1904 — Jan 8/9, storm, steamer Clallam floods/sinks, Strait of Juan de Fuca (east), WA– 56

— 60 Named passenger and crew fatalities from newspaper accounts, noted below. (not reliable)
— 56 McClary. “The SS Clallam founders…Strait of Juan de Fuca…” 1-11-2005. (official death toll)
— 2 officers (7 officers survived)
— 7 crew (15 crew survived)
–26 men (14 male passengers survived)
–17 women (all on board)
— 4 children (all on board)
— 56 Wikipedia. “Clallam (steamboat).” Cites Newell & Williamson. Pacific Steamboats, 1958, pp. 84-85.
— 55 Gibbs, Jim. Disaster Log of Ships…shipwrecks, California to Alaska. 1971, p. 55.
— 54 Sunday Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits. Fifty-Four Lives…in Storm.” 1-10-1904, 1.
— 52 Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac 1905. “General Chronology of 1904,” V. 20, 1905, p.605.
— 52 Iowa Recorder. “Fifty Die in Waves.” January 20, 1904, p. 2.
— 51 Gibbs, Jim. Disaster Log of Ships…shipwrecks, California to Alaska. 1971, p. 55.
–>50 Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C. “No Distress Signals Were Displayed.” 1-14-1904, p. 1.
— 50 Public Opinion, “News of the World,” January 1904, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, p. 57.
— 50 U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service, Annual Report 1904, p. 6.
— 50 U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service, Annual Report 1905, p. 29.
— 49 Daily Capital Journal, Salem. “Victims of Clallam Disaster.” 1-11-1904, p. 1.
— 8 recovered bodies
–41 missing
— 48 Spokane Press, WA. “The Clallam Sinks in the Straits…” 1-9-1904, p. 1.
— 26 Berkeley Daily Gazette, CA. “Many Lives Lost.” 1-9-1904, p. 1.

Narrative Information

Gibbs: “The Black Ball steamer Clallam, foundered at the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, midway between Dungeness and Smith Island, January 9, 1904 with the loss of 55, some accounts claiming 51. She went down in story seas just six months after being placed on the Seattle-Victoria run.” (Gibbs. Disaster Log of Ships…shipwrecks, California to Alaska. 1971, 55.)

McClary: “On Friday, January 8, 1904, the inland passenger steamer SS Clallam sails from Seattle for Victoria B.C., via Port Townsend with 92 passengers and crew on board. Upon entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the Clallam encounters heavy seas and gale-force winds, and within sight of Victoria Harbor, begins to founder. Fearing the vessel is sinking, the captain orders three lifeboats launched, with all the women, all the children, and some men. Within minutes the lifeboats capsize or are wrecked and all are lost into the sea. The remaining passengers and crew manage to keep the Clallam afloat until the early morning of January 9, when she begins to sink. The tugboats Richard Holyoke and Sea Lion rescue 36 survivors, but 56 persons are drowned. This is the greatest maritime disaster involving a Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet steamer ever recorded….

“On Friday, January 8, 1904, the Puget Sound area was buffeted by strong winds from early in the morning until late evening. It was the most severe storm experienced in months. Winds were gusting from the southwest at up to 36 miles per hour on Puget Sound’s inland waters and up to 60 miles per hour at Tatoosh Island, accompanied by snow and heavy rainfall….

“…after rounding Point Wilson and entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the Clallam encountered gale force winds from the west and heavy seas. The steamship fought her way across 35 miles of open water to within sight of Clover Point and Victoria Harbor, less than three miles away.

“About 2:00 p.m., Chief Engineer Scott A. DeLaunay reported to Captain Roberts that the vessel was taking water and flooding the engine room. The problem seemed to be a broken dead light (port hole) located amidships on the starboard side and only three feet above the waterline in a calm sea. The bilge pumps had been activated and a damage control party plugged the dead light with blankets held in place by boards nailed across the opening, stopping the rush of sea water. However, water continued flooding the engine room and DeLaunay could not find the source of the leak.

“Watertight compartments temporarily kept the problem from spreading, but the flooding was in the worst possible place, the engine and boiler room. Soon the coal bunkers were awash with water, spilling coal into the bilge and fouling the pumps.

“Water continued rising in the engine room. At about 3:00 p.m., Captain Roberts was advised that it had reached the boilers, extinguishing the fires. Without steam, the ship was dead in the water, wallowing in the heavy seas. The crew rushed to man the hand pumps in an attempt to keep the ship afloat. Then the stay and jib sails were set, giving the ship a degree of maneuverability.

“About 3:30 p.m., Captain Roberts, fearing that the Clallam was breaking apart, ordered the crew to launch the three lee-side lifeboats. Since it was still daylight and Discovery Island was only about two miles away, he believed it was their best chance of survival.

“The first lifeboat launched, filled with women and children, was under the command of Captain Thomas Lawrence of the Yukon riverboat SS Scotia, accompanied by four crewmen. The lifeboat was struck by the guardrail on the side of the ship, nearly capsized, and spilled the occupants into the sea, where they drowned. The second lifeboat, containing the remaining women and children and some male passengers, cleared the side of the ship. The boat had gone about 600 feet when a huge wave swamped it and washed the occupants overboard. They also drowned. The third lifeboat was upended when the forward fall became tangled, throwing all onboard into the water. From the three lifeboats, there were no survivors.

“The remaining lifeboats on the steamer’s weather side could not be launched, so were held in reserve. Although there was not much cargo on deck, First Officer George W. Doney decided to throw it overboard to keep the ship from listing. The remaining passengers and crew set to bailing out the flooded compartments with fire buckets. The Clallam was still afloat mainly because her forward compartments were still relatively dry, but water continued to increase in the hold. Although the wind had blown the ship’s stay sail to shreds, the jib sail kept her bow mostly before the wind, driving her slowly northeast toward Smith Island and San Juan Island.

“At about 3:45 p.m., Edward E. Blackwood, the Puget Sound Navigation Company’s agent in Victoria, went to Clover Point looking for the overdue steamship and spotted the Clallam about four miles from Victoria with her sails set and distress flags flying. Blackwood attempted to find a tugboat to assist the Clallam but none was available and there were no steamships in Victoria Harbor ready to sail. As darkness fell, the storm intensified with raging seas and gale force winds blowing from the west.

“At about 5:00 p.m., Blackwood finally contacted the Canadian Pacific Railway (C.P.R.) agent in Sidney, B.C. who sent the steamship Iroquois out into the storm to search for the disabled Clallam. The Iroquois searched around Smith Island, San Juan Island, and Haro Strait, but returned to Sidney at 11:00 p.m. with nothing to show for the effort but some storm damage.

“At about 5:30 p.m., Captain John B. Libby, general manager of the Puget Sound Tugboat Company in Seattle, received a dispatch telling of the Clallam’s plight. He immediate sent the seagoing tugboats Richard Holyoke, commanded by Captain Robert Hall, from Port Townsend, and the Sea Lion, commanded by Captain Charles C. Manter, from Seattle to rescue the Clallam.

“The Richard Holyoke finally found the Clallam about 10:35 p.m. drifting midway between Smith Island and San Juan Island and passed her a towing hawser. Captain Roberts requested a tow to the nearest port. Captain Hall chose Port Townsend because it was as close as Victoria Harbor and the wind direction was more favorable, making it an easier tow for the tugboat. Although Captain Roberts advised the Richard Holyoke that the Clallam was leaking, he neglected to mention that she was sinking.

“The Sea Lion arrived on scene about 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning, and pulled along side the foundering vessel. Captain Roberts shouted to the Sea Lion to tell the Richard Holyoke to let go the towing hawser, the Clallam was sinking. He told the men below to come on deck, put on life belts to prepare for rescue.

“As soon as the towing hawser slackened, the Clallam veered, went over on her port beam and the stern began to sink. First Officer Doney crawled to the boat deck and launched the life raft by chopping the lines securing it to the deck with an ax. The men scrambled forward onto the steamer’s exposed side, and clung to the starboard rail until huge waves washed them into the sea. About 1:15 a.m., the steamer settled and went down stern first, sinking into 65 fathoms of water approximately eight miles north of Point Wilson. As the Clallam broke apart, the main deck, upper works, and pilot house separated from the hull and floated away.

“The tugboats immediately came about, lowered their lifeboats and started picking up survivors. Several men climbed onto the life raft including First Officer Doney, who then saved Captain Roberts from drowning by pulling him aboard. The Sea Lion threw out lifelines, hauling aboard 12 survivors. Seven men were able to scramble onto the floating pilothouse, hanging on until saved. The tugboat crews, having rescued 34 survivors (14 passengers and 22 crewmen), continued searching the area until daylight, then sailed to Port Townsend. The survivors were taken to Seattle by the Alaska Steamship Company steamer SS Dirigo. How many men drowned when the Clallam foundered is unknown….

“On January 18, 1904, Captains Bion B. Whitney and Robert A. Turner, U. S. Marine Inspection Service, commenced an investigation into the causes of the Clallam disaster. Since the vessel was sitting in 65 fathoms of water in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the inspectors relied on testimony from officers, crew members, and a dozen passengers to reconstruct the accident.

“The investigation concluded February 3, with the official report issued February 13, 1904, concluding primarily that the ship was flooded by open bilge and sea cocks, which extinguished the boiler room fires, not by taking water through the broken dead light or leaks in the hull. Later, while being towed by the tugboat Richard Holyoke, huge waves smashed all the windows in the dining room and galley on the main deck, completely filling the compartments and hold, causing her to founder. The inspectors also questioned why the Clallam had no signal flares or rockets onboard as required by law.

“Chief Engineer Scott A. DeLaunay was held responsible for leaving the cocks open when the bilge pumps became fouled and ceased to operate, eventually sinking the ship. Captain Roberts was criticized for launching lifeboats without a ship’s officer onboard, for not requesting the Richard Holyoke to tow the steamer to the nearest shelter on the lee side of Lopez Island and for not notifying the tugboat that the Clallam was not just leaking but sinking.

“The U. S. Marine Inspection Board revoked DeLaunay’s Marine Engineers License, while suspending Captain Roberts’ Masters and Pilots License for only one year. The press in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest called the investigation a farce, stating that both officers should be charged with manslaughter. They stated that DeLaunay had been made the scapegoat for the entire disaster while Captain Roberts escaped with a minor penalty.

“DeLaunay immediately appealed to the U. S. Marine Inspection Service in San Francisco, claiming new evidence, but the Board’s decision was upheld. Captain Roberts went into seclusion at his Seattle home, saying that he may have misjudged the situation, but had tried to do his best.

“On February 11, 1904, a Coroner’s Inquest was held in Victoria, B. C. to investigate the circumstances surrounding the deaths from the Clallam disaster. The inquest focused only on the passengers who were lost from the lifeboats and drowned in Canadian waters. On February 19, 1904, the coroner’s jury declared that Captain Roberts was guilty of manslaughter by virtue of gross negligence. However an arrest warrant was never issued. The jurors censured Chief Engineer DeLaunay for being negligent and incompetent in his duties but also found that the steamer was in an unseaworthy condition, having defective dead lights, a defective rudder, and improperly equipped lifeboats.

“On the day of the disaster, January 8, 1904, the Clallam was sailing to Victoria, B.C. with nine officers, 22 crewmen and 61 passengers (40 men, 17 women and 4 children). The official death toll from the disaster was 56 persons: 2 officers, 7 crewmen, 26 men, 17 women and 4 children. There were 36 survivors: 7 officers, 15 crewmen and 14 male passengers. All the women and children drowned. An exhaustive search of the area by ship and of the islands and shorelines by search parties produced the bodies of only 28 victims; the rest were never found….” (McClary, Daryl C. “The SS Clallam founders in the Strait of Juan de Fuca on January 8, 1904, with a loss of 56 lives.” HistoryLink.org, 1-11-2005.)

Public Opinion: “Saturday, January 9. Domestic. – The steamship Clallam was lost in the Straits of Juan de Fuca, and fifty people, many of them women and children, were drowned.” (News of the World,” January 1904, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, p. 57.)

US SIS: “…the steamer Clallam [foundered] in the Straits of San Juan de Fuca on January 8, 1904, when 50 lives were lost…” (U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service, Annual Report 1904, p.6.)

US SIS: “The steamer Clallam foundered while crossing from Port Townsend, Wash., to Victoria, British Columbia; 40 passengers and 10 of her crew were lost….Case investigated, January 18-February 3. Decision, February 13, suspending the license of George Roberts, master, 1 year, for unskillfulness, and revoking the license of Scott A. DeLaunay, chief engineer, for negligence and incompetence. DeLaunay appealed his case to the supervising inspector, first district, who, in a decision rendered September 15, sustained the decision of the local inspectors.” (U.S. Steamboat-Inspection Service, Annual Report 1905, p. 29.)


Jan 9: “Port Townsend, Wa., Jan. 9. – Fears are felt for the safety of the Seattle-Victoria steamer Clallam, which is reported to be helplessly adrift off Discovery Island. The Clallam had about forth passengers. Several tugs have gone to assist her, but a heavy storm is prevailing.” (Winnipeg Tribune, Canada. “Ship’s Safety Feared for Safety of Victoria Steamer Clallam.” 1-9-1904, p. 1.)

Jan 9: “Seattle, Wash., Jan. 9. – It is reported here that the tug Holyoke has returned to Port Townsend, bringing the news of he sinking of the Puget-Sound steamer Clallam, with the loss of twenty-six lives. The Clallam was in tow of the tug Holyoke when she sank, but it occurred so suddenly that she could render the unfortunate steamer little aid. The Clallam sank at midnight, the darkness causing the loss of life to be great and making rescue more difficult. Heart-rending scenes were enacted when distracted mothers became separated from their children in the pitchy darkness. The lifeboats were launched, but proved of little avail. A boat containing nearly all the women and children was capsized shortly after leaving the ship’s side and all perished. Only twenty-four out of the fifty passengers were saved. The passenger list included several people from San Francisco and the cities around the bay.” (Berkeley Daily Gazette, CA. “Many Lives Lost.” 1-9-1904, p. 1.)

Jan 9: “Seattle, Jan. 9. – Twenty-six lives were lost by the foundering of the steamer Clallam in the straits near Port Townsend early this morning. The vessel broke down soon after leaving Victoria yesterday afternoon and drifted before a terrific storm until she met her fate. She began sinking shortly after midnight.

“News of the most terrible catastrophe that has ever occurred in these waters was received in this city at 9:30 a.m. this morning by a marine exchange in a telegram from the masters of the tugs Sea Lion and Richard Holyoke. The former brought 24 survivors and the latter eight to Port Townsend.

“The latest telegram states that the Clallam foundered while in tow of the tug Richard Holyoke, between Smith island and Dungeness Spit. The tug was alongside when she sank, but on account of the terrible storm running could only save less than one-third of those aboard the doomed vessel.

“Fifteen women and children and 10 men, mostly passengers, were drowned.

“Later. – The list of the drowned will probably reach 60….

“The List.

“There were 56 listed passengers aboard the Clallam and a crew of 30. The following is a list of the passengers known to be drowned or missing: [We put in alphabetical order; add numbering.]

1. Miss Bellis. [Or Miss. Bellies. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
2. E. Boneton.
3. Mrs. S. E. Boulton. [Of Alberta, BS; on her wedding tour.]
4. H. Buckner.
5. F. G. Campbell.
6. R. Case.
7. W. Chennet. [Also listed as W. Clurrett. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p1.]
8. Mrs. Charles Cox.
9. [M. R. Curren, crew, second mate. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p. 1.]
10. [Robert Currie, crew steward, Victoria. Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits.” 1-10-1904, 1.]
11. Guy Dennis. [Also noted as Guy Daniels, musician, of Kansas City.]
12. [Mrs. Diprose, Tacoma. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
13. E. F. Ferris.
14. Mrs. Galletly of Victoria, wife of A. J. C. Galletly, manager of Bank of Montreal, Victoria.
15. Miss T. Galletly of Victoria, daughter of above.
16. W. B. Gibbens. [Of Tacoma. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
17. Miss Gill.
18. Charles Green.
19. [W. H. Grimes. Passenger. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
20. Miss Harris. [Miss Louise Harris, Spokane. Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits.” 1-10-1904, 1.]
21. [Alex Harvey, crew messman, of Seattle. Body recovered. ]
22. Isaac Hewitt.
23. Eugene Hicks. [Indianapolis, IN. Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits.” 1-10-1904, p.1.]
24. [C. J. Hurney. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
25. [George Hudson, crew waiter. Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits.” 1-10-1904, 1.]
26. George Hyson, passenger.
27. C. H. Jay. [Or C. H. Joy. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
28. G. G. Jeffs. [Or G. J. Jeffs. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
29. [Joseph Jewell, crew saloon watchman, of Victoria.
30. C. F. Johnson.
31. Mr. Peter La Plante, brother of survivor William La Plante.
32. Mrs. A. H. La Plant. [Or Mrs. H. W. La Plant, Friday Harbor.] Or Mrs. Carrie La Plante.
33. Mrs. Verna La Plante, daughter of Carrie La Plante; one of a group of 12 with 4 survivors.
34. Captain L. Lawrence, master of the steamer Galena of Victoria.
35. [Bruno Lehman, Tacoma, customs inspector. ] Body recovered off Race Rock.
36. [Ed Lennen. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1904, p. 1.]
37. [R. Lindhope, crew quartermaster, of Seattle.
38. [C. Lockwood, crew, freight clerk. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p. 1.]
39. Steel Mahnate. [Steel magnate?]
40. Charles Manson, crew quartermaster, of Seattle.
41. [Mrs. Hattie Moore of San Juan [WA island]; whose body was recovered. Another account notes she was from Fairhaven west of the Island on mainland near Bellingham. ]
42. Miss Murray. [Of Victoria. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1.]
43. [Miss Minnie Murdoch of Seattle, whose body was recovered. ]
44. A. K. Prince. [Kansas City, member of theatrical troupe.]
45. Mrs. Reynolds. [Also listed as Miss Reynolds. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p1.]
46. Mrs. Lenora Richards. [Of Port Townsend. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, 1.]
47. W. C. Rockledge.[Or W. E. Rookledge. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p. 1.]
48. [Mrs. Rouin, Seattle, wife of restaurant-owner.] Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits.” 1-10-1904, 1.
49. Mrs. Romano.
50. Mrs. Rose.
51. [Harvey Sears, crew seaman, Victoria. Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits.” 1-10-1904, 1.]
52. N. P. Shaw of Victoria, owner of the steamship Ventura.
53. [James Smith, crew, first assistant engineer of Seattle. ]
54. Mrs. Thomas Sulling and three children. [Also noted as Mrs. T. Sullins and two children.]
55. Leonard Sullins; son of Mrs. Thomas L. Sullins.
56. Violet Sullins; daughter of Mrs. Thomas L. Sullins.
57. Homer H. Swaney, Seattle. Noted as an iron and steel manufacturer onboard but not on Purser’s list.
58. Charles Thomas.
59. [C. W. Thompson, Tacoma, president of Washington Co-operative Mining Co. ] Body of Col. W. Thompson was found.
60. [Captain L. Thompson, Victoria, Lloyds’ agent.]
61. R. Turner. [Also listed as R. Turney. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p. 1.]
62. Mrs. R. R. Turner.
63. A. Waldemers. [Or A. Valdemeer. Oregonian, Portland “Lost in Straits, Jan 10, p. 1.]
“All of the crew were saved except four whose names are not known. They were seamen.” (Spokane Press, WA. “The Clallam Sinks in the Straits Near Port Townsend With the Loss of Nearly All on Board.” 1-9-1904, p. 1.)

Jan 9: “Seattle, Jn 9. – The Seattle-Victoria steamer Clallam was lost early this morning midway between Smith Island and Dungeness Spit, at least 54 persons losing their lives in the disaster. Every persons who put off in the lifeboats, lowered when it was apparent that the steamer could not live out the terrific gale that was blowing, drowned. Only those who stayed by the vessel, fighting against the sea for possession of the craft, were saved. These persons were compelled to fight desperately for their lives, rushing forward when the vessel turned on her beam ends, clinging frantically to the rails and finally slipping off the sides of the vessel into the waster or to a liferaft hat had been lowered. Subsequently they were picked up by the tugs Sea Lion and Holyoke.

“It was not the fault of commanding officers nor the men in charge of the life-boats that the passengers who took to the boats were lost. When the lifeboats were lowered land was within sight, yet the impotent Clallam was unable even to make headway against the gale. Prudence dictated that the passengers and such of the crew needed to navigate the boats be give the opportunity of saving their lives by the lifeboats. That they failed to reach shore was due entirely to the fact that human strength was but a feeble protest against the fury of the elements….

“For 11 hours the Clallam battled against the fury of the storm before the struggle was abandoned and the boat settled back into the waters of the Sound. Early in the afternoon of Friday [8th] the steamer became disabled; later in the day three lifeboats, freighted with human life, put off into the sea and went down almost within the vision of the watchers aboard. During all the remainder of the afternoon and half of the night that followed, crew and passengers fought to keep the vessel afloat.

“In the meanwhile the distress of the vessel had been noticed by watchers ashore. The steamship company owning the Clallam begged steamer and tugboat-owners of Victoria to put off to relieve the vessel and hurried an American fleet of six tugs to the relief of the Clallam. But the Victoria boatowners refused to risk their craft in the gale. One steamer, the Maud, started out of Victoria harbor to go to the Clallam’s rescue, but after striking the storm was compelled to put about and run to safety….” (Sunday Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits. Fifty-Four Lives Sacrificed in Storm.” 1-10-1904, p. 1.)

Jan 12: “Seattle, Wash., Jan 12. – It is now believed that there may be several persons drowned in the disaster of the steamship Clallam last Friday night and Saturday morning of which there is no account. It is shown positively that the purser’s list of passengers was not complete. The name of Homer H. Swaney, of Seattle, the iron and steel manufacturer, who went down, was not on the list. Swaney was known to have been aboard, for three men who knew him personally have said so. Yesterday parts of the clothing of Miss Minnie Burdock, of Monroe, Wash., were found in one of the drifting lifeboats. Her name was not on the list. This leads to the belief that there may be others. The list as printed in all the papers includes only the names as furnished by the company. Another instance is Miss Hattie Moore, of Fairhaven, whose body is among those recovered….” (Morning Oregonian, Portland: “Purser’s Passenger List Incomplete.” 1-13-1904, p. 5.)

Jan 14: “….At the coroner’s inquest yesterday some remarkable details regarding the disaster were brought to light. Edward Lannen of Seattle, a survivor, swore that the steamer Clallam did not display any distress signals, nor was any attempt made on the part of those on board to attract the attention of a steamer which passed the foundering steamer about 4 o’clock on Friday, an hour after the women and children had been drowned. Capt. Roberts would not accede to the request of a number of passengers to put them on the tug Holyoke after the sinking steamer was picked up. During the terrible night the only light on the vessel was a lantern hung about half way up the foremast. The only other lights on board were four lanterns used by the bailers. In view of these facts and the fact that it is shown that Capt. Roberts could have had the tug tow the Clallam around Cattle point into the lee of San Juan and in comparative calm water in forty-five minutes at the most instead of allowing the tug to proceed on into the heavy seas on a three hours’ tow to Port Townsend, the criticism of Capt. Roberts grows apace. It is by no means confined to Victoria. The Portland Oregonian voices the sentiment of that district….” (Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C. “No Distress Signals Were Displayed. No Efforts Made by Those on the Steamer to Warn Passing Vessel of Dire Necessity of the Foundering Clallam.” 1-14-1904, p. 1.)

Jan 20: “Fifty-two persons were drowned Saturday afternoon by the sinking of the steamer Clallam of the Seattle-Victoria fleet midway between Smith island and Dungeness in the straits of Juan de Fuca during a storm. The terrific seas buffeted the ship and made life uncomfortable for those on board, but little alarm was felt until word was brought up from below decks that the vessel was leaking, through which the water rushed, extinguishing the fires beneath its boilers and putting it at the mercy of a howling gale.

“Every woman and child aboard perished. This was due to the desperate effort to save them in the lifeboats, which were capsized almost as soon as they were launched. The first boat contained only women and children, three deck hands from the Clallam and Captain Lawrence of the Victoria going off in it. The boat was overwhelmed 600 feet from the Clallam, and its occupants shrieked in vain for aid from those aboard the steamer. The second boat rowed away into the darkness. The third boat, containing only men, was swamped in launching.

“From that time on the members of the crew and the few passengers who had volunteered to remain aboard devoted themselves to the task of trying to save the vessel. The pumps were impotent and three gangs of bailers were set to work. In spite of their efforts the water gained on them, and they were about to resign themselves to their fate which the Richard Holyoke, one of the six tugs which had been sent to the rescue from Port Townsend, hove in sight.

“A line was thrown aboard the tug, and with its tow it started for Port Townsend. It made fair progress, and it seemed for a time that the Clallam…was to be saved. But the hull of the Clallam began to give way before the terrific assaults of the waves. The Clallam went on her beam end and began sinking rapidly. A few minutes later she lurched and disappeared beneath the waves. By heroic efforts the crews of the two tugs saved the lives of nearly all who remained aboard the Clallam. A few were swept away and perished in the blackness of the storm.” (Iowa Recorder, Greene, IA. “Fifty Die in Waves.” January 20, 1904.)


Berkeley Daily Gazette, CA. “Many Lives Lost.” 1-9-1904, p. 1. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/berkeley-daily-gazette-jan-09-1904-p-1/

Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac 1905. “General Chronology of 1904,” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Vol. XX, 1905, p. 605. Digitized by Google. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=x8MWAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false

Daily Capital Journal, Salem. “Victims of Clallam Disaster.” 1-11-1904, p. 1. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/salem-daily-capital-journal-jan-11-1904-p-1/

Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C. “No Distress Signals Were Displayed. No Efforts Made by Those on the Steamer to Warn Passing Vessel of Dire Necessity of the Foundering Clallam.” 1-14-1904, p. 1. Accessed 2-21-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/victoria-daily-colonist-jan-14-1904-p-1/

Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C. “The Sea Gives Up Victims of Wreck.” 1-12-1904, p. 1. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/victoria-daily-colonist-jan-12-1904-p-1/

Gibbs, Jim. Disaster Log of Ships: A Pictorial account of shipwrecks, California to Alaska. NY: Bonanza Books, 1971.

Iowa Recorder, Greene, IA “Fifty Die in Waves.” January 20, 1904. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/PdfViewerTags.aspx?img=7712041&currentResult=1&src=search

McClary, Daryl C. “The SS Clallam founders in the Strait of Juan de Fuca on January 8, 1904, with a loss of 56 lives.” HistoryLink.org (the free Encyclopedia of Washington State History), 1-11-2005. Accessed 2-21-2022 at: https://www.historylink.org/File/7203

Morning Oregonian, Portland. “Purser’s Passenger List Incomplete.” 1-13-1904, p. 5. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/portland-morning-oregonian-jan-13-1904-p-5/

Public Opinion, “News of the World,” January 1904, Vol. 36, N2, p. 57. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: ttps://books.google.com/books?id=atYaAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_navlinks_s#v=onepage&q=clallum&f=false

Spokane Press, WA. “The Clallam Sinks in the Straits Near Port Townsend With the Loss of Nearly All on Board.” 1-9-1904, p. 1. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/spokane-press-jan-09-1904-p-1/

Sunday Oregonian, Portland. “Lost in Straits. Fifty-Four Lives Sacrificed in Storm.” 1-10-1904, p. 1. Accessed 2-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/portland-sunday-oregonian-jan-10-1904-p-1/

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