1892 — May 10, Roslyn Coal Mine No. 2 Gas Explosion, Roslyn, Washington –all 45

–45 Fridlund. “Explosion! Roslyn mine blast killed 45 men.” Daily Record, Ellensburg, WA. 8-18-1989, D1.
–45 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC. Mine Disasters.
–45 Steward. “The awful day the mine blew in Roslyn.” Daily Record, Ellensburg WA. 1-13-1995, p. 1.
–45 United States Mine Rescue Assoc. Mine Disasters in the United States. “…Roslyn…”
–44 Eastern State Journal, White Plains, NY. “History of 1892.” 12-31-1892, p. 1.

Narrative Information

Eastern State Journal: “May…10. Gas exploded in a coal mine at Roslyn, Wash., killing 44 miners.” (“History of 1892.” 12-31-1892, p. 1.)

United States Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disasters in the United States. “…Roslyn…”
“Northern Pacific Coal Company Roslyn Mine Explosion
“Roslyn, Kittitas County, Washington
“May 10, 1892
“No. Killed – 45.”

May 11: “Roslyn, Wash., May 11. — At 1:45 o’clock yesterday afternoon a terrible explosion occurred in the slope of mine No. 2, of the Northern Pacific Coal Company at this point, in which the loss of life exceeded in number that of any other disaster that has ever been chronicled in the northwest or on the Pacific slope.

“The exact nature of the explosion or the circumstances that led to it will probably never be known, since at this writing it is believed that every miner who was working in the slope at the time has perished. It is not definitely known as to the number of men who were in the vicinity of the disaster, but it is believed that between forty-five and fifty men were in the three levels that were affected by the explosion.

“Large relief forces are at work and at this time two bodies have been recovered. These men are working nearest the opening and at some distance from the point where it is supposed the explosion occurred.

“Most of the men were 1,500 to 2,000 feet further in the slope, and in the immediate vicinity of the accident. There is no doubt either in the minds of the miners or the company’s officials, but that every man was instantly killed by the explosion.

“Following is an authenticated list of the men who were at work on the three levels that were affected, and their condition as to being single or men with families: [We put into alphabetical order and added numbering.]
1. Joseph Bennett, wife and two children
2. William Bennett, wife and three children
3. Jack Bone, single, soon to marry a lady at Durham
4. Thomas Breden, leaves wife and five children [Named by Fridlund as Thomas Brennan, who also notes that Thomas Brennan had seven children.]
5. George Brooks, family at Streator, Illinois
6. Joseph Browitt, family
7. Harry Campbell, single
8. [Tobias Cooper, husband and father. Noted as one of six Blacks in the mine by Fridlund.]
9. [Joseph Cusworth Sr., husband and father of six. From Fridlund 1989.]
10. [Joseph Cusworth Jr., 21, son of Joseph Cusworth Sr. From Fridlund 1989.]
11. John Danko, Italian, with family
12. Philip Davies, a large family
13. Herman Deuster
14. Joseph Ellsworth, Jr.
15. Andrew Erllandson, wife and four children
16. Jack Fergeson, a large family
17. Richard Forsythe, family [Fridlund shows name as George Forsythe, No. 3 supervisor]
18. John Foster, wife and baby
19. Robert Graham, wife and two children
20. William Hague, single, only support of mother and crippled sister
21. Mitchell Hale, single [Fridlund has the name as Michael Hale.]
22. Thomas Holmes, married
23. James Houston, colored (Not noted by Fridlund as one of six Blacks in the mine.]
24. Joseph Ismay, son-in-law of ex-Superintendent Roland
25. [Elisha Jackson, Black. Named as one of six Blacks who were in the mine by Fridlund.]
26. John Lafferty, single, aged 65, owner of considerable property
27. Pruss Luving, colored, married [Named as Press Lovin, 31, of Virginia by Fridlund 1989]
28. Dan McClelland, wife and three children
29. Scott Miles, colored, married [Fridlund has name as Scott Giles.]
30. James Morgan, single
31. George Moses, leaves an orphan son 10 years old
32. Eben Olsifer, large family [Benjamin Ostliff, father of six. From Fridlund 1989.]
33. Charles Palmer, wife and child
34. William Penhall, married
35. A. Pollard, colored, married [Named as Wesley Pollard of Virginia in Fridlund 1989.]
36. [David Rees Jr., 19, son of Thomas. From Fridlund 1989.]
37. John Rees, son of Thomas [Fridlund writes that Thomas Rees died along the side of his son David, thus David and John Rees listings are probable references to same person.]
38. Thomas Rees, large family
39. Will Robinson, wife and baby
40. Mitchell Roland, large family, brother of ex-Superintendent Roland [Fridlund has name as Mitchell Ronald, brother of mine supervisor Alexander Ronald.]
41. Winyard Steele, family. Steele’s son was working with his father, but came out last trip and escaped. He was knocked down by the force of the explosion. [Fridlund shows the name as Winfred Steele and notes that his wife’s brother was Mitchell Hale.]
42. Jake Weatherbee, late mine boss at No. 3, large family [Fridlund has name as Jacob Weatherbee.]
43. Rev. G. W. Williams. [Noted as one of six Blacks in the mine that day by Fridlund 1989.]
44. Joseph Worth, Sr., large family
45. Sidney Wright, brother of County Clerk Thomas Wright, family [father of four; Fridlund]
(Hamilton Daily Democrat, OH. “Probably Fifty Lives Lost at Roslyn, Washington.” 5-11-1892.)


Eastern State Journal, White Plains, NY. “History of 1892 – The Chronological Record of a Memorable Year….Demons of Destruction.” 12-31-1892, p. 1. Accessed 2-9-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/white-plains-eastern-state-journal-dec-31-1892-p-1/

Fridlund, Paul. “Explosion! Roslyn mine blast killed 45 men.” Daily Record, Ellensburg, WA. 8-18-1989, p. D1. Accessed 2-9-2022 at: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=860&dat=19890818&id=xHdUAAAAIBAJ&sjid=WY8DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4930,5809887

Hamilton Daily Democrat, OH. “Probably Fifty Lives Lost at Roslyn, Washington.” 5-11-1892. Accessed 2-9-2002 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/roslyn_news_only.htm

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mining Disasters: 1839 to Present [website]. Accessed 2-9-2022 at: https://wwwn.cdc.gov/NIOSH-Mining/MMWC/MineDisasters/Table

Steward. “The awful day the mine blew in Roslyn.” Daily Record, Ellensburg, WA. 1-13-1995, p. 1. Accessed 2-9-2022 at: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=860&dat=19950113&id=OVdUAAAAIBAJ&sjid=cY8DAAAAIBAJ&pg=3593,1667185

United States Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disasters in the United States. “Northern Pacific Coal Company Roslyn Mine Explosion.” Accessed 2-9-2022 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/roslyn_news_only.htm