 1-18-1975, p. 2.
–8 Baltimore Sun. “Fatal fires. East Baltimore Fire.” 5-23-2007.
–8 UPI. “House fire kills 8 in family.” The Times-Standard, Eureka, CA. 1-19-1975, p. 3.

Narrative Information

Jan 18: “Baltimore (AP) – At least eight persons were killed early this morning when fire gutted a three-story brick row house in western Baltimore, fire officials said. About 80 city firemen responded to the three-alarm blaze, which broke out in a dwelling on Wallbrook Ave. shortly after 5 a.m. A fire department spokesman said firefighters on the scene have recovered at least eight bodies, but added they are still sifting through the ruins of the house. The spokesman said it is not known how many families lived in the building.” (Associated Press. “News briefs.” Lawrence Journal-World, KS. 1-18-1975, p. 2.)

Jan 19: “Baltimore (UPI) – Eight members of one family, six of them children died Saturday [Jan 18] in a house fire blamed on careless smoking. Baltimore fire officials said Andre Stuart, a visitor at the home, started the blaze by falling asleep with a lighted cigarette in his hand. Officials declared the fire an accident and said no charges would be filed.

“Seven of the victims were children of Mrs. Rosalee Goins, 50, and the eighth was her only grandchild. All the victims were asleep on the upper floors of the three-story rowhouse when the fire began and officials said most were burned beyond recognition. The victims were identified as Ronald, 24, Judy, 18, Clifford, 15, Julia, 14, and Kenneth Goins, 12, and Cleveland Wilkins, 8, all children of Mrs. Goins. Also killed were Mrs. Goins’ one-year-old grand-daughter Arika Cooper and Paul Hughes, 7, a visitor at the house.” (United Press International. “House fire kills 8 in family.” The Times-Standard, Eureka, CA. 1-19-1975, p. 3.)

2007, Baltimore Sun: “Jan. 19 [sic], 1975 Eight people killed in a house fire in the 2900 block of Walbrook Ave. Authorities said a discarded cigarette was the cause.” (Baltimore Sun. “Fatal fires. East Baltimore Fire.” 5-23-2007.)


Associated Press. “News briefs.” Lawrence Journal-World, KS. 1-18-1975, p. 2. Accessed 12-16-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/lawrence-daily-journal-world-jan-18-1975-p-2/

Baltimore Sun. “Fatal fires. East Baltimore Fire.” 5-23-2007. Accessed 5-27-2016 at: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2007-05-23/news/0705230028_1_baltimore-rowhouse-rowhouse-fire-baltimore-fire

United Press International. “House fire kills 8 in family.” The Times-Standard, Eureka, CA. 1-19-1975, p. 3. Accessed 12-16-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/eureka-times-standard-jan-19-1975-p-3/