1972 — Jan 6, home fire from burners on stove, unattended children, Portland, OR — all 7

–7 AP. “7 Children, Aged 2-8, Die When Blaze Strikes Home.” Star-News, Pasadena, CA. 1-7-1972, B2.
–7 NFPA. “Bimonthly Fire Record.” NFPA Fire Journal, Vol. 66, No. 4, July 1972, p. 60.

Narrative Information

NFPA Fire Journal: “Dwelling. Unattended Children Jan. 6, 1972, Portland, Oreg.

“The father of seven children was babysitting while his wife was at a friend’s house. Around midnight the wife called her husband and asked him to go to the local hospital, where she had gone after a fight at her friend’s house.

“The father woke a seven-year-old daughter to stay with the two-month-old son, warmed some milk on the electric stove, and left the dwelling. At 12:41 am the Fire Department received a call to a fire at the dwelling. Arriving fire fighters found the kitchen area totally involved with fire, heavy heat, and smoke throughout the structure. They also found two burners of the electric stove on in the high position. It is possible that a container of grease on the stove near the burners ignited or that a plastic mild container had been left on the stove. The reason for the two burners’ being on is not known. Perhaps the father accidentally turned on a second burner on while he thought he was turning the first one off, or the seven-year-old daughter tried to heat additional milk for the baby. All seven children died in the fire, which caused $9,500 property damage.” (National Fire Protection Assoc. “Bimonthly Fire Record.” NFPA Fire Journal, Vol. 66, No. 4, July 1972, p. 60.)


Jan 7: “Portland, Ore. (AP) – Seven children, ages 2 to 8 years, died Thursday [Jan 6] in a fire that started in the kitchen and spread to the second floor of their home. The victims were carried from the burning house by firemen and taken to hospitals but were dead on arrival, authorities said. Fire Capt. Jeff Morris said the cause of the blaze was under investigation.

“Six of the victims were the children of Robert and Rosa Mae Johnson. The seventh, Deron Turner, 2, was the son of Shirley Turner who shared the house with the Johnsons. The dead Johnson children were Michael Bale, 8, the son of Mrs. Johnson by a previous marriage; Wanda Fae Johnson, 7; Robert, 6; Ruby, 5; Teresa, 3 and Maurice, 2.

“Police had to physically restrain the Johnsons from returning to the burning home. Mrs. Turner was not at home when the fire started, authorities said.” (AP. “7 Children, Aged 2-8, Die When Blaze Strikes Home.” Star-News, Pasadena, CA. 1-7-1972, B2.)

Jan 8: “Portland, Ore. (UPI) – Portland fire bureau officials yesterday praised the rescue efforts of Robert Johnson, 41, Portland, during the Thursday morning fire which claimed the lives of six of his children, and another small boy whose mother lived with the Johnsons. Capt. Jeff Morris said, ‘investigation has shown that his (Johnson’s) rescue efforts were very active.’ It had been reported Thursday that Johnson and his wife had to be restrained from entering the burning house when they returned from local hospital. According to Morris, when Johnson returned and saw firemen connecting their hoses he ran to the rear of the home, broke into the downstairs bedroom and pulled out two of his children.” (United Press International. “Dad Hailed for Rescue Job in Fire.” Oakland Tribune, CA. 1-8-1972, 3E.)


Associated Press. “7 Children, Aged 2-8, Die When Blaze Strikes Home.” Star-News, Pasadena, CA. 1-7-1972, B2. Accessed 1-31-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/star-news-jan-07-1972-p-22/

National Fire Protection Association. “Bimonthly Fire Record.” NFPA Fire Journal, Vol. 66, No. 4, July 1972, pp. 59-62.

United Press International. “Dad Hailed for Rescue Job in Fire.” Oakland Tribune, CA. 1-8-1972, 3E. Accessed 1-31-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/oakland-tribune-jan-08-1972-p-3/