— 16 ABC News. “16 service members killed in military plane crash in Mississippi.” 7-11-2017.
— 16 AP. “16 people killed in military plane crash in Sunflower County.” WAPT 16, 7-11-2017.
— 16 Reuters. “US military plane crashes in Mississippi; 16 dead.” CNBC. 7-11-2027.
— 16 WITN. “Cherry Point says no Havelock-based Marines aboard aircraft that…” 7-11-2017.
Narrative Information
July 11:
ABC News: “A military transport plane crashed in Mississippi on Monday, killing at least 16 service members, the Marine Forces Reserve has confirmed. The Marine Corps KC-130 aircraft crashed in Leflore County, Mississippi[1] — about 85 miles north of Jackson — around 4 p.m. local time, according to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.
“The flight took off from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, the Marine Forces Reserve said in a statement. The plane vanished from air traffic control radar somewhere over Mississippi, the statement continued. The Marine Forces Reserve said that the cause of the crash is still unknown and is under investigation….[2]
“Witnesses described hearing a loud crackling noise around the time of the plane crash. Andy Jones, a local farmer, told The Associated Press late Monday that he heard a boom and saw the aircraft ‘spinning down.’….”[3] (ABC News. “16 service members killed in military plane crash in Mississippi.” 7-11-2017.)
Associated Press: “Sunflower County, Miss. — Marine Corps officials said Tuesday that the plane that crashed in Mississippi’s Delta region belonged to a reserve unit. Sixteen people were killed in the crash. The KC-130 went down about 4 p.m. Monday at the Sunflower and Leflore county line, on Moorehead and Itta Bena Roads, authorities said.
“Several fire departments responded to the aircraft down in a field and burning. The plane could be seen burning and producing large clouds of black smoke from Highway 82. The crash spread debris for miles, authorities said.
“Though the KC-130 refueling tanker took off from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North Carolina, Capt. John Roberts said Tuesday that the plane was under the command of the 4th Marine Air Wing, which is part of the Marine Forces Reserve, headquartered in New Orleans….” (AP. “16 people killed in military plane crash in Sunflower County.” WAPT 16 News, Jackson, MS, 7-11-2017.)
Clarion-Ledger: “Jackson, Miss…. The KC-130T aircraft was from Marine Aerial Refueling and Transport Squadron (VMGR) 452, Marine Air Group-49, 4th Marine Wing, which is part of the Marine Forces Reserve headquartered in New Orleans, according to a news release sent out Tuesday…. Marine Forces Reserve Capt. Andy Chrestman said the KC-130 was based out of New York and believed to be from Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, N.Y. ….” (Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, MS. “15 Marines, 1 Navy corpsman killed in military plane crash.” Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY 7-11-2017.)
NYT: “Atlanta — Sixteen service members died on Monday when a Marine Corps transport plane plunged into a soybean field in the Mississippi Delta, scattering fiery debris far across farmland and a rural highway, the military said early Tuesday….
“The KC-130, a variant of the C-130 transport plane, is configured as a tanker for aerial refueling of other aircraft, but it can also be used to transport troops and equipment. The craft has a standard crew of four, indicating that most of the people aboard were being ferried. The C-130 is a workhorse of the American military, a reliable and highly adaptable craft, with many different variants in use. The first versions went into service more than 60 years ago, and more than 2,500 have been built….
“Officials said they were proceeding cautiously because of the flames and the fear of exploding ordinance. ‘Equipment on board included various small arms ammunition and personal weapons,” the Marine Reserve statement said. “An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team is at the scene as a precaution in the interest of safety.’ ….
A witness “…said the plane crashed along County Road 547, a dirt road that connects acres of farmland between Itta Bena and Moorhead. There are few homes along the road, she said….” (NYT. “Marines Say Plane Crash in Mississippi Kills 16 Service Members.” 7-11-2017.)
WITN: “Itta Bena, Miss. (WITN) — The Marine Corps says a plane from a reserve unit in New York state crashed Monday in a Mississippi field, killing 16 on board….The plane was assigned to Marine Aerial Refueling and Transport Squadron 452, a reserve unit based in Newburgh, New York. The crew and passengers were 15 Marines and one Navy corpsman, according to a press release….
“The KC-130 refueling tanker had taken off earlier in the day from the Cherry Point Air Station. A Cherry Point spokesman said none of those on board were stationed in Havelock.
“The tanker spiraled into a soybean field about 4 p.m. Monday, spreading debris for miles and resulting in fiery wreckage that burned for hours….
“The Marines say the flight originated at Cherry Point and was transporting personnel and equipment to Naval Air Field El Centro, California.” (WITN. “Cherry Point says no Havelock-based Marines aboard aircraft that…” 7-11-2017.)
July 12, WITN: “Camp LeJeune, N.C. (WITN) — A Marine general says it appears something went wrong at cruise altitude that brought down a KC-130 plane, killing all 16 service members on board….The KC-130 was assigned to a reserve unit out of Newburgh, New York and was taking seven members of the 2d Marine Raider Battalion from Camp Lejeune[4] to training in Arizona. The plane had taken off earlier Monday from Cherry Point.
“Brig. General Bradley James, commanding general of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine Forces Reserve said there are two large impact areas about a mile apart from the crash and there is a large debris pattern. General James said the plane was en route to El Centro, California and then onto Yuma, Arizona. He said air traffic control lost the plane on radar and a short time later large amounts of smoke could been seen in the area.” (WITN, Greenville, NC. “Marines suspect problem at cruise altitude brought down KC-130.” 7-12-2017.)
July 12, Fox News: “….Nine Marines were from Newburgh, N.Y., and six Marines and a Navy Corpsman were from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, according to James (Brigadier General Bradley James).” (Fox News. “Marine aircraft disaster: What we know about the crash and victims.” 7-12-2017.)
Blanchard note: This represents the deadliest aviation disaster in Mississippi since June 14, 1945 when a United States Army Air Force C-46D crashed in poor weather near Oakridge, MS, killing seventeen servicemen.
Killing 10 or more people in Mississippi were three other military incidents:
1943 — Sep 05, USAAF B-17F Plane Crash, Lake Cormorant, MS — 10
1944 — Aug 27, USAAF B-17G Plane Crash, 20M from Bay St. Louis, MS — 10
1945 — Apr 11, Two USAAF TB-17F Planes Collide, near Jackson AAB, MS — 14
- Baldassare, Dan, 20; Crewmaster, Corporal;[5] Colts Neck, NJ.[6] Stewart ANG Base, NY.[7]
- Cox, Robert H., Staff Sergeant, Special Operations Command, from Ventura, CA.[8]
- Elliott, Sean E., Cpt., from Orange, CA. Military Occupational Specialty, KC-130.[9]
- Goyette, Caine M.; Major; KC-130 Aircraft Commander.[10]
- Hopkins, Mark, 34; Gunnery Sergeant; from Chesapeake, VA; lived in New York.[11]
- Jenson, Chad Elliott, 25, Sgt.; from Redondo Beach, CA; based at Camp Lejeune, NC.[12]
- Johnson, Brendan, 46; Gunnery Sergeant, from Colchester, Vermont.[13] Based at Stewart.[14]
- Kevianne, Julian, 31; Sgt.; Detroit, MI (Stewart Air Nat. Guard Base, Newburgh, NY).[15]
- Kundrat, William Joseph, 33, Staff Sgt.; from Frederick, MD; stationed at Camp Lejeune.[16]
- Leach, Talon, 26, Sergeant, Special Operations Command, NC; from Callaway, [17]
- Lennon, Owen, 26, Rockland Co., NY.[18] Based at Stewart Air National Guard Base, NY.[19]
- Lohrey, Ryan, 30; Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Camp Lejeune, NC; of Middletown, [20]
- Murray, Joseph, 26, Special Operations Sgt., Camp Lejeune;[21] from Duval, FL.[22]
- Schaaff, Collin J., Corporal; Aircraft Ordnance Technician; from Pierce WA.[23]
- Schmieman, Dietrich A. Sgt., Special Operations Command, NC; from Benton, WA.[24]
- Snowden, Joshua, 31; Staff Sgt. (flight engineer on the KC-130[25]); Dallas, TX.[26][27]
11Alive (Michael King and Clarion-Ledger, WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017. Accessed 7-14-2017 at: http://www.11alive.com/news/marines-sailor-killed-in-mississippi-kc-130t-crash-identified/456693972
ABC News (Karma Allen, Michael Edison Hayden, Luis Martinez, Elizabeth McLaughlin.) “16 service members killed in military plane crash in Mississippi.” 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: http://abcnews.go.com/US/marine-corps-plane-crashes-mississippi-fatalities-confirmed/story?id=48557580
Associated Press. “16 people killed in military plane crash in Sunflower County.” WAPT 16 News, Jackson, MS, 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: http://www.wapt.com/article/plane-crashes-in-sunflower-county/10286085
CBS/Associated Press. “U.S. Marine Corps KC-130 crash victims remembered as patriotic, religious.” 7-13-2017. Accessed 7-13-2017 at: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-marine-corps-kc-130-crash-victims-remembered-patriotic-religious/
Clarion-Ledger (Therese Apel and Sarah Fowler), Jackson, MS (USA Today Network). “15 Marines, 1 Navy corpsman killed in military plane crash.” Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/07/11/military-plane-crash-mississippi/467538001/
Clarion-Ledger (Sarah Fowler), Jackson, MS. “Leflore County: The site of the fatal Marine plane crash.” 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: http://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/local/2017/07/11/leflore-county-site-fatal-marine-plane-crash/467388001/
CNN Wire. “Military plane crash victims: ‘These were the elite’.” 7-13-2017. Accessed 7-13-2017 at: http://myfox8.com/2017/07/13/military-plane-crash-victims-these-were-the-elite/
Detroit Free Press (Ann Zaniewski). “Marine from Detroit among 16 killed in Miss. Crash.” 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2017/07/12/marine-detroit-among-16-killed-miss-crash/470714001/
Fox 4 News, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. “Dallas Marine among those killed in military plane crash.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://www.fox4news.com/news/267268631-story
Fox News. “Marine aircraft disaster: What we know about the crash and victims.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/07/12/marine-aircraft-disaster-what-know.html
Updated 7-13-2017 at: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/07/13/marine-aircraft-disaster-what-know-about-crash-and-victims.html
Lohud.com (Matt Spillane), Westchester, Rockland Putnam, NY. “Rockland Marine killed in military plane crash.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: https://www.google.com/search?q=rockland+county&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=lohud
Long Beach Press Telegram. “Southern California Marine among dead in Mississippi military air crash.” Orange County Register, 7-13-2017. Accessed 7-13-2017 at: http://www.ocregister.com/2017/07/13/southern-california-marine-among-dead-in-mississippi-military-air-crash-2-2/
New York Times (Alan Blinder and Richard Pérez-Peña). “Marines Say Plane Crash in Mississippi Kills 16 Service Members.” 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/us/marines-plane-crash.html?mcubz=1
News 3 (WREG) (Eryn Taylor and CBS News Wire), Memphis, TN. “Families identify service members killed in Mississippi plane crash.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://wreg.com/2017/07/12/families-identify-service-members-killed-in-mississippi-plane-crash/
News 3 (WREG), (Jessica Gertler), Memphis, TN. “Officials still working to determine cause of military crash that killed 16; family identifies one of the fallen.” 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://wreg.com/2017/07/11/officials-still-working-to-determine-cause-of-military-crash-that-killed-16/
Reuters. “US military plane crashes in Mississippi; 16 dead.” CNBC. 7-11-2027. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/11/us-military-plane-crashes-in-mississippi-16-dead.html
The Spokesman-Review (Nina Culver), Spokane, WA. “Richland man one of Marines killed in Mississippi plane crash.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-13-2017 at: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2017/jul/12/richland-man-one-of-marines-killed-in-mississippi-/
Vindy.com, Youngstown, OH. “Some of the victim names released in plane crash.” 7-13-2017. Accessed 7-13-2017 at: http://www.vindy.com/news/2017/jul/13/some-of-the-victim-names-released-in-pla/
WHNT 19 News, Huntsville, AL. “Second service member killed in MS plane crash identified.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://whnt.com/2017/07/12/second-service-member-killed-in-ms-plane-crash-identified/
WITN, Greenville, NC. “Cherry Point says no Havelock-based Marines aboard aircraft that crashed in Mississippi.” 7-11-2017. Accessed 7-11-2017 at: http://www.witn.com/content/news/Officials-Marine-plane-crashes-killing-at-least-5-aboard-433722293.html
WITN, Greenville, NC. “Marines suspect problem at cruise altitude brought down KC-130.” 7-12-2017. Accessed 7-12-2017 at: http://www.witn.com/content/news/Officials-Marine-plane-crashes-killing-at-least-5-aboard-433722293.html
[1] Leflore side of border with Sunflower County. (Clarion-Ledger (Sarah Fowler), Jackson, MS. “Leflore County: The site of the fatal Marine plane crash.” 7-11-2017.)
[2] Later reporting notes a probable in-flight explosion at about 20,000 feet, and mid-air breakup. The cause of the explosion (as of 7-14-2017) is under investigation.
[3] Fell about 20,000 feet. (News 3 (WREG), (Jessica Gertler), Memphis, TN. “Officials still working to determine cause of military crash that killed 16; family identifies one of the fallen.” 7-11-2017.)
[4] Another article refers to the group of seven as “Elite Special Operations Commandos.” (WHNT 19 News, Huntsville, AL. “Second service member killed in MS plane crash identified.” 7-12-2017.)
[5] Fox News. “Marine aircraft disaster: What we know about the crash and victims.” 7-13-2017; 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[6] News 3 (WREG), (Jessica Gertler), Memphis, TN. “Officials still working to determine cause of military crash that killed 16; family identifies one of the fallen.” 7-11-2017.
[7] Vindy.com, Youngstown, OH. “Some of the victim names released in plane crash.” 7-13-2017.
[8] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[9] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[10] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[11] CNN. “Military plane crash victims…” 7-13-2017.
[12] Long Beach Press Telegram. “Southern California Marine among dead in Mississippi military air crash.” Orange County Register, 7-13-2017.
[13] WHNT 19 News, Huntsville, AL. “Second service member killed in MS plane crash identified.” 7-12-2017.
[14] Vindy.com, Youngstown, OH. “Some of the victim names released in plane crash.” 7-13-2017.
[15] Detroit Free Press (Ann Zaniewski). “Marine from Detroit among 16 killed in Miss. Crash.” 7-11-2017.
[16] CNN. “Military plane crash victims…” 7-13-2017.
[17] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[18] Lohud.com (Matt Spillane). “Rockland Marine killed in military plane crash.” 7-12-2017.
[19] Vindy.com, Youngstown, OH. “Some of the victim names released in plane crash.” 7-13-2017.
[20] CNN. “Military plane crash victims…” 7-13-2017; 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[21] CBS/AP. “U.S. Marine Corps KC-130 crash victims remembered as patriotic, religious.” 7-13-2017.
[22] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[23] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[24] 11Alive (WXIA), Atlanta. “Marines, Sailor killed in Mississippi KC-130T crash identified.” 7-14-2017.
[25] News 3 (WREG), Memphis TN. “Families identify service members killed in Mississippi plane crash.” 7-12-2017.
[26] Fox 4 News, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. “Dallas Marine among those killed in military plane crash.” 7-12-2017.
[27] Vindy.com, Youngstown, OH. “Some of the victim names released in plane crash.” 7-13-2017