1914 — July 4, gas launch Superba / Superb capsizes, storm, Lynn Canal ~Skagway, AK– 15

–15 Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks 1900-1925.”
–15 Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks A–Z.” (S).
–15 Trenton Evening Times, NJ. “Fifteen Drowned When Boat Upsets.” 7-5-1914, p. 11, col. 2.

Narrative Information

Alaskashipwreck.com: “1914…Superba…SE [southeast area]…36 Foot…WGS Launch…15 [lives lost]…8 [lived].” Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks 1900-1925.”

Alaskashipwreck.com: “Superba (1914). 15 of 23 persons on board were lost when the gasoline launch Superba capsized in heavy weather traveling from Skagway to Juneau in Lynn Canal July 4, 1914. The Superba was transporting people to Juneau for the 4th of July celebrations. The launch departed Skagway and had traveled 15 miles south when a freshening southerly gale forced them to turn around and head back north. The following seas overwhelmed the small vessel two miles south of Skagway and she capsized. Lost were Oscar Carlson of Seattle, Robert Saunders of Seattle, Monte Prince of Haines, Thomas Donovan of Haines, Myrtle Burlington of Haines, Henry Bernhofer of Skagway, Stantry Dillon of Skagway, Joseph Logan of Skagway, John Bell of Whitehorse YT, Sam Radowich of Whitehorse YT, Mr. Lynch, Otis Oaks, P Monturian and two others.

“Mapping and Location: Southeast Alaska 59 27 30 N 135 18 45 W Chart 17300.

“Comment: This vessel was likely salvaged. Many reports spell the name Superb. WG [Capt. Warren Good]

“Source: Seattle Times (July 5, 1914) “Fifteen Die in Wreck on Lynn Canal” Pg 2.” (Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks A–Z.” (S).)


July 5: “Skagway, July 5. – Fifteen of the 23 people who left here yesterday morning in the launch Superb for Juneau were drowned when the boat overturned in the Lynn canal. The party in the launch were on their way to attend the Fourth of July celebration to be held at Juneau, but after they were underway, and not far from this city, a severe storm was encountered. A heavy wind came up without much warning, and the effort made to reach shore in safety was without success.

“As the launch turned broadside to the wind, a sudden gust struck her, and overturned the boat, throwing every member of the party into the water. The boat then floated upside down, and it was not possible for many of the people in the water to secure a firm hold on her. Two of the wrecked party swam 400 yards to shore [0.227 mile], and some of the others were enabled to cling to the upturned boat until rescued. The rescued people were returned here and searching parties were started out at once to find the bodies of the drowned.” (The Alaska Citizen, Fairbanks. “Fifteen Are Drowned in Lynn Canal.” 7-6-1914, p. 1.)

July 6: “Seattle, July 6. – Fifteen persons were drowned when the gasoline launch ‘Superb’ capsized in the Lynn Canal, Alaska, Saturday, according to advices reaching here yesterday. The launch, carrying twenty-three passengers, all residents of Skagway and Haines, were proceeding from Skagway to Juneau, where a Fourth of July celebration was to be held. The boat was but 400 yards from the shore when it capsized in the heavy gale blowing. Two of the survivors succeeded in swimming to shore, but the other six clung to the overturned craft until rescued by the government steamboat Patterson.” (Trenton Evening Times, NJ. “Fifteen Drowned When Boat Upsets.” 7-5-1914, p. 11, col. 2.)


Alaska Daily Empire, Juneau. “Twelve Lose Lives In Lynn Canal Disaster.” 7-6-1914, p. 1. Accessed 11-22-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/juneau-alaska-daily-empire-jul-06-1914-p-1/

Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks 1900-1925.” Accessed 11-22-2021 at: https://alaskashipwreck.com/alaska-shipwrecks-1729-2012/alaska-shipwrecks-1900-1925/

Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks A–Z.” (S). Accessed 11-22-2021 at: https://alaskashipwreck.com/shipwrecks-a-z/alaska-shipwrecks-s/

The Alaska Citizen, Fairbanks. “Fifteen Are Drowned in Lynn Canal.” 7-6-1914, p. 1. Accessed 11-22-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/fairbanks-alaska-citizen-jul-06-1914-p-1/

Trenton Evening Times, NJ. “Fifteen Drowned When Boat Upsets.” 7-5-1914, p. 11, col. 2. Accessed 11-22-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/trenton-evening-times-jul-05-1914-p-11/